Bora Bora

Lower back sexy holes

21 posts in this topic

I don't know the anatomical reasons for why some ladies have these cute and sexy holes on their lower back, but I love them! I've seen that it's not necessarily associated with being thin, because some thin ladies don't have them and some not-so-thin ladies have them... just another mystery of the many mysteries women have :D




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1 hour ago, Bora Bora said:

I don't know the anatomical reasons for why some ladies have these cute and sexy holes on their lower back, but I love them! I've seen that it's not necessarily associated with being thin, because some thin ladies don't have them and some not-so-thin ladies have them... just another mystery of the many mysteries women have :D



They’re actually called Dimples of Venus. And like face dimples are essentially a mutation where you have tissue strands that are too short for the area they’re covering. 


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20 minutes ago, JoDoe27 said:

They’re actually called Dimples of Venus. And like face dimples are essentially a mutation where you have tissue strands that are too short for the area they’re covering. 

So... you are saying the girls that have them are Mutants! sounds like a Star Trek adventure :)


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54 minutes ago, Bora Bora said:

So... you are saying the girls that have them are Mutants! sounds like a Star Trek adventure :)

Those women are just aliens. I’m thinking more Marvel comics style but aye, let’s get freaky. 


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A doctor told my brother and his baby momma when my niece was born that they are genetic and 9 times out of 10 (basically all) any other kid she has should have them....they both have them on the back of their shoulders though


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I’m a curvier girl and I have those if that helps! Like Strange said I think it’s a genetic thing. 


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I have to start looking for those who have them.


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And l thought they were thumbprint  marks from my grip.

Lol so much for that dream.


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3 hours ago, JoDoe27 said:

Those women are just aliens. I’m thinking more Marvel comics style but aye, let’s get freaky. 

As the upstanding gentlemen of TOB we should all make the special effort to closely examine the ladies we meet so that we know who the gorgeous aliens are and who are the gorgeous earthlings!  After that don't have a clue just enjoy!


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I sure don't know the actual name for them... I just know that I enjoy them.  I also like some sexy moles and freckles because it is fun to play dot to dot.....with fingers and tongue.  Dang I'm horny !!!!


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But has anyone encountered this, and if so your thoughts?  Turn on or off?

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By which of course I mean pierced dimples. B)


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13 minutes ago, gr8owl said:

But has anyone encountered this, and if so your thoughts?  Turn on or off? By which of course I mean pierced dimples. B)

I prefer the dimples au naturel... meaning, without the piercings.


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6 hours ago, Sexy Francesca said:

OMG I totally have these and  mentioned in my listing the other day and these are supposed to mean that a woman is not only sexually gifted but very healthy! I possess these like literally two days ago LOL I was talking about this!


Francesca, I will say that the ladies I have seen that have these sexy dimples have been a treat to share pleasure with. you have me thinking, in the best of ways.  ;)


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25 minutes ago, Sexy Francesca said:


Your correct and men occasionally can have them as well. On a man they are called Dimples of Apollo.  


I love that! Dimples of Apollo sounds like an early 90s grunge band! :) 


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I'm also a huge fan of these. It really should be a checkbox on the provider stats section! :D Venus Dimples: Yes


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On 7/12/2018 at 9:51 PM, gr8owl said:

But has anyone encountered this, and if so your thoughts?  Turn on or off?

By which of course I mean pierced dimples. B)

Turn off


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On Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 3:48 PM, JoDoe27 said:

They’re actually called Dimples of Venus. And like face dimples are essentially a mutation where you have tissue strands that are too short for the area they’re covering. 

Wow. Now I'm really turned on. :unsure:


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