
How do I go about?

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I’m am still fairly new to the hobby so I’m still learning all the do and don’ts. If I contact a provider and she ends up being out of my price range, how do I go about letting her know that without getting like black listed from her for wasting her time? 


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Suggested wording: "I'm sorry! I hadn't anticipated that rate. I'll have to save a bit more. My apologies! All the best to you."

Apologetic and humble...;)


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46 minutes ago, pfunk said:

Suggested wording: "I'm sorry! I hadn't anticipated that rate. I'll have to save a bit more. My apologies! All the best to you."

Apologetic and humble...;)

What he said. I have done it a few times and did just exactly that. If the gal doesn't advertise her price then it is expected her rates won't be a fit for everyone. Don't try to haggle or negotiate just say thanks maybe another time. 

A lot of ladies do have websites and do clearly state their rates. I would stick to ladies who are well reviewed for a long period of time until you get more.comfortable with how things work

Edited by K2dnvrfun

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7 hours ago, LilDickAsian said:

I’m am still fairly new to the hobby so I’m still learning all the do and don’ts. If I contact a provider and she ends up being out of my price range, how do I go about letting her know that without getting like black listed from her for wasting her time? 

This is where you offer the amount that makes you most comfortable and then ask for everything imaginable.  I KID. I KID.😂

The gentlemen above gave you solid advice and always be polite. Best of luck to you!”


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And above all be nice!  You never imply that you feel that it's too much.  Because odds are she is worth every bit of what she expects you to bring to the table.

You just have to thank the lovely lady and tell her you will either mow more lawns or deliver more papers; but one day you will follow up with her for a fantastic date...


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Agree with be nice. And fib. "Sorry, schedule changed and can't make that time" (especially if she suggest different time), If she's slow to respond, have the out of booked different lady, previous variation of schedule change. 

Me, if a lady does not provide rates via an ad or website, or no reviews with rates, will start the convo with "Hi, I'm John. Interested in setting up an appointment. What is your availability like on Monday or Wednesday? Interested in an hour. Btw, what is your donation?". At that point, if she replies, can have an out re: time won't work since schedule changed (ie. Got pulled into a meeting).

That said, still might get blacklisted, so, use a burner phone, don't put real world info out there to start, don't put board persona out there. If blacklisted, can change things up for new ladies. Ladies you have a relationship with should understand that that the other lady is scetch, one off, etc.


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Thank you everyone. I appreciate it. I’m really excited about the hobby. And excited to learn the rules


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On 10/18/2018 at 1:05 PM, LilDickAsian said:

I’m am still fairly new to the hobby so I’m still learning all the do and don’ts. If I contact a provider and she ends up being out of my price range, how do I go about letting her know that without getting like black listed from her for wasting her time? 

You say....

” thats a little out of my pricr range, but thank you for your  time”



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That may not be that far out if the menu is equal to the donation. 


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On 10/18/2018 at 1:05 PM, LilDickAsian said:

I’m am still fairly new to the hobby so I’m still learning all the do and don’ts. If I contact a provider and she ends up being out of my price range, how do I go about letting her know that without getting like black listed from her for wasting her time? 

You already got a lot of good advice, so I will a totally unrelated bit of advice: get a new handle. I'm sure it seemed funny at the time, but trust me, you will end up being known by your handle, that one is not so goodB)


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OP, I thank you for asking questions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.

A little piece of advice though, if the lady has a website most of "us" have our "rates" on there; which allows you to check even before you contact them. But personally, I wouldn't BL you as a time waster, only because I require screening before I discuss "investments," due to it being on my website. 

Happy Hobbying Dear! Have fun, learn and stay safe :)


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14 hours ago, BadBoy said:

You already got a lot of good advice, so I will a totally unrelated bit of advice: get a new handle. I'm sure it seemed funny at the time, but trust me, you will end up being known by your handle, that one is not so goodB)


It is what it is......a handle . Why would one say or think "not so good"  im sure advice about handle wasnt what Poster was asking 

Unless i missed something? But i usually get it.🤔


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On 10/18/2018 at 7:06 PM, pfunk said:

Suggested wording: "I'm sorry! I hadn't anticipated that rate. I'll have to save a bit more. My apologies! All the best to you."

Apologetic and humble...;)

Apologetic humble and honest like the part about saving a little bit more


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47 minutes ago, Ryann said:


It is what it is......a handle . Why would one say or think "not so good"  im sure advice about handle wasnt what Poster was asking 

Unless i missed something? But i usually get it.🤔

I'm just thinking of a few months down the road, when the perfectly nice guy has established a presence, and is calling a gal to set up a date and says, "Hi, this is Little Dick Asian, and wonder if you....."  I especially wouldn't want to follow that up with "gee, you're out of my league, thanks for responding."  Wouldn't want to create the impression that I expect to only pay by the inch.  That's all, just looking out for the new guy.  Maybe "Little Dick Asian" is just what you gals are looking for and he is the fox, and I am wrong.  Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.

Edited by BadBoy

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Maybe he could say:

 "Hi, I'm the Asian Little Richard"?

Bop bop-al-u whop, a whim bam boo!

