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About oldertruckguy-9225

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    God is great, beer is good and people are crazy
  • Birthday 12/14/1949

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    I'll let you know as soon as I get there

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    Please, don't get too cynical. There just aren't enough kind souls in the world. Maybe I am a simpleton. But I just do not have it in me to walk away from, walk past someone who REALLY needs some to be kind to them. I have been bitch slapped. I have gritted my teeth. I have been fucked over. I have barked back and been cruel. But in the end , I will always stand in harms way and carry the load for someone who really needs it. As, I suspect, will both of you. Every time

    It is a little harsh baby girl. But, I get where you are coming from. Not nearly enough accountability for life's personal choices these days. I get it. Don't know that I have made enemies, but I have been chastised, made fun of and dismissed for being, " too kind". When I come back I am coming back as a cat. Now, do NOT like cats but, cats seem to get away with a lot of shit simply because their cats!! Everybody makes excuses for cats. I could pull off all kinds of shit just because I'm a cat. I want my next life to be one where I get away with shit. And I could scratch people really bad and everybody would say, "well, what did you expect he's a cat". Have a great day Baby Girl!!! ..
  3. Pickle ball

    Finally, after several months of nudging, imploring I played a game of Pickle Ball today. I know , I know, it has been around for quite some time. I just never indulged. My free time is always consumed by hiking and or climbing or, my true passion, Theatre set design. I had a good time! Granted the good time was greatly enhanced because the 52 year old baby girl that has ben after me to play still has World Class legs and Ass. But it was fun and.. good exercise. I can now begin to understand the attraction. And I will continue to play as long as she wears those really short skirts. I told her that. She smacked me with her racket. Life is good!
  4. Hawaii Vaction

    I suggest Kauai as well. I also suggest "The Big Island".
  5. Is Tryst taking over?

    Tryst is another tool in the hobbyist tool belt. I will be Captain Obvious here for a moment: There are quality ladies exclusive to either site. There are quality ladies that crossover onto both TOB and Tryst as well as onto several other sites. A hobbyist that uses common sense, is diligent, patient, willing to do event a small amount of work checking out a lady he is interested in can be rewarded with a fun time with ladies from both sites. I will say the same about Skipthegames. That site has a somewhat deserved bad reputation. But again, I say, do your homework. There are gems on that site. I, and plenty of others have found them and played with them.. To me it is all part of this grand scheme we call Hobbying. I still also advocate crafting and working hard to maintain a circle of favorites. Doesn't make any difference what site they first appeared on or continue to appear on.. If you and she get along, both have fun, both have an honestly fulfilling time, together what difference does it make where you found her. A fun playmate is a fun playmate, is a fun playmate. Working on the property the yard, now enjoying a cold beer. Checking out TOB. Have a great day!!!
  6. 411 Daphne in COS?

    She is legit. And... IMHO worth every penny. PM me is you need more
  7. father’s day ~

    Great steaks, cold beer, chocolate cake. Both of my girls and family were here this afternoon. I was pampered as were the other two dads. I lucked out, two great guys for son-in-law. Older daughter grilled the steaks. Taught her everything I know about grilling. She has blow right past me. She has become a Master Griller Younger daughter handled the rest of the meal. Desserts are her thing. Ummmm. Incredible home made chocolate mayonnaise cake. Yard darts, board games. Younger ones hiking. Water balloons and sneak attacks. Life is good!!
  8. father’s day ~

    My 2nd greatest title is 'dad'. My 3rd greatest title is 'grandpa'. My 1st greatest title was and always will be 'her husband'. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, daddies, pops, out there in TOB land.
  9. The little tale is told with a smile and very Toung in cheek. I am on a walk this morning with a friend. As is our normal routine I expected we would stop at a local coffee shop at the end of the trail, except this morning she says something like: Oh, I'm sorry I need to get home and clean the house before the cleaners get there. I chuckled and asked, what? You are cleaning the house before the cleaners get there? ..........Not the whole house, I just need to straighten up. Need help I asked. Sure. So, I go home with her. I took out the trash shoved some stuff that was on the coffee table into a drawer. In the meantime, she is cleaning the toilet in the guest bath and mopping the floor. She then Swiffer's the kitchen floor. I am still amused, and I am teasing when I asked, I thought you paid the cleaners to clean your house. Why ? She informs me that it is common for the lady of the house to clean and straighten up before a cleaning lady arrives. Really?!! Just curious, how many of you ladies do this kind of thing. Anyway, I racked up plenty of brownie points and we had lunch later.

    Oh my gosh baby girl you are so right!!
  11. The Outlaw Josey Wales

    The Eiger Sanction, damn, kind of forgot about that one. Pale Rider is up there as well
  12. The Outlaw Josey Wales

    Is there a better Clint Eastwood movie?
  13. Fat Cat

    I am just not a cat person. I have actually tried to like them for the sake of a few, cat loving friends . Couldn't make it happen. Cats look at me and they just know...he is not a cat person.
  14. Memorial Day, I am blessed

    Memorial Day to me will be the day I remember six young men in my command who will forever be 19 years old. Three young men in my command who will be forever 23, 23, 24. I will remember a Sergeant First Class E-7 crew chief who left behind a wife and three children serving his country. I will remember 3 EXCELLENT Executive Officers. I will think of nurses and doctors and medics who toiled to the point of physical and mental exhaustion to relieve pain and save lives. I will think of the guy on the other side, the "enemy", who, just like me really did not want to be there, but was serving his country just like me. I will think of the mom and dad who got the telegram, the knock on the door. I will think of the girlfriend, the fiancée....the wife who realized her worse nightmare. I will remember the guy who was right next to a friend as he died. I will think of the family who stopes everything when a certain news story comes on.................. scared, anxious. wondering, hoping, praying, God please NO!! I will enjoy the weekend. The hotdogs, brats, potato salad, beer, parades, Boston baked beans, war movies, concerts, yard darts, more beer. Sailing, been a while. But I will also REMEMBER all those who won't be able to. I served with so many INCREDIBLE individuals. I am blessed.
  15. Moves your soul.

    Thank you. That is very nice!!