
HH vs HR

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10 minutes ago, Hunter VanDyke said:

I don't know what WBTYM is, but I agree with everything you said. No need to book an hr if all you need at the moment is a hhr or qv to feel completely satisfied. Plus, variety is a big reason why most of us are here. 😁

Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am = WBTYM


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11 minutes ago, JoDoe27 said:

Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am = WBTYM

Thank you JoeDoe. I love learning new acronyms. Thats a good one 😁

Edited by Hunter VanDyke

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14 hours ago, johnnybgood said:

I agree with sixtiesdude, never done a half hour, I like a nice warm up which can be talk/drink/foreplay and also enjoy a nice moment after to reflect on our great time together which can be another drink or some more chit chat.   I was just never a WBTYM kind a guy, old fashioned I guess.

Nothing bad about being old fashioned :P


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Discussions of rates may be frowned upon but the rate/minute can influence the total time booked. Just like with old wireless and wired providers, if anyone remembers those. If the rate is purely linear and the rate is high enough then the shorter time is my preference. At my age msog in an hour is in the rear view mirror, making the difference between hhr and hr in some respects moot. There's lots of other stuff I could enjoy in the extra time so long as it's economical.



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I prefer one hour, because it's not just about those 20 magical seconds, it's the stuff that got you there and what happens after that makes all the difference.  I've even extended a few sessions because of how amazing they were (mostly for massage).  I've only had a couple where I thought "eh, 30 would have been fine".  That's just me, but I like a personal connection, even if it only lasts an hour.


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8 hours ago, oldguy47 said:

Discussions of rates may be frowned upon but the rate/minute can influence the total time booked. Just like with old wireless and wired providers, if anyone remembers those. If the rate is purely linear and the rate is high enough then the shorter time is my preference. At my age msog in an hour is in the rear view mirror, making the difference between hhr and hr in some respects moot. There's lots of other stuff I could enjoy in the extra time so long as it's economical.


Did you checkout her website? P411?  Every day I get the question. Please feel free to check my website. If a lady doesn’t have a website or P411? Possibly she advertises on Twitter and posts her rates? Please do yourself a favor and do the research and if you are still in the dark? - some ladies don’t have websites- that point please do ask her about her rates. 


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9 hours ago, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

Did you checkout her website? P411?  Every day I get the question. Please feel free to check my website. If a lady doesn’t have a website or P411? Possibly she advertises on Twitter and posts her rates? Please do yourself a favor and do the research and if you are still in the dark? - some ladies don’t have websites- that point please do ask her about her rates. 

Another thing I have seen from ladies is a full blown ad in their text messages which should work for most of you just fine too. Lol unless you have only a rotary line. Enjoy every moment of your personal   Adventure and see the/those misshapenings as being learning lessons as you go! (Not sure if that’s a word “mishappenings”) however I own all my quarks in life 😂😜


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I think you get to savor more of the experience with a hour.

For me, I don’t want to rush away such a good time!


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As has been said many times, different strokes for different folks.  For the most part, I prefer hour visits so as not to feel rushed.


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On 8/14/2019 at 2:57 PM, Hunter VanDyke said:

Thank you JoeDoe. I love learning new acronyms. Thats a good one 😁

I had to ask the same thing  


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On 8/14/2019 at 11:58 AM, pointymoustache said:

My thought is that if you jut want to "get off" there s no need to hire a full service provider -

Right. I mean for a dollar fifty they can always just stick their dick in a cantaloupe ... well 3 bucks if they’re going twice.


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On 8/15/2019 at 11:22 PM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

Did you checkout her website? P411?  Every day I get the question. Please feel free to check my website. If a lady doesn’t have a website or P411? Possibly she advertises on Twitter and posts her rates? Please do yourself a favor and do the research and if you are still in the dark? - some ladies don’t have websites- that point please do ask her about her rates. 

Not sure how that relates to what I said. I was speaking about what I consider when deciding between HHR and HR. If the HR is a much better per minute rate then that's a draw to go for the hour. If I can't get the necessary info from the ad or site I will look for someone else. I won't ever ask.


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10 hours ago, oldguy47 said:

Not sure how that relates to what I said. I was speaking about what I consider when deciding between HHR and HR. If the HR is a much better per minute rate then that's a draw to go for the hour. If I can't get the necessary info from the ad or site I will look for someone else. I won't ever ask.

Half hour=mechanical can take care of the needs but not too much extra as far cuddling and things of that nature 

sorry you got angry with me



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9 hours ago, neutral said:

I have yet to book an hr session that actually lasted an hour.

Same here: I gotta get back to work, the hour’s up, and she’s pulling me back into bed, begging, “ please, BadBoy, just one more time, for me....”

It’s hard to get out in an hour!



