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Real Name First & Last

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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you...

I'm going to wait and see how long this thread will go with the back and forth bantering. Short answer: if this is what you require from your screening, keep using it! Many guys are reluctant to provide this info because they don't want providers (or most) to know their true identity.

Shitty, yes I know, but if this is obtrusive to some gents, they will just dial the next number.


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Come on!!!!

Do providers give their real name???

Why is it that you expect one standard from a client and you would have a different set of standards for you?

I can see wanting to check someone, but check them with the name other providers have used.

There is a reason men don't want to give "real name and numbers" nobody wants a bat shit crazy girl calling and wrecking their life This is NOT rocket science


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1. Because prostitution is illegal.

2. Because many of the men have not told their wives they are seeing you.

Do you provide your real first and last name?


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!

Gosh, do you also ask where do they work, or what their SSI number is, perhaps the name of their first born? Seriously if you're that paranoid or "uncomfortable" with meeting new clientele, you're in the wrong business. Just my 2 cents..


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1. Because prostitution is illegal.

2. Because many of the men have not told their wives they are seeing you.

Do you provide your real first and last name?

Great answer, but you forgot

3. An unscrupulous provider can use this info to extort you.

4. A crazy, vindictive provider, if she gets pissed at you, can use this info to destroy your relationships, your career, and your life.

Now, I'll freely admit that there are unscrupulous and/or crazy, vindictive clients. This is why providers protect themselves by not revealing any personal information about themselves. Smart girls.

Guys should be just as smart.

I will also admit that the vast majority of providers, like the vast majority of clients, are reasonable people that you can trust.

The problem is, the providers do not come with labels. The only way to find out which girls are untrustworthy is by word of mouth.


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I guess we're to believe Mr & Mrs Kisses are your parents and they couldn't wait to name their pride and joy Coral.

Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!


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Unfortunately this an illegal activity and socially unacceptable so I don't want my real identity attached to it in any way. Not everyone is trustworthy so to protect myself I am going to treat everyone as if they cannot be trusted.

This is much different then a date because dating isn't illegal. Also, I'm married so if for some reason I lost my mind and did go on a date I certainly would not tell my date my real name cause I wouldn't want that info to somehow get back home.


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Great answer, but you forgot

3. An unscrupulous provider can use this info to extort you.

4. A crazy, vindictive provider, if she gets pissed at you, can use this info to destroy your relationships, your career, and your life.

Now, I'll freely admit that there are unscrupulous and/or crazy, vindictive clients. This is why providers protect themselves by not revealing any personal information about themselves. Smart girls.

Guys should be just as smart.

I will also admit that the vast majority of providers, like the vast majority of clients, are reasonable people that you can trust.

The problem is, the providers do not come with labels. The only way to find out which girls are untrustworthy is by word of mouth.

or by actually writing honest reviews. word of mouth is just as untrustworthy, it becomes a game of who and who is not allowed to know all the details.


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You can have my first name and my picture from P411. And, it's not so much a vindictive provider that I fear, it's the vindictive BF that scares me.


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Gosh, do you also ask where do they work, or what their SSI number is, perhaps the name of their first born? Seriously if you're that paranoid or "uncomfortable" with meeting new clientele, you're in the wrong business. Just my 2 cents..

And what will you do when a session goes south and all you have is references or P411 account void of any real information? Black list a guy who can easily change his "john" identity? Blame the providers who gave the reference? Report it to P411?

I think maybe the ladies that are comfortable relying on references and a lack of information may be in the wrong business. Real information is vital in case of a real life threatening emergency.


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And what will you do when a session goes south and all you have is references or P411 account void of any real information? Black list a guy who can easily change his "john" identity? Blame the providers who gave the reference? Report it to P411?

You'll have the same options the Johns do when the Jane goes batshit crazy. No one gets my real info unless I get theirs as well.


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Sure Coral Kisses, I would be happy to give you my full name: Bart Hunglong. Geez, I don't know what everyone is so paranoid about. You can have my address too: 200 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203.


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And what will you do when a session goes south and all you have is references or P411 account void of any real information? Black list a guy who can easily change his "john" identity? Blame the providers who gave the reference? Report it to P411?

