Join today for FREE and become part of a fast-growing adult dating community featuring Profiles, Reviews, References, Listings and Discussion Forums. Please pick your HOME base city and complete the JOIN process. To post a Listing in Colorado currently requires a $85 monthly fee.
(TOB) is an adult dating comunity featuring Profiles, Reviews, References, Listings and Discussion Forums. We'd love you to Join our community today. Here are 4 Great reasons why.
We know how important your reviews are to you. You will have access to manage your reviews. We understand that sometimes errors occur, as the reviewer reviews the wrong user. If you have an issue with any review, you are able to contact that reviewer directly. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you can submit a rebuttal. We take rebuttals VERY seriously and will resolve the matter in the most expeditious way possible.
#2 REFERENCES (Similar to P411 OK's):
TOB is here to save you time. We want TOB to become part of your screening process! A large part of a ladies time is spent trying to obtain references or providing references. With TOB, you are able to provide any TOB gentleman Member a reference with a simple click. You are also able to withdraw that reference just as easily.
Once a TOB gentleman Member shares his references with you, you are able to view his profile and see his references at a glance. This allows you to quickly research the lady giving the reference so you can focus your time on other things...
Quickly create and post a Listing from ANY device, no HTML knowledge needed. Create galleries and then Upload photos from any device and simply pick that gallery for your post … it’s just that easy! You are able to edit and/or re-post that listing with a simple click. Finally, if you ever need to go under the radar, you can remove your listings on your own at anytime.
We believe that your Listing should work for you and not you for your listing. There are 3 Auto Post plans you can attach to your Listing;
Good: This will post 1 Listing, at a time you pick each day. This will ensure you have an active listing up each day!
Better: This will post 1 Listing, at a time you pick 3 times each day. This will help keep your listing active throughout the day!
Best: This will post up to 3 different listings, at a time you pick for each listing, each day. This will ensure your listings are active and always fresh throughout the day!
As a Lady of TOB, you will be able to post in the forum. This will allow you to gain a higher profile in your area. You are able to interact with gentlemen and other ladies. You will become part of a larger community with all genders congregating collectively with the primary focus on our Adult pursuits. You will be able to share your thoughts and ideas on your local or national board; discussing and debating issues that matter to you, bringing your own perspective and influencing others or evolving your opinion based on those interactions! You can take advantage of learned tips and tools to navigate the web in search of your adult pursuits!