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About Phil-anderer

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/22/1971

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  1. Members you miss

    I hope she's ok. She's a special one.
  2. Activities

    I don't know the answer to this (providers would have to weigh in), but I suspect that sometimes the disparities have to do with the individual men, and cleanliness/demeanor/etc. I ALWAYS shower immediately before an appointment, so I don't typically experience a deviation from what the reviews suggest. Just a guess on my part, but I think the way we show up, present ourselves and how 'safe' we seem plays a large role.
  3. Memorial Day, I am blessed

    Thank you for that story. Happy Memorial Day.
  4. Does it bother you?

    Until a couple of years ago, I'd never had a duo, either. In school, I slept with 3 different ER nurses in the same day/night, but that was different.
  5. Not another rate thread

    Megan, have I told you about my "78" timer?
  6. Have you ever dated?

    I'm Phil and dated a Philippina.....
  7. Screening…..

    Dude, this strikes me like the online guys who constantly say how "Alpha" they are. Real Alphas don't have to keep telling people. But I tend to agree that without reviews (here or anywhere)... it's seems suspect.
  8. Been Gone

    I love my Movado.
  9. Lingerie or Topless Massage no Ending, is there a market for it?

    That would be a no for me... I love FBSM, and also get therapeutic massage. The in-between doesn't appeal.
  10. Missing my ATF Tabatha Grey

    Please don't be stalk-ey.
  11. Ummmm ....... I'll pass.

    That's fine. I'll create an AI of myself, send for an online session, then just watch online. $400-$600 saved. nahh.... I think I'll just find a human woman.
  12. Honesty in Reviews

    Same - I always ask, and ask if I could have a reference as well. I'm also grateful for reviews, and for dialogue/engagement here. It's fallen off from what it used to be, but we've also lost a couple of troublemakers (HH in particular- and now that I see the initials, it makes even more sense). The occasional PM and reading between the lines is also how I approach TOB. I'm not an inordinate risk-taker, so I stick with well-reviewed providers as well.
  13. What to wear

    would you mind sharing her handle? Would LOVE to follow her. Otherwise, I agree with the no perfume. I have allergies and it's always a trigger. As far as clothing? Whatever makes the lady comfortable.
  14. Colored Contacts

    No, I care about the eyes - but it's the quality of the eyes - not the color. It's the vibe.
  15. READ!

    I've been here a while, and I didn't even know that. Thank you.