I think maybe the ladies that are comfortable relying on references and a lack of information may be in the wrong business. Real information is vital in case of a real life threatening emergency.

Oh please. All you're doing is breeding paranoia. I don't see how having every little detail of a client's life is going to save me in a life threatening situation. Ultimately, the biggest verification is my gut. If something seemed hinky, I wouldn't see that person.


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

I will show you mine if you show me yours.:D


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And what will you do when a session goes south and all you have is references or P411 account void of any real information?...

Maybe we should ask the victims mentioned in this thread about that?

Seriously, this is an age old double standard of the hobby. Is there any wonder that individuals on both sides of the argument have their positions, which they cling to with religious fervor? We all hide behind out 'stage names' to prevent some of the more nefarious from wrecking havoc on our lives.

Bottom line: If you're uncomfortable with providing the information requested, then look elsewhere for entertainment & income.


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200 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203.

Hey Neighbor!! :P

Here's my take on this:

The only time I ask for this is if someone is either brand new or have been out for so long they have no current references.

I point out my reputation to them to reassure them that I have a solid rep.

After that, it's their call. I've had it go both ways and I was never hurt if they said *thanks but I'll pass*.

I really think that it boils down to 2 points:

1) What is HER reputation like? (Is she new or has she been around for a while)

2) How comfortable do you feel passing it along - again, its YOUR call on this

Now once they've passed and I've seen them, I tell them to pick a hobby name and to let me know what they are using so when Sally asks me about John I can say he's good and I don't tell her his name is really James.


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!

I think a better question would be, why did your parents name you Coral Kisses. I'm sure that must be your real name. I wouldn't feel comfortable meeting you if it wasn't.


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Maybe we should ask the victims mentioned in this thread about that?

Seriously, this is an age old double standard of the hobby. Is there any wonder that individuals on both sides of the argument have their positions, which they cling to with religious fervor? We all hide behind out 'stage names' to prevent some of the more nefarious from wrecking havoc on our lives.

Bottom line: If you're uncomfortable with providing the information requested, then look elsewhere for entertainment & income.

It's not really a double standard. What about all the provider victims? I am not even allowed to talk about what has happened to me because it violates like a dozen rules on this board. I think a lot of the guys around here don't consider it because they aren't hearing the stories.

When you rent a car you give up your real info and a hotel you give up your real info? Why is that? So you can be held responsible for damages if any are to occur. With no real information what recourse does a provider have? If she is seriously physically hurt what is she supposed to do?

I firmly believe that ladies are assuming the bigger risk in this scenario and if as a provider you really believe that safety is paramount you should at the very least get a real name. The community of references and verification sites aren't going to be much help when the shit hits the fan.

We don't use stage names as providers to hide from our clients. We use it to hide as best we can from those we need to keep our secret from. I would also bet that there are many gents that know the real names of ladies and I am sure some of you have even been to private incalls which are also home to the provider. I would believe that knowing where someone lives is on par with knowing their real name.

The real point of screening wasn't really screening. Screening is a misnomer, it's more about leverage. A guy who gives up his real info is far less likely to take advantage because the provider has leverage. Before the reviews became less than honest (mostly out of fear) that was the leverage for the guys. It could have been a nice little system of checks and balances.

For the record I am not necessarily condoning the storing of information, the real info that you share could be as easy as flashing an ID in person, even if it's just a name and a picture you can see.

If I go the way of Laura Palmer I don't want the number of the last guy I saw to be a burner.


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Hey Neighbor!! :P

Here's my take on this:

The only time I ask for this is if someone is either brand new or have been out for so long they have no current references.

I point out my reputation to them to reassure them that I have a solid rep.

After that, it's their call. I've had it go both ways and I was never hurt if they said *thanks but I'll pass*.

I really think that it boils down to 2 points:

1) What is HER reputation like? (Is she new or has she been around for a while)

2) How comfortable do you feel passing it along - again, its YOUR call on this

Now once they've passed and I've seen them, I tell them to pick a hobby name and to let me know what they are using so when Sally asks me about John I can say he's good and I don't tell her his name is really James.

