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About mustang

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/11/1951


  • Location
    four corners area
  • Interests
    photography, flyfishing, CARS, scuba diving
  1. Longtime lurker got bitten by providers dog

    When I lived in Colorado, medical folks push real hard to get details of the bite. They typically try to get address, relationship of the animal and why it bit.
  2. Is she asking for a deposite? IF you are seeing ads in three states (unless she is working the four corners) I would NOT provide any deposite or pre payment. She or it could be in a third world nation and just trolling for deposits.

    1. YOU have zero clue what level of desperation she feels and you have even less of an idea about what desperation I may have endured, 2. You say "WE have no idea what she is going through......" BUT you seem to have discerned MY situation. How did yo do that???

    I would offer that IF she was that hungry cigarettes would be the furthest from her mind. IF she was spending something like a third of the money on tobacco, she demonstrated why she was broke. While I likely would not have expected her to buy me any food, I also would not have driven her to buy cigarettes. (BTW, that was the FIRST thing she asked for) IF you re read the op, food was NOT the first thing on here mind. From what I gleaned from the original post, this lady is a user of friends and appears to care only about herself. Based on your response and condemnation of the O.P. I would suggest he let her future calls go to voice mail.

    Being offshore does keep records of membership safe, (usually) but has no impact on whether they target those that are practicing the hobby on this or any other board. There have multiple posts here about stings targeting both providers and clients. The offshore locations protect the site and the servers, not participants.

    While I suspect that there is some crossover, that was not the reason for my previous post. I believe that IF there is a crackdown on the street walkers, there will also be a certain amount of scrutiny that will fall on hobby websites.
  7. Etiquette question, booking

    Well THAT should make everyone want to contact a provider via text. I usually go to great length to deal with independent ladies, based on what you wrote, that is more difficult than I would have expected. ALL the more reason to use a hobby phone.

    IF things like that continue, and the populace gets incensed enough, you can expect the blowback to impact things on this site.
  9. If it walks like a troll, if it talks like a troll, if everywhere is goes is leaves large amounts of troll turds, it is a damn fine chance it is a troll.
  10. AS you claim to know everything about this endeavor why are you asking the mere mortals? NEVER FEED A TROLL
  11. Roadtrip

    Perhaps Omaha, Salt Lake LOOOOOOOONG drive K.C Mo.
  12. Educating Clients Using This Platform

    I am curious ....... what information did you use to come up with 90% ?????????????
  13. Chik-Fil-A

    Spicy Chicken deluxe. Their shakes are pretty good,
  14. Have U Been 2 the GFE/ATF Mountaintop?

    Isn't there a rule about not feeding trolls??????????????????????????????
  15. I did not see her and I did not buy Mr Number. I admit I was tempted, as the lady in question was using a couple photos that are of a lady I knew at one time.