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About Mike940370

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  1. Scary Distressing incident, please advise!

    I don't like to sound like the "me too" guy, but I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't know anything about the safe reporting act, but I doubt it worth it if you weren't hurt physically. Has anyone in this hobby not been ripped off? I just got ripped off again 2 days ago. She took the money then says no fullservice, didn't even get naked. Still pissed off, but mad at myself as much as her. I don't know if opening a drawer with a gun in it is a crime. You have his address, eggs, flat tires on his car etc? I'd just write it off and learn something from it.
  2. Providers having an "Assistant"

    Happens almost always with Asian ladies. I just expect it. Its nice when you get to choose which one when you get there,
  3. Wide Open Border

    I think it's ridiculous to welcome all these people to replace un obedient white people. But, as a side effect, any body else enjoying all the new South American girls in the Denver area? Most dont speak very good English, but, who really cares? They seem to be very appreciative too. At least we get something good from illegal immigration on steroids.
  4. Strap-on Pegging

    But I wanna be the pegger not the Peggy
  5. Strap-on Pegging

    When I saw this pegging thread I thought this too. Lol. I never thought bad boy and I would think alike. Some of these tranny girls look really hot in their pictures. But, we know advertised pics can be deceiving. If it's even the same girl when you get there.
  6. Wanting money for texting

    Maybe you dont read the news too much Mr Raindeer or at least not the blue state news.
  7. Wanting money for texting

    Do they really care what 2 consenting adults are doing doing when they are not hurting anyone else? Geeze they have a revolving door forl robber's, rapers ,muggers and murderers on no cash free bail.
  8. Wanting money for texting

    Well, you made me blush Jessica, I am one sweetest guys I know However , In my circumstance, i know you're wrong about the gift card/ cash app/ etc scam girls. Well actually , it's only a 50/50 chance that they are even female. Did you know that if I buy them a gift card or something like that, that proves I'm not a cop? I guess cops aren't allowed to buy gift cards. Plus, even after them I am cash only, they often trying to talk me into getting them one. Sometimes, days later they ask if I changed my mind. The only reason I mentioned this is because the topic was about wasting people's time. If I dont know how much I need to bring, why would I waste my time driving there. Aren't you allowed to charge for your time? Doesnt everybody charge for their time or pay somebody for their time?
  9. Wanting money for texting

    Well, you made me blush Jessica, I am one sweetest guys I know However , In my circumstance, i know you're wrong about the gift card/ cash app/ etc scam girls. Well actually , it's only a 50/50 chance that they are even female. Did you know that if I buy them a gift card or something like that, that proves I'm not a cop? I guess cops aren't allowed to buy gift cards. Plus, even after them I am cash only, they often trying to talk me into getting them one. Sometimes, days later they ask if I changed my mind. The only reason I mentioned this is because the topic was about wasting people's time. If I dont know how much I need to bring, why would I waste my time driving there. Aren't you allowed to charge for your time? Doesnt everybody charge for their time or pay somebody for their time?
  10. Wanting money for texting

    Lol, for you maybe. Of course, IDK, but, I suspect you have another account, besides Hunter Vandyke. Come to think of it, why would you want "Dyke" in you screen name?
  11. Wanting money for texting

    As you know hunter, I'm not a frequent tob forum visitor . I specifically remember a couple of their handles, unless, I think Kaduk, who always gives me "bad boy points", (oh no, did I give one away?) says it's ok to say who I think they are, I will. And checking a fake or otherwise profile, proves nothing. Just like we dont know each other. You know, I'd be scared to meet any of the forum damage control guard dogs. Theyre not here to show us a good time, they're here to guard the forum. Just Visiting is right.
  12. Wanting money for texting

    I've always thought that there are a lot of providers on here with a 2nd, 3rd , 4th man's screen name too always bad mouth real potential customers that dont suck up to the hookers. The fake men come into play when the girls need damage control. I dont know how some of them have time to get laid, they're always here like a junk yard security guard. BTW, I'm not talking about all the women who post ads here, probably, just the forum guard dog security personell. I find it very odd , but funny, they have all day and night to text to this forum, but heaven forbid if a man would like to text a little bit to see if they are someone who seems nice and they would like to meet. Oh hello no, some must want to get paid , for texting a couple 2 or 3 word sentences. I also am owed a few POAs. I ask for rate and or location, I say fine, are you avail now. They say yes. I'm on the road to their incall, they say they need a deposit. I say I am cash only, Then they keep texting me, they take cash app. Cr cards, gift cards, on and on bugging me while I find a legitimate girl. What do you think girls? Do they owe me compensation for wasting my time? !
  13. Question for providers as well as gents.

    I just started this sport or hobby 6 yrs ago or so. Every time, they put a cover on me. I like that they want to stay healthy, ie, and keep me healthy too. I'd be scared if they didnt insist on safe sex since; well you know why.
  14. Bitcoin - what a nightmare!

    All this grief just to pay for an ad. Remember the good ole days when you just drove down to the red light section of town? No ads, no gift cards, not crypto bit coins.
  15. Bitcoin - what a nightmare!

    Wow, this will be great. When the gift card girls wont take my cash, they have to give it to .e for free, "take that bitches" lol