Unfortunately, longevity in the biz or even "reputation", do not make a big difference in risk. I cannot go into any real detail but not very long ago a well-known; well-liked; and well-established provider rolled and used what information she had for her own personal gain. I don't blame the guys for not feeling comfortable sharing their personal information and I don't blame the gals who are uncomfortable seeing them either. We each have to operate within our own boundaries and take the risks we are willing to take.


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Unfortunately, longevity in the biz or even "reputation", do not make a big difference in risk. I cannot go into any real detail but not very long ago a well-known; well-liked; and well-established provider rolled and used what information she had for her own personal gain. I don't blame the guys for not feeling comfortable sharing their personal information and I don't blame the gals who are uncomfortable seeing them either. We each have to operate within our own boundaries and take the risks we are willing to take.

Both sides are vulnerable in different ways and that is part of this game. As Danielle says, each of us operates at his or her comfort level.

Also, providing a fake "real" name is not difficult nor is it tough to spoof a "work" phone number. To me, all that does is create a false sense of security. If someone is whacked enough to do harm to a lady, having his name doesn't seem to bet much of a preventative measure.

But, in my limited experience, that appears be a very rare thing in this community.

Edited by Yogi

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I agree 100%

If you're not comfortable find another provider or take up stamp collecting.

I've heard it's very fun and at the sme time rewarding.


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!

Because I don't trust you. This is the sort of question that's amazing you'd even have to ask. It tells me you haven't thought things through very far, and that's not the sort of provider I want holding my information.

Do you think men come see you for a real date? Like, you're going to be their new SO, friend them on Facebook, bring them lunch at work? Maybe he'll take you home to meet the family? "Hi, this is my wife, Jill, and my hooker, Coral. The kids are at the sitter tonight..."


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Why are some guys reluctant about giving there real full name?

It makes me think your hiding something & it does not make me feel comfortable about meeting with you, I mean would you go on a date with someone you just met & not tell them your full name? I dont see any real difference really!

Yes, I am hiding something - the fact that I'm seeing you.


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There is really no need to get a guys "real" info. With all the recent BS of don't give out you real info, the guys are not going to give it to you. You therefore need to become creative with your screening. Personally, there are no number of references on the planet that can overcome my gut instinct. If I feel weird in the slightest way, I am going to trust my gut. If a guy gives me his real name or not, if my gut says no....well.

As for black listing sites...I don't use them. There are way too many ladies who feel the need to lie when blacklisting a guy. So again, my gut instinct comes into play. And guys can easily change their info. This business is chalk full of shit happens on both ends...NC/NS, ripoffs/shorting of fee etc etc etc. What is having a guys real info going to do in that case? Nothing. Unless you are one of those ladies the guys are worried about in the first place and go out them to their wives.

SEE THE POINT HERE? A few ding dong, vindictive bitches made all of us ladies untrustworthy. So the guys want to protect themselves. I cannot say as I blame them. I am by no means saying not to screen in your way, if it works and you feel safe, do it. BUT, I would highly recommend not bitching on here about how or why it is not working for you.


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there is really no need to get a guys "real" info. With all the recent bs of don't give out you real info, the guys are not going to give it to you. You therefore need to become creative with your screening. Personally, there are no number of references on the planet that can overcome my gut instinct. If i feel weird in the slightest way, i am going to trust my gut. If a guy gives me his real name or not, if my gut says no....well.

As for black listing sites...i don't use them. There are way too many ladies who feel the need to lie when blacklisting a guy. So again, my gut instinct comes into play. And guys can easily change their info. This business is chalk full of shit happens on both, ripoffs/shorting of fee etc etc etc. What is having a guys real info going to do in that case? Nothing. Unless you are one of those ladies the guys are worried about in the first place and go out them to their wives.

See the point here? A few ding dong, vindictive bitches made all of us ladies untrustworthy. So the guys want to protect themselves. I cannot say as i blame them. I am by no means saying not to screen in your way, if it works and you feel safe, do it. But, i would highly recommend not bitching on here about how or why it is not working for you.

^^^smart lady^^^


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"vindictive provider" Been there. It does happen.

I am sure everyone would like reading, do tell!


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