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  1. Past Hour
  2. Vera Reis on Tryst - extremely edited pics

    Not sure why you haven't been but that's how Systemic Discrimination works.
  3. Remind me, why were you banned again?
  4. And so where is your review of all others that advertise but you have not seen? I do not know the lady in question, no dog in fight. However most folks react poorly to negative partial reviews in forum without having seen the lady in question and without a 411 request. The flip side of shilling.
  5. Today
  6. Vera Reis on Tryst - extremely edited pics

    Here's some free advertising. Visit her profile, click Forum Stats, take a look at her activity - all of it, and realize you need not explain yourself to the likes of her. As you see from her response to ^this^, and just about every post that doesn't end with best DATO ever, there's no happy ending with this one. Just an ugly, angry soul. P.S. - Have you ALSO wondered why she just happened to have been following this of all people on X or elsewhere? I know!
  7. Tomorrow

    Thank you very much for your reply
  8. We all know you also won't or can't afford to see her 😂😂😂
  9. Kienzie Shay from Eros

    Exactly right, gents. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  10. Vera Reis on Tryst - extremely edited pics

    Thank you for sharing and, seeing as she travels from her Toronto base, which means maybe in Colorado, the heads up. All about pleasing the flesh, hobbyists often fall prey to deception and ridicule for daring to expose the less scrupulous.
  11. SI swimsuit covergirl

    My baby is gone but I am going to foster 3 babies starting today for a special lady of need after I take them to the vet. Our critters keep us centered! Good to hear from you @Bit Banger! Hope all is well for you! I lost more weight since you last saw me. So, those moths can carry me on their backs! 🎃😂
  12. Reviews

    I guess I'm just going to have to test this out and see for myself.
  13. Taking a Bow

    Congratulations and all the best to you.
  14. Taking a Bow

    Change can be good. Congrats on your decision and best wishes for your future endeavors.
  15. Was this a bad session or am I just Fkd up..LOL

    It’s a matter of proper research. Doubles with an experienced provider team can be fantastic! Sometimes it’s tag-team play, sometimes it ‘2 on 1’, switching up the “victim”. It does help to budget for more than a single hour.
  16. SI swimsuit covergirl

    My cat loves “Miller time”😁
  17. ED treatment(s)

    Another potentially helpful treatment is photobiotherapy. There is some research, albeit exceedingly minimal, that suggests red light and near infrared light therapy can help. (Something to do with nitric oxide; let me know if you want the link to the study). Red light therapy doesn’t seem to have many adverse side effects so even if it didn’t work, it doesn’t seem like it’s likely to harm you. It’s definitely beneficial in other ways too. I know a lot of gyms have red light booths now (Vasa and Planet Fitness for sure) so just wanted to add that.
  18. Was this a bad session or am I just Fkd up..LOL

    In my best Peewee Herman voice, "Possibly take up stamp collecting. Fine dining/cooking." snort snort. Clearly not the smartest, or original, and so very entertaining. You all are.
  19. Sex Ed teacher outed as escort

    In a way, who better to teach about sex and sexuality than someone who is comfortable with their own and has experience in the field? The shock factor might come from societal taboos, but if she’s doing it responsibly and has her partner's support, I can see why it wouldn't impact her ability to educate. It’s also refreshing to hear that her husband is on board with her choices. At the end of the day, it's about mutual respect and understanding.
  20. Working Girls - A Film By Lizzie Borden

    I’ve actually been looking for a film that provides a real, unfiltered look at the life of a sex worker. The fact that Working Girls doesn’t glamorize the job and gives an honest portrayal really piques my interest. I love that it focuses on the people and not just the job itself. Definitely going to check it out on MAX. I’m all for these under-the-radar, meaningful films.
  21. Moves your soul.

    Tuesday night and in a mood for something ........... only the fabulous Imelda May can fill. Two for good measure.
  22. Was this a bad session or am I just Fkd up..LOL

    Again, how stupid do you have to be. Everyone here knows you are the latest rendition of Hobbit. Get over yourself. Folks here sniffed you out. We were rid of you once. And here you are again. I have a suggestion, stop giving everyone here grief and possibly take up stamp collecting, or possibly take up fine dining/cooking? I bet this would be right up you're alley! ENJOY!
  23. What’s this new fascination about BB

    Look, we should all be safe. I have read reviews on OTHER sites on the DL about BBFS. It's an incredibly dangerous game. Personally, I wouldn't want to see someone doing that. Condoms aren't perfect.
  24. Why do you hobby?

    I'm not an expert, but think I'm pretty good at going down. I have had women later tell me 'nah, that was fake' when I was certain it was. I think it's exceedingly difficult to tell. Women have control of a lot that we can't conceive. Honestly, my hope is always for an authentic connection, +/- orgasm. The orgasms we have between our ears are just as important. To me.
  25. Reviews

    Dudes... how about do a cumulative review.. I've seen provider X 4 times this month, and blah blah blah. I don't think we get bonus points from anyone for multiple reviews on the same person, do we? If so, how do I redeem them?
  26. Taking a Bow

    Best wishes to you for your future endeavors.
  27. Guys how do you feel about providers with onlyfans?

    So get off line. Problem solved, everyone very happy.
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