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About skinnydud

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  1. 411 on Miss in Loveland.

    google the number. she's around
  2. Alia Abaza's Return

    some people you just have to ignore for their lack of respect of opinions different than theirs ... ignore and move to the next! I just can't stop and contemplate whatever those write! I ignore all the noise and focus on what the big minds write!
  3. Alia Abaza's Return

    Interesting! She logs in gives me a negative reputation on the OP above and that's it! no reply & no attempt to clear the air about my post or any other things mentioned about her including comments that say the Alia known here has actually passed! I have no intention of being an asshole ever but seems to me that something is not right! please be careful!
  4. Alia Abaza's Return

    you got to understand that some people are not even looking before replying. I wonder if they go by who posted rather that what was posted. education is good. thanks! Totally agree!
  5. Alia Abaza's Return

    Correction: I do not believe it was Kat Vega and her friend that were scamming but someone who had their credentials and managed to access accounts and post.
  6. Alia Abaza's Return

    After almost 2 years of not being part of tob ... how many of you girls and boyz think Alia Abaza's return is fishy and it could be someone who stumbled on her credential just like what happened with Kat Vega and her friend when they scammed a few guys in every city they used to tour. if anyone got to see her and can confirm please share so we can close this thread! I hope its really Alia and not someone else!
  7. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    I hope you didn't any Bens for that job ... it must be important. I've had to stop all action when my work called (only sensitive stuff triggers calls and had a special ring tone for that)
  8. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    the little head in charge!
  9. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    I am surprised he did not get a rebuttal like the one I got from the same provider or even a worse one ... sometimes we got to speak up ... btw, I just realized I gave her a yes (wrong selection from my end )
  10. Honesty in Reviews

    this ^^^
  11. Honesty in Reviews

    Thanks everyone who took the time to chime in. I personally find reviews to be very useful for both providers and clients just like we check a product ora restaurant reviews before we make our decision about it. I respect all opinions and understand that people may misuse them to get back at the other party but this is a grown ups hobby and we should keep it fair. My reviews never got altered ever on TOB. I was told not to mention some details at times but that's it. A lot of reviews and references got removed from my account over time but I assumed that was because that provider probably requested anything related to them be removed from the data base which I reapect. Things have changed so much over the years, yes, but did honesty get affected too. we don't pay for it. inflation did not get to affect our reasoning when it comes to truth or right and wrong. I just wanted to bring this up, may be to vent, and now it appears I am not the only one. both providers and clients have given some feedback and I respect you all TOB community!
  12. Honesty in Reviews

    there is no doubt ... but I will get punished for even starting this topic, imagine if I start some other topic.
  13. Honesty in Reviews

    I have had a couple encounters recently and after both I realized that either we have a lot of white knight around here or there are false accounts reviewing some new ladies. I have been hobbying for almost 20 years in the Denver metro and never did any lady ever accuse me of not being clean as I actually show up showered and clean just the same way as I expect a lady to be. I have never done drugs in my life nor do I intend to but here we go as a retaliation to a couple reviews I get accused of all kind of things just to push me out of the market. I do not blame their approach because they would do anything to stop anyone from giving an honest review if it does not go their way. and sadly, other guys reached out to me in private, while they could have brought up their bad experiences to prevent other clients from falling victims of such thing. when I say reviewing a provider with honesty, I really mean it. A client should not be an Ass and say things that are not accurate about a provider either! What do you gals and guys think?
  14. join date/original handle

    around 2007-2008 ... forum format back then ... used same handle
  15. Worldwide Economic Slowdown

    things suck! layoffs are affecting some sectors, food and rent are more expensive ... people are basically cutting back on somethings ... hobby is probably getting affected as well.