
All about me, or please and be pleased

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If at all possible I like to please her as well. I know it's far fetched in this hobby but there are plenty of ladies that are very good actresses. I appreciate that and they are the ones that I repeat with.


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I love delusional dudes who think the hooker they're paying is "into it". Trust me, while you're plugging away at her, she's thinking about her appointment at the nail parlor.

While I've enjoyed the majority of sessions with a number of providers, I wouldn't say I was really "into" every single provider (which is the reason I find I repeat with only a few.)

It follows that, the vast majority of providers relate to the vast majority of their clients only to the degree required to make a successful transaction happen. And, on the farthest end of the range, there are probably a number of providers who feel nothing toward any of their clients -- beyond the financial aspect. And, there is probably a much smaller number who are into most of their clients. (The world is a varied place.)

That said, I don't think it is completely delusional to think a provide will enjoy a session or two with the odd client or two. I think most times, on any give day, you are not that client, but occasionally, you are.


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i love it when we both have a lot of fun!

Pleaser all the way, it pays off for sure!



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So there really isn't much difference between a hooker and a wife!

The wife would not be doing said activity in the first place, so there is a difference. The only positive with my wife is that if she feels motivated, she is truly motivated. The problem is that's on a quarterly basis. But hey, that's another thread.

It would be nice if wives took the "all about the husband" route on occasion and just gave a nice maintenance blow job. Is that too much to ask? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is too much to ask.


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I think it was my 6th year of marriage when my then-wife actually said she would not give BJ's any more. :(


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I am pleased when I know I have pleased the lady, sometimes this is more pleasing then being pleased. But then again there are times I am shouting out , oh please,please. dog.gif


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You see a lot of posts where the ladies post things like "all about you" and then a lot of other posts with things like I like to "please and be pleased." Obviously the first is looking for clients who want to be catered too and basically taken care of. The second is looking for clients who want a more interactive session with more mutual interaction and enjoyment.

I can see the upside to, and enjoyed, both types of sessions.

My questions to the girls and guys is, which one are you? "All about me" or please and be pleased"?

My reaction is I want to be pleased ~ but I also want to be a gentleman and attentive to my companion. A negative experience I seem to run across, though, is that there are more and more providers who just want to aggressively work us over and then leave. THAT SUCKS. I desire companionship that is fulfilling what I want for the companionship for, most of enjoyable time!


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A Dr. Manny segment about a new book. Pay particular attention about the 4:30 mark.

Fairly interesting segment, Bit. Thanks for sharing. For so many of us married guys, the wives don't give us an opportunity to show that yes, as a matter of fact, we are healthy and everything works. I think the ultimate "medical insight" will be boosting women's libido. I have tried everything in that department, and would have never even considered hookers, if not for the woman's total lack of interest. Perhaps that's a "psychological insight." I don't know.


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A Dr. Manny segment about a new book. Pay particular attention about the 4:30 mark.

Perfect. Thanks for posting. I know this just drives a lot of providers nuts, but the truth is:

Pleasing you pleases me the most.


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I think it was my 6th year of marriage when my then-wife actually said she would not give BJ's any more. :(

Some of you guys are much more stronger than I am. If my husband up and announced no more sucking his dick. or sex, I would be out. I understand the whole love thing, but for us that enjoy sex, it is part of love.

That being said, I understand that some of you have simple needs that you are looking to have met. I also do enjoy the mutual sensual session where I get to enjoy myself as well. I have said it before, but I will say it again, some of the guys in the hobby are truly VERY TALENTED. :D


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Some of you guys are much more stronger than I am. If my husband up and announced no more sucking his dick. or sex, I would be out. I understand the whole love thing, but for us that enjoy sex, it is part of love.

That being said, I understand that some of you have simple needs that you are looking to have met. I also do enjoy the mutual sensual session where I get to enjoy myself as well. I have said it before, but I will say it again, some of the guys in the hobby are truly VERY TALENTED. :D

It was fear, not strength. :)

I did not want to risk a custody battle in her country.