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11 hours ago, neutral said:

I have yet to book an hr session that actually lasted an hour.




I haven't had a provider end it early, since the days of answering ads in the RM Oyster.

Reviews have helped immensely in connecting with the right people. :D


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On 8/14/2019 at 3:15 AM, Hunter VanDyke said:

Now I'm pretty sure when I offered QVs I was doing it wrong. My friends call them blow and go's. But this is kind of what it feels like for a FS QV


Lol... blow and go... I’m a painter and we use that same term for parts that just get painted and high quality is not an issue... I feel about the same way in both references... if you just want to get shit done, it’s fine... but if you want quality... time is needed...:)


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On 8/16/2019 at 7:38 PM, lustybustygina said:

 hhr might be a lunch time thing .. 

   Lol.. yeah.... just a quick nooner...”I’m hungry for something that’s not on the cafeteria menu today... I’ll be back, fellas...”


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For what it's worth; I always book at least an hour, usually multi hour. Granted, I don't partake in the hobby frequently. But as I have grown older, well matured, I find that I like, need, a more personal connection with the young lady. I very much enjoy a more relaxed easing into play. Light conversation, a little teasing, flirting, lots of time for foreplay. If I am with a new young lady multi hour allows us to achieve an amount of comfort, albeit, small amount, but I feel it leads to a more rewarding time for both.  If I am with a young lady I have played with more then once multi hour allows us to maximize our already established connection. I have always been a cuddlier as well. Not for everyone I know. I like time for lots of cuddling during and after play. My two cents worth.


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1/2hr vs. full hour vs. multi-hour?

Hell, let’s talk about multi-WEEK!



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On 8/13/2019 at 6:07 PM, mountainrider33 said:

This is from my own personal experience, so it's not standard, but every provider I've been with that didn't provide or want MSOG was always a 3G experience or close to it.  All the best providers I've been with weren't satisfied unless they could at least go a second round.  I'm not saying you are that way but you would definitely be the first I've met.  I know the group I'm in won't see a provider unless they do offer it in a 1-hour session.

I had one provider that I had seen multiple times and the last time I was with her I decided only to go one round. She asked me at the end if she did anything wrong because I didn't want to go a second time.  She didn't understand that I just wanted to lay there naked with her for a while.  I also know one provider whose goal is for guys to go four rounds and she tries her hardest to get as close as possible. 

I’m with Mountainrider33. MSOG is totally necessary with the HR and haven’t had any providers have a problem with it. I never have trouble going a 2nd round and ladies are happy to make me happy  


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there's a time and a place for everything...

from a planned longer date to a walk-in quick fix...

its part of the consequence of having so much and so many to choose from...

so who, how long, menu, where, when all just depends on a ton of variables that are always shifting...


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 I have met a lot of ladies that I would love to spend an hour or two with maybe having a drink maybe having lunch and a drink with but with my limited budget I can't afford a $250 + lunch. So I settle for a half hour and that usually satisfies for the main event.


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Possibly depends on how often you visit someone.  As for me, I so rarely get out so would never consider hhr.  If I’m doing this, I’m doing it right. Hr minimum, 90 mins to 2hrs is my preference.  I like a slow-ish buildup, get to know someone a bit Before diving in. 

If you’re with the right person the time will pass too quickly anyway...  sigh... 


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Back in the day when I was making good money, I would go see gals 2-3 times a week or so for 60-90 minutes each time.  That was fucking great (pun intended).

When business turned down, I thought that I would try to keep up  the number of visits but go to 30 minute sessions.  Better than dates with Rosie, but not much.

I have finally settled on the fact it is better to have 2-3 nice, long, encounters per month, rather that 4-5 hop-in-and-pops.

Just my $.02, but I much prefer 60 or 90 minute appointments.  (Actually, I would prefer 2-3 hour appointments, but I ain't made of gold).


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I always go for an hour or more. That way no rush, and I enjoy spending time with naked pretty ladies.


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Read reviews. The issues I have is when you decide to spend an hour together, and 20 min in you’ve clicked and popped, and then she’s like ok have a nice day...what happened to my other 40 min. So some ladies get more hh appointments than others that take the time.


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8 hours ago, Lucas6768 said:

Read reviews. The issues I have is when you decide to spend an hour together, and 20 min in you’ve clicked and popped, and then she’s like ok have a nice day...what happened to my other 40 min. So some ladies get more hh appointments than others that take the time.

I've been very lucky to avoid this.^^^^

It used to happen in the Oyster days, but since the review sites started, I've managed to stay away from the "up to an hour" women. :D


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In the print media days it was usually understood that $/hr meant “up to an hour”.  But as pfunk says, with the advent of reviews and getting tarred with the 3G Feather most YL now tend to practice “full hour” protocols.


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