
Deposits Deposits Deposits!!!

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There always seems to be a question about girls asking for a deposit. Here’s the deal, unfortunately there seems to be an abundance of friends asking for outcalls , which a lot of providers don’t mind doing but here’s the problem. You get all dolled up you drive to the location that was requested, you get there and nobody answers their phone or it’s an address that’s bogus !!This never used to happen but in the last few years we’ve got a much younger crowd who seem to think that it’s kind of funny to mess with somebodys time!!!In. In saying this there are far more who do not do that. So . Some Seem to think that they’re going to be shaded by giving somebody a deposit. So let me break this down... number one - provider has a reputation to keep and there are reviews that can be written so if somebody gets shaded the Friend has the option to write a review stating what happened and therefore the provider loses good reputation So the chances of our friends getting shaded are pretty slim. Does it happen, absolutely but far less than what happens on our side.

so Let’s assume we don’t get a deposit and we show up and it’s a bogus appointment. We don’t know who set that up we don’t know if that’s where we should be we don’t know what the circumstances are all we know is that we’re shaded  with no recourse., so if you think about it logically if a provider asks for a deposit and you’re serious about spending time, then there should be no issues. I’m sorry that there are situations that some of our friends have gone through where they get shaded or ripped off,  just remember you have the option to write a review!! So please stop thinking that deposits are a bad thing they are not. Put yourself in a provider shoes just for a moment and try to understand we’re all trying to Have fun with no glitches.


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1 hour ago, Ryann said:

There always seems to be a question about girls asking for a deposit. Here’s the deal, unfortunately there seems to be an abundance of friends asking for outcalls , which a lot of providers don’t mind doing but here’s the problem. You get all dolled up you drive to the location that was requested, you get there and nobody answers their phone or it’s an address that’s bogus !!This never used to happen but in the last few years we’ve got a much younger crowd who seem to think that it’s kind of funny to mess with somebodys time!!!In.

      Been hearing about that nightmare that escorts have been going through for several months now. Sad that so few ruin it for the rest of us. Last girl that was over on Feb 5,must have texted a dozen times in 24 hrs to make sure it was a real appointment. Even when she knocked on the door,she was unsure.

That said,having seen others ripped off by deposits....rather not go that route.


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6 hours ago, Ryann said:

There always seems to be a question about girls asking for a deposit. Here’s the deal, unfortunately there seems to be an abundance of friends asking for outcalls , which a lot of providers don’t mind doing but here’s the problem. You get all dolled up you drive to the location that was requested, you get there and nobody answers their phone or it’s an address that’s bogus !!This never used to happen but in the last few years we’ve got a much younger crowd who seem to think that it’s kind of funny to mess with somebodys time!!!In. In saying this there are far more who do not do that. So . Some Seem to think that they’re going to be shaded by giving somebody a deposit. So let me break this down... number one - provider has a reputation to keep and there are reviews that can be written so if somebody gets shaded the Friend has the option to write a review stating what happened and therefore the provider loses good reputation So the chances of our friends getting shaded are pretty slim. Does it happen, absolutely but far less than what happens on our side.

so Let’s assume we don’t get a deposit and we show up and it’s a bogus appointment. We don’t know who set that up we don’t know if that’s where we should be we don’t know what the circumstances are all we know is that we’re shaded  with no recourse., so if you think about it logically if a provider asks for a deposit and you’re serious about spending time, then there should be no issues. I’m sorry that there are situations that some of our friends have gone through where they get shaded or ripped off,  just remember you have the option to write a review!! So please stop thinking that deposits are a bad thing they are not. Put yourself in a provider shoes just for a moment and try to understand we’re all trying to Have fun with no glitches.


You and I have visited a few times in the past..let's agree that we are beyond your concerns on this post baby!  


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Reviews don’t mean squat when nobody bothers to read them. Can’t mention donation or money in any way, either. Besides, being jerked around with your time is not the same as having hundreds of dollars stolen from you. Sorry this keeps happening to you but if I had a dime for every time someone wasted my time .....

Besides, this is a cash only business for most people for a variety of reasons. Hard to leave a deposit with cash.


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16 minutes ago, Hunter VanDyke said:

 Guys getting hundreds of dollars stolen from them are thinking with the wrong head. 

Michael Richards Ok GIF


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1 hour ago, Vassago said:


Besides, this is a cash only business for most people for a variety of reasons. Hard to leave a deposit with cash.