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It was fear, not strength. :)

I did not want to risk a custody battle in her country.

I think lots of people have their reasons for staying, so in that case it's good that there are lots of nice ladies to meet other needs.:)


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I think lots of people have their reasons for staying, so in that case it's good that there are lots of nice ladies to meet other needs.:)

Precisely. It is not, in fact, "all about me." There is history, family, and other peoples' feelings involved. You ladies are angels of mercy, and while the wives may never understand it, you frequently keep marriages together. It's a good thing for providers that the wives go frigid, because providers would have a whole lot less business if the wives stayed interested. :rolleyes:


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Put me in the "I like to share the pleasure."


I am also in the "share the pleasure" camp. I seldom like one sided or one way activities.


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You ladies are angels of mercy, and while the wives may never understand it, you frequently keep marriages together.


I'm sure there are a lot of other benefits to society, [snip] The ladies are a godsend!

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Please & be Pleased group here, I find the other way not as fun or memorable ....


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If my husband up and announced no more sucking his dick. or sex, I would be out. I understand the whole love thing, but for us that enjoy sex, it is part of love.

This is why I got divorced. Currently, in my personal life, I only date younger men. :D:D:D:D


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Some of you guys are much more stronger than I am. If my husband up and announced no more sucking his dick. or sex, I would be out. I understand the whole love thing, but for us that enjoy sex, it is part of love.

That being said, I understand that some of you have simple needs that you are looking to have met. I also do enjoy the mutual sensual session where I get to enjoy myself as well. I have said it before, but I will say it again, some of the guys in the hobby are truly VERY TALENTED. :D

There are probably about three men on the entire planet who would announce, "no more sucking my dick," but hey, it's a big planet, so probably more like 10. I guess Nikki was married to one of the 10.

I agree that "lovers" should be "making love" and when you can put real love together with hot sex, my goodness that is the best thing. When she is coming hard and yells, "Oh, oh, ooooohhhhh, I love you so much." Nothin' better than that.

As it stands now, many of us will take the sex by itself, mainly because that is the only alternative. And in that case, at least for me, it's really all about me. I don't pretend that a professional lady, who has seen all the tricks, is "into me." I'm a real pussy cat, but I know better, and I let her do her job.


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Okay, am I the only one who was in a sexless marriage until I started seeing escorts?

Don't know if it's some kind of female gene that 'senses competition' or what. But business at the home office has gotten crazy since I started doing this. I went from zero to worn out. Not entirely sure how it works, but I'm not messing with a formula that seems to be working so well. I feel closer to my wife than I have in years.


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Okay, am I the only one who was in a sexless marriage until I started seeing escorts?

Don't know if it's some kind of female gene that 'senses competition' or what. But business at the home office has gotten crazy since I started doing this. I went from zero to worn out.

If it weren't for sexless marriages, the ladies would have a lot less business. I don't think there is a competition gene. I would venture to say that 90% of the wives sense no such competition and nothing changes.


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Pleasure or pleaser. I get pleasure in pleasing the one I'm with. It excites me to no end having a women orgasm from what I'm doing to them. Weather faked of not (some great actresses out there) it fires my rocket.


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Man, I tell ya! Even though I'm naturally a pleaser,  what I wouldn't give to have it be all about me for once. A good make out session followed by an amazing tongue lashing, and then a soft, full body tickle. You know lightly running your fingertips across my body for 30-60. Min....HEAVEN!


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47 minutes ago, Melissa Sterling said:

Man, I tell ya! Even though I'm naturally a pleaser,  what I wouldn't give to have it be all about me for once. A good make out session followed by an amazing tongue lashing, and then a soft, full body tickle. You know lightly running your fingertips across my body for 30-60. Min....HEAVEN!

Furiously taking notes.....


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1 hour ago, Melissa Sterling said:

Man, I tell ya! Even though I'm naturally a pleaser,  what I wouldn't give to have it be all about me for once. A good make out session followed by an amazing tongue lashing, and then a soft, full body tickle. You know lightly running your fingertips across my body for 30-60. Min....HEAVEN!

