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Ms FER joined the community
Yes, I do. It has to do with the amount of semen that comes out of the penis when ejaculated. 10cc is going beyond The call of duty! In other words, a highly potent man
Not looking forward to the coming cold
wglide2003 replied to Bravo1's topic in • General-Discussions...
Here we go again. We will need to bundle up next week. -
Any Info (Billie Denver)
MeganMarie4u replied to boulderbuds's topic in Individual 411 entry per thread.
Don't stress. Reviews aren't posted instantly as they have to be approved by the mods. Be sure if Billie is on tob that she gave you a reference before you submitted your review. Especially if it's one of your first ever reviews! -
Ilaria med spa in dtc. I've only been once but I had a great experience.
I don't have any suggestions other than possibly an Urgent Care facility, but know how much that hurts. I'm still recovering from a badly stubbed toe from 5 months ago. For another issue I went to Urgent Care a couple of weeks ago and they also checked out the damaged nail on that toe. They said it would eventually fall off and there was a new toenail growing underneath the damaged one. It stopped hurting after about a week after I stubbed it. Hope you are able to get it taken care of.
Any Info (Billie Denver)
boulderbuds replied to boulderbuds's topic in Individual 411 entry per thread.
I left a review here on TOB but it seems like I maybe need an admin to activate my reviews idk -
ManoSW8 joined the community
prospect_john joined the community
Lzep21 started following Chelsea_jordan
letsgetmikey started following FoxyIvy
Is anyone outside of KC rooting for the Chiefs?
Happymon replied to Bravo1's topic in • General-Discussions...
They still playing football...?🤨 -
All my dates are over a $1000 love... if you only knew. And I don't work hard. Nice try though. I proved my point. And No One Likes you Love that's why you on LC.
You cool? I travel love. I don't live in Colorado so I don't have to pay for Tob every mth. I was speaking up for my ladies. Keep calling $120 girls on LC. Lol
Felicia_Bell2025 joined the community
But do you know where the band's name comes from?
Have I mentioned Jackie Venson has a new album out? The Love Anthology. Here's a song from it. She continues the ascension in popularity while staying herself. Hope someone enjoys. I certainly do.
It sounds like you didn’t wish to pay her rates. If the lady doesn’t offer a QV rate, may I suggest you look for a lady who does? Also, confirm before arriving that the flat rate you pay will be it—in other words, there will be no upsell. Also don’t try and negotiate on her rates. If she is too expensive for you, you gotta move on find another lady..
can anyone recommend a medical pedicure establishment you have frequented? i dropped a 40oz of dove liquid soap on my toe while in the shower. it doesnt hurt but my one toenail bed is bruised thanks ~
Htxmaddss joined the community
Jackie1965 joined the community
Yes M87, they always give me hell because I go VA and going VA kinda protects us from the shady practices of what they can do with their lender. My previous house I couldn't figure out why I none of the sellers would accept my guaranteed loan.
Just the builder from what I can see. With their LENDER of course. Yes they are fixed rates.
Jjlom joined the community
Ms England all you have to do is click on the reviews button, go over to tab 2725 and go to the top...................It takes every bit of maybe 5 seconds. No need to admit you didn't know how to do it LOL. Its no big deal, I am use to being called whatever they can come up with but at the end of the day, The Savior is The Savoir and he is in a class by himself........................
Whispers to Ms England..............There is always dull moments with you DWs.......................... Hold on Ms England, let me close the door, its some MENTALLY CHALLENGED "I want attention from The Savior so bad" but he just keeps IGNORING me person that has a hard time with being STRAIGHT REJECTED. Now back to you Ms England the only point you proved is that you are pissed off that you have to pay for POSTING on TOB and the men aren't coming to see you. A lot of the men are from TOB, they just scared to connect the man with the profile being used on TOB. Your reviews reflect that. Ms England, you have been here for a long time, all you have to do is do what you was doing in 2018 and that was providing good service and appreciating TOB men. With that said, my suggestion to you is to STOP coming into the discussion boards trying to prove a point that is your fault not the men on TOB. Let me see if I can make it more clearer for you. One TOB session = 3 or more monthly TOB POSTINGS paid for in full. If you just use a lil bit of discipline, your POSTINGS are being paid for by men, which is really what you want from The TOB men................Reviews don't lie Ms England................ The ladies that appreciate us TOB men are not on the discussion board trying to trash us. Look at that new girl, Kennedy Experience, she is dropping review after review. No matter how you slice it, HAPPY CLIENT = regular repeat visits/reviews and a smile on your face because your bills are being paid........................... I challenge you to make sure your next client leaves with a smile on his face, I promise you will get a great review if you do that and all the men on TOB read newly posted reviews my friend. A fresh review believe it or not is way more effective than a day full of postings. Good luck Ms England, I am pulling for you to do better and lose the tude. Real men don't do ATTITUDES LOL, we CLOSE DOORS/IGNORE/REJECT and go see women that appreciate us.....................
- 84 replies
dwhtte22134 joined the community
bolder1 changed their profile photo
Not any that I can recall.
Kali Sensual Reiki started following Sameer
Kali Sensual Reiki started following eatu55
Kali Sensual Reiki started following J79Fixer
Kali Sensual Reiki started following Mtnbkr18
Kali Sensual Reiki started following Jeff67inhillsboro
Kali Sensual Reiki started following cowboyching
AliceSexy joined the community
To quote your last prior post: " The QV lady is probably not your safest bet. " True a different context at the time, but still applies IMHO. For me QV offers are shaky, car dates a hell no, move on. And you do not say where you found the ladies' ads, but I would suggest perhaps stick to reputable sites and avoid the QV/car date nonsense, perhaps expand your menu. Just one guys opinion.
Not strange at all if one considers it has happened at least three or four times that I remember. What is a little strange is how a couple survive every disappearance episode lol. And that no one ever explains. I recall the first time when I questioned why being laughed at by then mod Jez, who said it was all in my head. Guess not. Or is it - mass hysteria?
There are LOTS of "good girls" on TOB. Having said that, I have never looked for a QV, so maybe I don't understand what that particular talent pool looks like. Not sure what process you used, but searching listings and reviews is always your friend. Apologies if you did that and still came up short.
- Yesterday
Any Info (Billie Denver)
ilovewomen replied to boulderbuds's topic in Individual 411 entry per thread.
That one worked. -
Hard to say what has happened. Some ladies have retired and others have moved out of state. If it is TOB ladies you are contacting, maybe the ladies are new here. Be sure to write a review, even if they aren’t TOB ladies. And yes, you can review ladies that aren’t on TOB. Just takes a little more work in your part to write the review.
That is strange that all your followers disappeared. Have a great day!
I liked both The Last of Us and the Soprano's, so many good actors in that series!