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About oldguy47

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  1. No Second Chance for a First Impression

    Based on the info you provided it was a reasonable decision. This is a time sensitive business and there are plenty of reasons to avoid sitting around idle.
  2. The debate

    I agree with you. Both candidates clearly demonstrated they are totally unfit to hold the office. It's terrifying that, at this moment these two men look like they will be on the ballot.
  3. Time off from work?

    I used to think I was irreplaceable on the job. A family emergency forced me away. Upon returning I saw how things had blown up. Of course I had to clean up the mess. Funny thing though, I later noticed how things occasionally blew up even when I was around. From then on I started taking time off regularly. Best decision ever.
  4. Incall vs. Outcall?

    There are many reasons for a gent to avoid an outcall and instead schedule an incall.
  5. Every Relationship Runs It Course

    There's no need to apologize! Look up - I like to send messages via sky writing.
  6. Boy do I know how to find them…

    FWIW I puzzled over the same thing. Some things I'm not meant to understand.
  7. Double Standards

    If you arrange for a Grecian journey with a favored lass, upon completion you want her to reciprocate?
  8. Clone a Willie

    Cynthia Plaster Caster made the practice famous.
  9. Scammer working Loveland Fort Collins

    Nobody deserves to be robbed. Nobody deserves to be scammed. Even when doing something risky. OP isn't asking for sympathy. OP just made a public service announcement. Thanks Flyguy2024.
  10. Boyfriends

    There was nothing wrong with the question. Don't sweat the "rep" stuff.
  11. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    SF, glad you agree that it would be assault. Not glad you think assault is something to joke about. From the CDC: "Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes."
  12. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    If that entry hasn't been agreed upon that, SF, sounds like assault to me.
  13. Boyz, tell us about someone you miss!

    Indeed. Remember the handcuffs?
  14. Is it worth it?

    Assuming hubby knows her previous career.
  15. Colored Contacts

    Colored contacts are great. Cat eye contacts are great. Snake eye contacts are great. Glow in the dark contacts are great. What's not to like? Fun, funky and can be sexy as f. They aren't natural then again, neither is smelling good. Bodies stink. A little unnatural adornments can make my day.