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    Transitional Fossil
  • Birthday 04/15/1970

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    in a pineapple under the sea...


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    That link isn't the only thing missing.
  • Location a pineapple under the sea

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  1. When you see a provider/client out in the public?

    Once I went to an off-site meeting with a co-worker and one of the two people we met was a provider existing in her "regular" work life. We conducted the meeting professionally and all went well -- which included two more meetings. Fast forward a couple of weeks after the project was completed & I booked an appointment which included many laughs about our "mutually assured discretion." We met semi-regularly until she retired from the "hobby," then we fell out of contact. (And never had another engagement with her firm, either.)
  2. CoVid and providers

    You probably know this, but a note about anti-body testing & results...
  3. Precautions?

    [Disclaimer: I’ve been off the board for quite a while — Except for occasional peek ins — so please delete this if it is too direct or redundant. But I did search, unsuccessfully, looking for the topic.] Based on the number of reviews and listings I’m seeing, I assumed the hobby is at some level of activity. I saw another thread where someone posted that they were going to make an appointment and take their chances. Is this sort of the state of things? Roll the dice? (For both sides.) Are providers doing any sort of basic health screenings — temperature and symptom check? (Is this reciprocal?) I know this is going to seem crazy, but are folks possibly wearing masks? Maybe keeping a window open and a fan or air purifier or both going? (I am aware of the effects all that could have on an encounter.) I’m really curious. And if answers or discussions have taken place, please point me to them. Thx.
  4. Fwb

    friends without benefits....then, not really friends, then you aren't left with much.
  5. Manscaping

    I don't know if it is still there, but Candio's website gave the the Grooming 101 info back in the day that I didn't know I needed!
  6. Role reversal - Reviews

    What's the saying about the brain being the body's largest sex organ? It is something you can make "bigger" through the ways Average1 suggests, right? You can have a bigger, better brain by being thoughtful when interacting (I would argue this is true for provider to client as much as client to provider.) That -- and being clean -- is the the sure route to a "good review."
  7. Careful with screening boys.

    Since the discussion has veered into one of the board's "Everlasting Gobstoppers" of topics (screening,) I'd like to ask for some input. I've been pretty inactive for the past two years-ish for various reasons. In that interim, I accidentally let my P411 account expire. As many know, they're not currently renewing or accepting new users due to all the recent laws enacted. Bummer. Also, over the past couple of years, all of the small number of the folks I visited regularly have retired. (Yes, this makes me very sad.) They were well-reviewed, well-known and respected ladies. So on the occasions when I did wander away from the Circle,* their references seemed to be well-received. Lastly, the cell number I used went away. So, six years after launching into this adventure, I'm almost back to newbie status. (If i could reverse my chronological age like that, it'd be an awesome trade-off....) Has using ToB become more of a tool lately with the changes and P411's reduced availability? It seems to have always been a way for some people to make connections and conduct screening of a sort. If so, how do most folks use it nowadays? (Sounds like provider-to-provider references aren't what they used to be.) I'm reluctant to provide any personally identifiable information and don't connect with providers who chose that method. (which is totally their prerogative.)This recent window of opportunity to reconnect with the Hobby might be shortlived, but if not, I'd like get a feel for the latest screening landscape and how ToB relates. * remember the "Circle of Trust" from Meet the Fokkers? ....esoteric reference.
  8. Gentlemen , is this necessary to wait......

    Sorry to hear that, Jez. I've really slowed down seeing ladies for that reason -- the likelihood of a last-minute cancellation. It has become increasingly difficult to get away from work. One can only have so many dentists or doctors visits a year, eh? Those seem to be the only sacrosanct appoints. Everything else has to be secondary to whatever dumpster fire rolls my way. On the flip side, when I was more active, I can't remember how often I would get a text an hour or less from a provider before an appointment cancelling it. All I can do is be patient, empathize and move along. No one ever fully knows what is going on in someone else's life.
  9. I ran into a provider via my job once. It was initially a little distracting, but we were both professional and all went well. The next time I saw her, we laughed a bit and noted the importance of MAD... Mutually Assured Discretion. I still book appointments on occasion, but we haven't cross paths in real life again. Another, who has now retired out of state, keeps in touch via text, another became sort of a coffee friend we had a strong mutual non-hobby interest the fueled the conversations, but we fallen out of contact, and another has been a friend for years with periodic lunches and the rare appointment. People are people are people.
  10. Harmony 720-503-1690 Colorado Body Rubs Seems legit based on searching her name and phone number. Has anyone seen her? Thanks.
  11. Christmas Present

    I would worry that your expectations might not be met just due to the build up. Totally second Banger's comment. Maybe book an extra session (or a longer one -- extra would be my choice) with a current ATF.
  12. How many P411 Okays are too many?

    To slightly extend (& hopefully not drift) this topic vs starting a new thread, may I ask: what is contained in an "Okay" as seen by the provider viewing it? Is it simply what the we (the client) sees? Which isn't much. Name of provider, date of okay and that's about it, yes? Is there a provider-only comment section? And...while I'm at it, heck drift on! ...Is it appropriate to request an Okay after only one visit with a provider? I always feel like I should ask folks after I've see them more than once. (Which is a Catch-22, because I sort of stick with the same one or two folks for as long as possible, if we get along well. Then, they become unavailable (move/retire/join convent...) and I find I have old Okays. #OverThinkingThings Thanks for your responses.
  13. Happy New Year, everyone. Sadly, one of my favorite providers is no longer available, so I'm likely finding myself back in the pool & hoping to connect with someone new -- unless I retire... For me, that means reaching out to a new provider via P411. Like many folks, I'm gratified when the provider has the time, inclination and is able to read my profile, but that doesn't actually seem to happen often. When it does, I take it as a very good sign. My question for providers (and clients, too) is: what information do you find most useful in a profile's "Client Bio" section and do you read the narrative section of that? For what it is worth, I have actually spent a lot of time on mine -- yeah, yeah, I know -- but now wonder if it is ever read? Three tabs over and scroll all the way down that page. Who has time for that....? But, if you do read it, what is most helpful to have in that section? If not, why not? Also, if a train leaves Cincinnati at 4:00 p.m. traveling 180 mph and a truck leaves Cleveland....
  14. Height / weight photos - resource

    5'8, 130-140. just right.