There have been a few handles around here that are more facetious than funny. I can think of only one that strikes the community as negative, and he plays that dark role to the hilt, so to speak.

Humor goes a long way toward winning a young maidens heart.


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2 hours ago, BadBoy said:

I'm just thinking of a few months down the road, when the perfectly nice guy has established a presence, and is calling a gal to set up a date and says, "Hi, this is Little Dick Asian, and wonder if you....."  I especially wouldn't want to follow that up with "gee, you're out of my league, thanks for responding."  Wouldn't want to create the impression that I expect to only pay by the inch.  That's all, just looking out for the new guy.  Maybe "Little Dick Asian" is just what you gals are looking for and he is the fox, and I am wrong.  Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.

Most  importantly, 

 This conversation is just off topic ...

  So I’ll save administrators the hassle and start a new thread on this subject 

too be continued......


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On 10/18/2018 at 7:06 PM, pfunk said:

Suggested wording: "I'm sorry! I hadn't anticipated that rate. I'll have to save a bit more. My apologies! All the best to you."

Apologetic and humble...;)



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On 10/18/2018 at 8:19 PM, Laci French said:

This is where you offer the amount that makes you most comfortable and then ask for everything imaginable.  I KID. I KID.😂

The gentlemen above gave you solid advice and always be polite. Best of luck to you!”

I offered Laci an un-godly amount of money once but she drew the line at me tying her up on a moving car and having relations as we drove down I-25 for all to see.  Some things are not always about money!  LOL


However as the first commentator said, follow that and you will be fine.


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I'm sorry, but I've always considered it vulgar to discuss rates.  The donation amount is usually searchable, especially if you can locate the provider's ads elsewhere.

If you are prepared to spend $300, you will probably be fine (if there is no way to find out her actual rate).

Most high end providers (over 300/hr) will tend to have websites which contain their rate structure.


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I think it just depends on the girl I don’t think it makes sense to block someone for not having it at the time...I mean people work to get paid right ?


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That's when you start haggling like an Arab trader....her rates are xxxx you offer xxx and take it from there.


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On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 8:45 PM, BadBoy said:

You already got a lot of good advice, so I will a totally unrelated bit of advice: get a new handle. I'm sure it seemed funny at the time, but trust me, you will end up being known by your handle, that one is not so goodB)

Maybe I should take my own advice:  I just sent a really pleasant "Hello" text to a well-reviewed provider here on TOB, and it really was very polite, etc.  I opened up my TOB references to her, and offered to cooperate with her screening, etc.  I thought it was fine, and about the same way I always open a conversation.

Her response:  "Why would I ever want to meet someone named BadBoy, that disqualifies you immediately."

So much for all of my OKs, recommendations, flawless reputation, gentlemanly behavior, etc., I just got screened out on the basis of my handle.

Her loss.  B)

Does illustrate my initial point: your handle can be an issue.  Karma.


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25 minutes ago, BadBoy said:

Maybe I should take my own advice:  I just sent a really pleasant "Hello" text to a well-reviewed provider here on TOB, and it really was very polite, etc.  I opened up my TOB references to her, and offered to cooperate with her screening, etc.  I thought it was fine, and about the same way I always open a conversation.

Her response:  "Why would I ever want to meet someone named BadBoy, that disqualifies you immediately."

So much for all of my OKs, recommendations, flawless reputation, gentlemanly behavior, etc., I just got screened out on the basis of my handle.

Her loss.  B)

Does illustrate my initial point: your handle can be an issue.  Karma.


I love our life 


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33 minutes ago, BadBoy said:

Maybe I should take my own advice:  I just sent a really pleasant "Hello" text to a well-reviewed provider here on TOB, and it really was very polite, etc.  I opened up my TOB references to her, and offered to cooperate with her screening, etc.  I thought it was fine, and about the same way I always open a conversation.

Her response:  "Why would I ever want to meet someone named BadBoy, that disqualifies you immediately."

So much for all of my OKs, recommendations, flawless reputation, gentlemanly behavior, etc., I just got screened out on the basis of my handle.

Her loss.  B)

Does illustrate my initial point: your handle can be an issue.  Karma.

Wow, that's crazy. And I thought all girls liked the bad boys :)


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3 hours ago, K2dnvrfun said:

Wow, that's crazy. And I thought all girls liked the bad boys :)

Teenage girls like bad boys. Adult self-employed girls...not so much! :lol:


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On 10/18/2018 at 8:19 PM, Laci French said:

This is where you offer the amount that makes you most comfortable and then ask for everything imaginable.

you always speak the truth.


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On 10/21/2018 at 9:45 PM, BadBoy said:

You already got a lot of good advice, so I will a totally unrelated bit of advice: get a new handle. I'm sure it seemed funny at the time, but trust me, you will end up being known by your handle, that one is not so goodB)

Hey, maybe he is proud of his lil' dick.  Lil' dicks need luv'n too! 🍀


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9 hours ago, Jez UaBriain said:

Hey, maybe he is proud of his lil' dick.  Lil' dicks need luv'n too! 🍀

I wouldn’t say proud just not gunna hide it. And yes lil dicks need some love too lol 


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