Hunter VanDyke

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About Hunter VanDyke

  • Rank
    Sugar Britches 💖 Vaccinated 💖 Boosted
  • Birthday December 2

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver, CO
  1. P411

    They were taken care of too 💙
  2. P411

    Taking care of providers who paid for top 10 ads, featured ads, and visiting ads would be fair and helpful.
  3. P411

    So the men got an apology and some sort of compensation?
  4. P411

    This was posted on their Twitter Our hosting company in the EU is telling us there has been a hardware failure on one of the servers, and they are working to restore the site asap. Thank you for your patience, we'll be back online as soon as we can!
  5. Happy Birthday!

    Thanks everyone! It's a big one, 5 0 ! Still not sure how I feel about this one, but I'm sure many of you can relate! 😂 It's a fun week celebrating at least! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, for sure have the best New Year! Sending love for 2023 TOBrs! 💙💙💙
  6. Forum Topics

    Haha. I don't cry over rates. I always keep my rates where I want them. Clients can book or not I could care less. ❤️ I'm sorry you don't have a yummy appt to go instead of seeking attention here. I do though! 😁 Bye! 👋
  7. Forum Topics

    I mean they're welcome to come do what I do and charge what I charge. No degree required! 😂 Everyone can pick what they want to do for a living. My guess is they wouldn't enjoy it like I do. ❤️ They would also charge many times more than I do if they knew they had to interact with you and people like you. 🤮🤮🤮 They would definitely think my rates are way too low!!
  8. Survival of the Illest

    You're not forthright. You're not honest. You lack any self awareness. You are not a non conformist. You are selective in all those things for your own narrative. Which is a very conformist narrative clients have been conforming to for decades. The provider put the information out there. Everyone has the info to make a decision for the themselves. It's their choice. She shared many more issues than the one you shared. Self protection is a good thing considering everything she shared. You know what's funny. You and this provider have a glaringly obvious similarity (the I'm just honest thing). Reminds me of people who protest I'm a nice person over and over. A huge red flag for me. Always gets the spidey senses up. Be safe out there everyone. Screening, protection, testing, boundaries, discretion all extremely important in this industry.
  9. MFM / GB / Group interest?

    It's a good thing you have spelling going for you because common sense you don't
  10. MFM / GB / Group interest?

    All you have to fall back on are cheesy played out stereotypes. Same old same old hobbyist verbage and stupid memes. Again, its fun to watch.
  11. MFM / GB / Group interest?

    Happy Saturday Beautiful @Audrey Astor 🥰
  12. MFM / GB / Group interest?

    I hope you're not a gambler because you suck at it. My only husband is dead. You really are horrible at this. The just being honest guy pulling random crap out of his booty hole to see if it will sell. Yeah let me go run out and jump in a marriage to people please a hobbyist. Oooh hes making look bad. Lmao. Maybe i can find a husband that spends all his time on an escort board acting like a moron. I have no idea why haven't given up all my freedom and independence when all I hear is people talking about all their relationship problems 24/7. Sorry for your life Hobbit. Only you can change it.
  13. MFM / GB / Group interest?

    I have plenty of time for all kinds of things. I'm not in a miserable marriage. 😂
  14. MFM / GB / Group interest?

  15. STG 411 Blair in Pueblo

    Ooh and a collection of stupid memes memes too 🤣 🤣🤣