Oh, I have made arrangements to leave a cash deposit - for special occassions like our Halloween and Super Bowl parties.  It helped me budget for these high dollar events.


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5 hours ago, Hunter VanDyke said:

Imo deposits should only be given after you've done extensive research on the provider, and come to the conclusion she has a reputation of integrity and doesn't steal from her clients.  Guys getting hundreds of dollars stolen from them are thinking with the wrong head. 


I agree, yet the 411 topic I linked above, indicates that that may be too difficult for some folks. I have never and will never leave a deposit. This is more for discretionary reasons than any risk of me getting ripped off. I deal with cash only. It's the safest way to do it. Luckily, in the 15+ years of doing this, I've never had my money stolen. Maybe I'm doing something right ....


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1 minute ago, Vassago said:

I agree, yet the 411 topic I linked above, indicates that that may be too difficult for some folks. I have never and will never leave a deposit. This is more for discretionary reasons than any risk of me getting ripped off. I deal with cash only. It's the safest way to do it. Luckily, in the 15+ years of doing this, I've never had my money stolen. Maybe I'm doing something right ....

I don't think any provider or client should do anything they're not comfortable with, and they really dont need a reason or explaination 

I just want to get the point across that the deposit system works without getting ripped off if you are dealing with reputable providers


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7 hours ago, Hunter VanDyke said:

Imo deposits should only be given after you've done extensive research on the provider, and come to the conclusion she has a reputation of integrity and doesn't steal from her clients.  Guys getting hundreds of dollars stolen from them are thinking with the wrong head. 


Its a 2 sided situation:

1 a provider should make sure her time is not wasted. If the client is not verifiable enough then a deposit should be required for time and travel ( 50% at least would be fair) for lost business opportunity. However if the client is very reputable then i do not see the need for a deposit. ( worst case scenario would be someone showed up unexpectedly to a location that he had no chance to respond or something) if something happens give them time to get back to you and explain and hopefully make it up for you.

2 a client should not pay a deposit unless the provider is reputable enough and is really business oriented. She might not show up after recieving the deposit coz her phone might die or cops are ar the building entrance or some shit came up that she could not inform you. Give the provider time to explain or make it up or may be a refund if none of those work then HIT with a review explaining what happened including that you met her outcall main requirement.

I used to get a lot of outcalls and coz my building back then had so many idiots girls would show up and there are 2 or some times 3 cop cars at the entrance. I would just go and meet them on side door or go and hangout in the car untill the drama is over. I once shorted a girl her money by mistake and she did not even bother me about it. When i scheduled again she came and i told her what happened. She did not even pay attention to it i guess. We had a great time. Every time she drives up from cs she would ask if i am available and she would dooooo me really good i miss her


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I have seen many ladies in my years in this hobby.  I have experienced a cash and dash once and ncns WITH deposit 3 times.  At this point in time I will do NOTHING that leads to any kind of a paper trail. l have since been asked for deposits 3 additional times and simply declined to finalize the appointment.  As a result I have been called several very creative names, and threatened with a black list for "being a time waster".  Any mention of a deposit in an ad will automatically extend my search.


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13 minutes ago, mustang said:

I have seen many ladies in my years in this hobby.  I have experienced a cash and dash once and ncns WITH deposit 3 times.  At this point in time I will do NOTHING that leads to any kind of a paper trail. l have since been asked for deposits 3 additional times and simply declined to finalize the appointment.  As a result I have been called several very creative names, and threatened with a black list for "being a time waster".  Any mention of a deposit in an ad will automatically extend my search.

Very highly super uber IMPORTANT TO ME TOO ^^^^^^^


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This was discussed in the KC ECCIE forum. If you want to read it, go to ECCIE Kansas City. Coed forum, title  "Encounter Brookes352 is a thief"  

A girl who is a member, asked for and received a $100 deposit from another member.  Then ghosted the guy at the time of the appointment. He posted a warning of her, after waiting a bit.  He wanted  to see if she would contact him back. Only then,  did she post to the thread. Said she would get the money back to him when she had it. Then posted in another thread by mistake that she was in Oklahoma City. Ready to meet some friends. I am sure she spent over $100 to get there and get a room but couldn't refund the money she took from the other member.  I have never and will never advance funds in the hobby. Writing a bad review on the girl doesn't matter. She doesn't care. Otherwise she would never stole the deposit.


