Alex Majors

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About Alex Majors

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    Advanced Member

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    Kansas City

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  1. Frustration with SD Sites

    Those are scammers. They troll the site in hope of getting a guy to send them some cash. If you are going to play in that pond, look at a site called Pim Eyes. It does a pretty good reverse image look up, if you have a full face image. It will tell you all the sites the image is on. A real sugar baby won't have but a couple of photos up if that. The scammers will use a image of some woman. Be it porn star, Instagram model, etc. So you know these women aren't on seeking arrangements hustling for a few bucks, when they are millionaires. As was said earlier, being a sugar daddy can be expensive. They expect to see you often and be paid appropriately. What wasn't said is you have a large number and variety of young girls or older women to choose from. They do spend more time with you. So if your into talking and getting to know them, you can spend 3 hours for the price of a regular provider's hourly rate. Most sugar babies aren't business like. It is true most don't use protection.
  2. Guys and Gals

    I got in the hobby for the thrill of it. Not knowing if she looked like her photos or if it was a sting. The clandestine meetings with a stranger. The call to get the room number. The envelope with cash. Actually seeing a beautiful girl, who in the real world wouldn't notice me if I was on fire.
  3. Is it Cheating or not......

    I totally agree, married or single. I like it when a woman is a little aggressive.
  4. Best/Worst Experience

    Where do I begin. There have been many pleasant surprises and a lot of disappointments. Without one, you couldn't know the other. I would say the ones you remember their names, are the ones we are talking about. Cassie, the 4'11" stripper who I met by accident, when I went to the club to see another girl. She was a doll. Great attitude , smile and had a giggle I will never forget. I saw her several times. Actually my first overnight in the hobby. Or Macy, the oldest provider I had ever been with from P411. She went slow and sensual. She never watched a clock. She would say, I will tell you when you can leave. Lol. Then the other side of the coin. Sydney, who I still use her real world name as a password. Just to be reminded not to be taken again. I got too close to her and she took me for a lot of cash.
  5. To Review or not To Review

    I send a few texts. One that I am inbound and how long it will take to drive. One that I am there. If I don't get a text 15 min after the appointment was supposed to start, I text that I am leaving. Now her threats of black listing you would make me post a review. No one needs to have that happen to them. If you stay in the hobby long enough, this will happen eventually. I have been ghosted and then she called hours later. One excuse was she forgot she had community service. I have spent a few nights in rooms by myself. No shows. One I had the room number and I was standing in the hall knocking. After a couple minutes, I called. I could hear her phone ring but still no answer. A day or two later she told me she fell asleep.
  6. Favorite Female Body Pary

    Just a boob guy here. Big nipples are even better.
  7. My neighbors garden

    I used to garden like that. It takes more time then I have these days. Keeping it all weed free is a chore . Then when things do come in, there is way too much for yourself. So it is best to have a lot of friends. I actually did make wine for a time too. You can get fresh 6 gallon pails of juice from California. Make any kind you want. My best was a apple wine I make from fresh apple juice from a local orchard.
  8. My first official jump into the hobby seemed too easy. I had been lurking on the boards for a bit. There was one girl that I had been wanting to see but never had the nerve to contact her. She had been big in KC before moving to Denver. Was a TOB member at the time. She was high dollar then and her rates would be high today. So I texted her back and forth. She didn't ask for any screening. This was a major concern for me. My first thought was who I would make my one phone call to. She told me the hotel she was staying in. It was a 5 star place. So we made a date. She texted the room number. I showed up on time and she left the door cracked open. She was waiting behind the door. The room was a large two room suite. It was like something out of the movies. She had on a matching lace two piece burgundy set. Covered it with a short satin robe. I laid down the envelope and we sat on the couch. She offered me a drink and had a little small talk. . Then proceeded to move into the bedroom. Each undressing the other . Then started the activities. Gave me a big hug and kiss when I left. I will never forget that day for as long as I live. She was first class in everything she did. At no time when I was with her, did she even look inside the envelope.
  9. Bigger penis

    I think it is just your prospective. Like the moon on the horizon looks big but high in the sky it looks smaller. So a bigger belly makes a dick look small and a leaner body makes it look bigger.
  10. Well it was a number of hours for me. But that was like a cold sales call. Not some swinger party or gangbang. Which to me is still part of the hobby.
  11. Wanting money for texting

    It isn't that I don't sympathize with you ladies. I do. I am just reminding you that we all have to put up with these kind of people. It is a cost of doing business. Do you think the govt/local govt pay me to report sales taxes, use taxes, earning taxes , compensating taxes and income taxes. Hell no. Your income is tax free, unless you report some or all. I spend 1.5 to 2 hrs on the road driving to these people every day. Not all are time wasters but at least you can do it from the comfort of your home, room,etc. It costs me gas, tires, insurance, tags wear and tear on the vehicle. Not to mention the purchase price. Then there are the hours of paperwork I do every year. Usually at night or on weekends. I have never got a check for any of that. So I am just trying to say as a business, which you ladies are, have non-reimburseable costs like every other business.
  12. Seeking

    Ok. I have been on Seeking for a bit. It is $109.00 to join and message girls. You can join for free but just can't contact the girls.The girls range from 18 to 60. Most in the 20-40 range. Some girls will want a mutually beneficial relationship and say that. Others beat around the bush and hint. Still there are those who say no sex at all. I have met with a lot. They aren't cheap. Regular rates as local girls. But if your looking for a hot college girl, that is the best place to look. Now the sugar baby route is expensive if you want to keep one for more than a meeting. They expect to meet regularly, so they don't have to work. Which is one of the cons. They will spend time out in public and in private. One of the pros. My last spent an avg of 3 hours a meet. Sometimes she just stayed the night. Her rate was $300. So you can see the pro of having one. A regular provider would charge a fortune for that. Like was said, you spend a lot of time scrolling through profiles. Some never answer. Some just want to sell pics/videos. Some are scammers. They want gas, grocery or phone money till you can meet. Others want like $200 to have a meal on a first meet in public. Then take off never to be heard from again. So if a girl does that 5 times a week, she makes $1,000 nontaxable and has all the food she can eat. Lol. So like anywhere, be careful. There are a wide variety. New ones everyday. If you don't want to stay, make sure you cancel at the end of your 30 days or you will be auto renewed. If you cancel and stay off like 2 weeks, they usually offer a discount of just $82 to renew.
  13. Wanting money for texting

    Exactly. I have to go out on bids to evaluate projects. No one pays for that. People ask questions on the phone. I answer them at no charge. Now if he scheduled and backed out to late, he should pay a cancellation fee.
  14. I’m sorry!

    Yeah, like this will change her mind. You either did something totally stupid on your part or she is batshit crazy. Either way, it is best to move on and cut your losses.
  15. Weekend Plans?

    Most likely work. I have a project that needs to be done. Was thinking of going to a festival but at 2 hrs drive, not sure if I want to be outside in the heat.