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About tide32

  • Rank
    Older But No Wiser
  • Birthday 06/08/1955

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    Not There Yet


  • Biography
    As good once as i ever was.
  • Location
    State of Confusion
  • Interests
    Can't afford one.
  • Occupation
    Going the distance

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    When I watched the game last night, I have to believe that someone stole the Chiefs playbook. The Chiefs weren't even competitive. What the hell happened to the offensive line of KC. And, I'm not even a Chiefs fan. I just wanted to watch a good game. I'm a Packers fan for life. My son is the Chiefs fan. The only good thing about Sunday nigh, was, not having to listen to his big mouth when he came home after watching the game with his friend. I wanted to rub it in so bad, but, I love him too much. LOL I must be getting soft on my old age.
  2. Sorry to hear of his passing. He will defiantly be missed.
  3. When Photos Go Wrong

    That reminds me!! I got to pick up the poop in the back yard, before it snows.
  4. Hi I’m new here :)

    Welcome to the board Lily. Hope you enjoy and stay safe.
  5. review culture

    I've gotten to the point that reviews only seem to matter if their are more than one on a provider. One hit wanders mean nothing these days. And, if a provider is no longer active, why is the review still relevant. Reviews are supposed benefit the provider, RIGHT!!! To help clients, make a informed decision of who too see. Not used as some sort of "ego booster" for the poster. Lets be honest here for two seconds. If you've written 50+ reviews, and, never written a negative review, and' 70% are one hit wonders, or, unclaimed. Your useless to me. Because, I feel you'er not being honest. And, now when you write something on here, It"s just background noise. Your posts become annoying and insignificant. I'm done for now, I need a nap!
  6. Reviews Don't Lie

    Really doesn't matter how many reviews someone has, as long long these reviews can be verified, or have been claimed. If it's of a well known provider, who has been established that's fine. Many providers actually depend on these for their own protection. Personally, I see no problem with not posting a review that hasn't been claimed. Then there is no doubt that it is legit. Why would anyone have a problem with that. If I'm not mistaken, when i first joined TOB. That was the rule then. It's been so long, I just can't remember. But, that would only make since.
  7. Welcome to the board young lady. Hope you have a great visit in our great city/state.
  8. Wow

    Either that, or, he's so good that after a provider sees him, they never need serviced again. They settle down and buy a cottage in the mountains. Imagine writing a review on a provider, and, she's never heard of again. Hell! She never even takes the time to clam the review you take the time to write. WOW He's truly amazing!!!
  9. I got 7 inches

    Didn't get much in Brighton. I usually just look at the top on the grill to tell how much came down. The most I've see, at any one time was 4'. Just depends what are ya live in.
  10. Way too Early!!!!

    Those are just the kind of customers, HD attracts.
  11. Blair - Not that one

  12. What’s your Halloween costume?

    Don't complain. Ya know with the way things have been lately, some clown on hear, not saying who, will have to post some crazy story on how "HE" got laid in every room of the house/hotel weather the lady was passed out, or, wide awake, at the time. JMHO
  13. Something Good

    What a great thing to see, first thing in the morning. Hope the rest of your day is just as good.
  14. The Wrong Girl

    Not to change the subject of the OP, but, I remember my dad bringing us to Colorado in 1961 or 62. I can remember us driving up to Lookout Mountain and seeing bears just walking along the side of the road. They were a common sight back then. Funny how we don't appreciate the wonders of nature around us until it's gone. Wish we could ga back the a time when we hunted to survive instead of having a trophy. But!!! If a squirrel gets in my attic, he committed suicide! That's the story and I'm sticking to it!
  15. One thing I have noticed lately, is, when I hit a lot of provider listing 411, it shows they don't have a 411 account. Why is this even there if it links to nothing. Doesn't make much sense to me. JMHO though.