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19 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

Oh, I have made arrangements to leave a cash deposit - for special occasions like our Halloween and Super Bowl parties.  It helped me budget for these high dollar events.

       That group of ladies,since disbanded and retired , had several non deposit meet and greets during the course of any given year. That made them very reputable . Never was asked for a deposit on their Halloween partys. Was asked for the Super Bowl party,but couldn't go as it was at the same time as an annual industry convention in Vegas.


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Are you taking Bev Fischer and Pussy Cats, Alley Cats and Tom Cats? Lots of fun with that group of ladies!!!!! Damn, is that a blast from the past!  


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9 hours ago, Alex Majors said:

This was discussed in the KC ECCIE forum. If you want to read it, go to ECCIE Kansas City. Coed forum, title  "Encounter Brookes352 is a thief"  

A girl who is a member, asked for and received a $100 deposit from another member.  Then ghosted the guy at the time of the appointment.

        Read that entire thread. She is very much a scam artist.  The type of girl that gives "deposits" a bad name.



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Screening when going to outcalls should  keep you in the know if you are getting The Run Around !

  When you screen that person , and check to see if the address is real  and make sure every thing lines up . 

Can't think of a time i'v done outcalls and gotten a runaround / deposit or not .

So screening goes both ways, If you are doing a Deposit Make Sure You Know Who You Are Dealing With !


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Okay I'm super bored @home and shouldn't open my big fat mouth -- which is further enabled by my fast-typing, novella-writing fingers -- but... ...from the providers' site, here's a snapshot into my thinking on this sticky issue:

I never and I mean never even mention deposits for established hobbiests. It's rude. They're professionals at this and should be afforded the respect that status entails and they're easy to spot: go read through their reviews and see if they've successfully seen providers I know.

Keep in mind I don't see people whose real names I don't know. It limits my client base but greatly reduces all/any problems. People in a place in their life to do this on real-name terms don't play games and I don't ask for deposits.

If you're under 35 and verify on initial contact I don't ask for deposits.

If you're under 32ish and have no reputation so I can discern -- and/or give me other indications you're flaky such as initiating contact as "hey babe", "whassup girl" or not verifying easily -- I generally don't have the patience to communicate/hand-hold enough to get to the point of asking for a deposit. I think guys need to remember we're inundated, daily, with communications from guys just looking to "sext". The stupid stuff random guys constantly send (a guy flexible enough to... errr... to himself being an recent example that really grossed me out) is irritating and quickly asking for a deposit to schedule is one way to weed out the serious ones.

If you're under 30 I ask for a deposit. 

If you're under 26 I ask for payment in full. Waaaay too many game players in the young group and the drama irritates me so all in the age group get penalized. Kinda crappy of me, but it is what it is. 

In general though, if you are trying to see a provider without verifying your real name and solely based on some website reviews alone, I think deposits are reasonable, and then reverse applies: it's easy for men to discern established providers who are professionals at this. Indicating you respect their time (primping to ready, getting the incall sorted or travelling to you, it all takes time), is a great way to indicate you respect a woman's time, and thus her. It definitely puts me at ease about meeting new gentleman.

Venmo, amazon digital gift cards, bitcoin/eth/crypto are all anonymous, so no easily-discerned paper trail. 

Lastly, remember that all providers here are real - I.D. - verified (just to have an account here on TOB, regardless of placing ads), also on the other well-known services so there is recourse if you're ripped off.



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I think it's perfectly fine that some young ladies want your RW name and information, and that some want a deposit.

I just will never meet them.  Plenty of ladies have other methods, and I am very happy with those ladies.


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16 hours ago, Alex Majors said:

This was discussed in the KC ECCIE forum. If you want to read it, go to ECCIE Kansas City. Coed forum, title  "Encounter Brookes352 is a thief"  

A girl who is a member, asked for and received a $100 deposit from another member.  Then ghosted the guy at the time of the appointment. He posted a warning of her, after waiting a bit.  He wanted  to see if she would contact him back. Only then,  did she post to the thread. Said she would get the money back to him when she had it. Then posted in another thread by mistake that she was in Oklahoma City. Ready to meet some friends. I am sure she spent over $100 to get there and get a room but couldn't refund the money she took from the other member.  I have never and will never advance funds in the hobby. Writing a bad review on the girl doesn't matter. She doesn't care. Otherwise she would never stole the deposit.

in this scenario, because she admitted and went on any ways, I think the board moderators should intervene and disable her account until she earns access back. don't you think it will be fair that way?


