I Dream of Pussy

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About I Dream of Pussy

  • Rank
    Learning My Way

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pueblo, CO
  1. Lady Leilani COS

    Like to know what you find. Anything interesting happening in or around Pueblo?
  2. Educating Clients Using This Platform

    That and pic collectors. #Waytoogrown Great profile pic.
  3. Educating Clients Using This Platform

    To quote the GOAT Luther Vandross...Never Too Much, Never Too Much! Really one should do. Just make it count and show us what you working with. You and yours are perfection in every way.
  4. The great shopping cart debate

    With entirely too much time on their hands, those who complain about abandoned shopping carts are the whiners who complain about everything. Where it's bothersome to find one in a parking space, or running into parked cars on windy days, that baggers and clerks chase shopping carts means every single one gives someone something to do.
  5. Totally new

    Damn that's hard (to read)! But worth it. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. No Second Chance for a First Impression

    I appreciate your responses. Dude it's such a desert out here I'm seeing cacti and oases in the sweltering heat. There was no LOL and I didn't read any humor. Considering the overall tone of our texts it felt more smug than insulting, but that's possible. I'm not easily offended.
  7. Educating Clients Using This Platform

    Did I spill the beans? And yes please!
  8. No Second Chance for a First Impression

    Living in a hobby desert about an hour away from Pueblo where there are negative two active TOB providers I took the opportunity to become familiar with one that advertises on STG during a planned trip into the big city . We set an appointment two days out that was close to her sunset with a warning she will not see me one minute after. I confirm our appointment earlier that day. She gives me directions to a landmark not too far from her location. Arriving with a few minutes to spare I inform her of my arrival. She responds close to ten minutes later with instructions to drive to a different location. A bit bothered I get there park and confirm my arrival. No response for a few minutes. Now close to fifteen minutes into our appointment I ask if she's sure this will still work since I don't want to be rushed. She responds doubting I'll last that long. Stating that wasn't the point but that she told me all I needed to know I canceled. Ladies and gents. Was that wrong or right?
  9. Educating Clients Using This Platform

    The key difference between hobbyists and providers is the main, not necessarily the only reason why we're in this. To monetize your passions, natural talents, and ASSets it makes no sense for a provider to hide who they are. Notoriously dick thinkers men are visual creatures for the most part which means the more the providers share the better their prospects. With nothing to monetize it's different for the hobbyist. Providers who understand that win the internet.
  10. Scary Distressing incident, please advise!

    Sorry this happened. The good thing is you're here to learn from it, I hope. Be safe boys and girls.

    Who knew not seeing the punch line until now could be so disappointing
  12. 411 on Blair Banks

    That sucks. Sorry it happened but less is more and judging from the wording of the links in this trail alone you can be thankful it was not LE. Never a car date I have had mostly good experiences there but no matter how nice them tig ole bitties are she wouldn't have gotten my number. No sirree. Look. They screen. You screen. We all screen for hot cream. Ask questions. Eye candy is nice but stay away from explicit ads no matter what. The thing about any platform but especially STG or escort babylon etc is understanding and playing the game better. Providers don't like and won't admit you are in control. They need you more than you need them so think with the right head. Better luck next time.
  13. Income Tax

    Anyone who does them during tax season. It might even be a better time since they are likely to be less busy.
  14. Screening…..

    Perhaps it's what happens when we drop breadcrumbs on reputable sites like P411 or an agency?
  15. Screening…..

    Dirt bags. For not broadcasting where we live and work. Seems harsh. I am guessing you are one who responds with your first and last name. Birth date. Height, weight, real hair and eye color. Home/work address. To make new friends feel safe. Right. To the OP. Most hobbyists are decent humans just trying to spread the love with private lives they will do everything possible to keep that way. Sure there are dirt bags even monsters. Aileen Wuornos was one. She was convicted of killing six. Cyntoia Brown shot her 43 year old client in the back of the head with a gun she brought to his place because she feared for her life as he slept. Who was he? Just a dirt bag real estate agent who picked her up from the street. Loved by many no one gave a shit about him either so she was pardoned after serving some of her sentence. That's the risk. We all take them. Screen to your heart's content. Just know for every presumed dirt bag there are countless potential friends waiting to find a playmate or a few which understand mutual risk/reward the most.