I would be into doing this if I felt I had a good connection with the provider. If I have that then I can guarantee I've been pleased in the past. I would enjoy the action getting her there and watching and hearing the fireworks that would signal success.


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I am a pleaser and love to spoil my clients, BUT there is something real hot when a client(that you click with) can't keep his eyes and hands off of you. Just had this the other day, and man, was I on cloud nine. I can say that I am really looking forward to our next rendesvouz(crossing my fingers). We want to feel desired, and when you lay is kind of hard to feel that way. Make me feel like a queen, and I WILL treat you like a king!


Samantha Sheppard


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On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2015 at 10:07 AM, Audrey Astor said:

That being said, I understand that some of you have simple needs that you are looking to have met. I also do enjoy the mutual sensual session where I get to enjoy myself as well. I have said it before, but I will say it again, some of the guys in the hobby are truly VERY TALENTED. :D

You are born with talent, you develop skills.  As in any sport, skills need time to develop - I think there was a recent book that said that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to reach your full maximum skill level (hmm, at 100-150 hours per year, I'm getting there..).  It has been my experience that you ladies can take the credit for what Ms. Astor terms "talent," since it has also been my experience that escorts are somewhat difficult to truly please - if you want a genuine O from your sporting companion you have to pay attention, work for it and exercise some creativity as well as diligence. These ladies are not easily impressed.  This, plus enjoying the process of bringing out the O from a variety of different ladies (given their unique and individual desires) really helps develop the skills necessary to truly enjoy this sport. 

I wish I could convince my wife to give me a chance - I think she would be shocked to find out how much I have improved over the past six years.


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On 3/5/2015 at 11:56 PM, EuropeanMonger said:

.I really like it when I can get her off.  The feeling of her body climaxing is very stimulating to me. However, I go there for me. I don't go to prove my manhood or impress her (I'm far too small and old for that.).  If I couldn't get pleasure why would I go?  My normal provider enjoys the act and the foreplay.  She has enough trust in me to tell me when she just isn't gong to "finish."   She also gets upset when I don't finish (which happens occasionally), but even then I enjoy the intimacy and the sexual stimulation.  We call this a hobby - hobby's are for fun.



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On September 3, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Melissa Sterling said:

Man, I tell ya! Even though I'm naturally a pleaser,  what I wouldn't give to have it be all about me for once. A good make out session followed by an amazing tongue lashing, and then a soft, full body tickle. You know lightly running your fingertips across my body for 30-60. Min....HEAVEN!

My goodness, that sounds wonderful. Funny thing is, I'm one of those guys who absolutely loves giving oral sex to a woman. I find it sweet as honey. I don't need anything in return. I remember about year three of our marriage where I gave my wife a solid hour of oral. We were firing on all cylinders that year as we both seemed determined to get as much sex as humanly possible. She came screaming about three times during that session. The fourth time I pushed my finger about half way up her ass and she nearly cried from the pleasure. I would love to do it again, but she has absolutely no urge. She does not want it. I would love to make it "all about her" because I love it.  I'll just have to fantasize about it as I think of the lovely Melissa Sterling. 


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I am definitely a pleaser. Not only is it in my nature but it also falls in line w my work. My most favorite clients work hard at getting me off and it's an "all about us" type of vibe. I saw a regular of mine the other day, he's nice enough, is always clean and always books 2 hours. The money is fantastic but Each time I am left wondering how anyone could possible think I'd enjoy sucking dick for two hours straight?! Who's does that?? 😂  I'm left wondering if I should say something to him or maybe that's out of line. He is literally the first client I've ever had to not give one single fuck whether I'm enjoying myself or not. He's a younger one, which makes me want to say something even more. If he's expecting that level of love from a civilian, well, he's gonna be single for a while! 👌

I hope this wasn't too graphic/ specific or I'm not breaking any rules. Sharing is caring :-) 


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