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On 5/18/2020 at 8:18 AM, oldertruckguy-9225 said:

Are you taking Bev Fischer and Pussy Cats, Alley Cats and Tom Cats? Lots of fun with that group of ladies!!!!! Damn, is that a blast from the past!  

       Best part of their meet & greets and their theme partys was that the girls didn't huddle together ,get drunk and ignore the gents. Really enjoyed having several minutes of face time with each lady. Made it much easier to decide which one to set up a date with. Those were the days.


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Actually I think the first of the Meet&Greet parties was hosted by RagTop many years ago.  Then Sweet Ashley started the tradition for the TOB crowd.  When Ashley retired, the Pussycats continued the practice.  As I recall mtmoves & Bear also hosted a few.

I agree, it was nice to chat with the gals in that environment.  I chose to see more than one gal based on the experience.


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2 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

Actually I think the first of the Meet&Greet parties was hosted by RagTop many years ago.  Then Sweet Ashley started the tradition for the TOB crowd.  When Ashley retired, the Pussycats continued the practice.  As I recall mtmoves & Bear also hosted a few.

I agree, it was nice to chat with the gals in that environment.  I chose to see more than one gal based on the experience.

   First ever meet and greet I ever attended was in the late 1970s,hosted by a lady that had an ad in the Oyster. All the girls circulated with the men ,just like the Pussycat partys.Wasn't aware of those hosted by RagTop, mtmoves,Bear and Sweet Ashley.  Last meet and greet party I went to was in San Francisco a few years ago.Sadly,the ladies were more interested in getting drunk and talking to each other instead of the guys. It was easy to observe that the potential clients felt neglected and slowly drifted out.


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1 minute ago, JRWolfe said:

   First ever meet and greet I ever attended was in the late 1970s,hosted by a lady that had an ad in the Oyster. All the girls circulated with the men ,just like the Pussycat partys.Wasn't aware of those hosted by RagTop, mtmoves,Bear and Sweet Ashley.  Last meet and greet party I went to was in San Francisco a few years ago.Sadly,the ladies were more interested in getting drunk and talking to each other instead of the guys. It was easy to observe that the potential clients felt neglected and slowly drifted out.

The PussyCats kept a tight rein on the StrayCats.  They recognized that the M&G were a major marketing event.  If the gals didn’t mingle with the TomCats, they weren’t invited to the next event.  They also kept a rein on the TomCats; get out of hand (drunk, grabby, etc) and you got dropped from the group.  These actions made it a safe environment for all.  I often made an appointment with someone new (to me) shortly after one of these events.

I do remember going to an RMO party in the late 80s.  Total sausage fest😒


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1 hour ago, Bit Banger said:

The PussyCats kept a tight rein on the StrayCats.  They recognized that the M&G were a major marketing event.  If the gals didn’t mingle with the TomCats, they weren’t invited to the next event.  They also kept a rein on the TomCats; get out of hand (drunk, grabby, etc) and you got dropped from the group.  These actions made it a safe environment for all.  I often made an appointment with someone new (to me) shortly after one of these events.

I do remember going to an RMO party in the late 80s.  Total sausage fest😒

  Agreed, the Pussycats understood how major a M&G was and they sure kept a tight reign. Major props to them.

As for the Oyster partys. the M&G I went to in the late 70s was run by an advertiser named Julie ,she made sure that plenty of ladies were there.If the one you went to in the 80s is the one I think you are talking about,Elaine the publisher ,really didn't pay any attention to who was coming .As a result , yes that one sure was a sausage fest.


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8 minutes ago, JRWolfe said:

...If the one you went to in the 80s is the one I think you are talking about,Elaine the publisher ,really didn't pay any attention to who was coming .As a result , yes that one sure was a sausage fest.

Yep,  I think Elaine was the only female there.


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everyone will mitigate their risk in their own ways...

deposits, screening, RW 411, rates, services, etc...

respect, jive, sync, and get down...

or don't jive, turn the page, find someone else and respect, jive, sync, and get down...



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8 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

Yep,  I think Elaine was the only female there.



   That rules out the Halloween party at Straight Johnsons.


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I will not pay a deposit. That request ends a conversation fast for me. It really sucks to show up to a bunk address. Sucks to be ghosted in the parking lot. Happens to clients all the time too. Girl skipping with my deposit isn't gonna care about her rep. May as well take that money to a strip club. Least I get to see who's not banging me for it.




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