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FYI: Greeley Sting & Shooting

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Not excusing the stupidity of the "customer" who got shot, but perhaps he thought he was going to be ripped off by the "asp" and her "friend/pimp/boyfriend" at gunpoint. I can see that panic set in, and the customer reacted, incorrectly though, and attempted to use a gun to defend himself. The article does not say how the sting was perpetrated, how they lured the customer to the hotel, what was said between the customer and the asp/alleged asp (undercover officer), and how the backup/officers entered the room and from where. Bad execution of a sting, no guns should have been present by the customer, and PD acted to defend themselves. I would think twice about hobbying in Greeley, guys. PD there shoots to kill...


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Their rule is carry ALL the time, your gun is worthless sitting in the safe (or dresser drawer).

This is true.

It's also true that it's useless lying next to your dead body.

Police usually identify themselves right away, when they choose to arrest you. If they didn't that would make me very sad. :(


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What I would like to know is if it was video taped or audio recorded.. LE ALWAYS video tapes or records the conversation.

Hum interesting.........


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It would not surprise me to learn that he was faced with several UCs in street clothes rather than "uniformed officers" as the article states. I've seen video of dozens of stings, and they usually involve UC officers. Often cars are used that are not recognizable as unmarked police vehicles and the UCs are bearded longhairs dressed like dirtbags. If the Greeley PD is claiming the deceased pointed a weapon at uniformed officers I hope they have the video evidence to back that up.


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It would not surprise me to learn that he was faced with several UCs in street clothes rather than "uniformed officers" as the article states. I've seen video of dozens of stings, and they usually involve UC officers. Often cars are used that are not recognizable as unmarked police vehicles and the UCs are bearded longhairs dressed like dirtbags. If the Greeley PD is claiming the deceased pointed a weapon at uniformed officers I hope they have the video evidence to back that up.

Never really thought about it from that perspective but that makes sense. I was really confused as to why the guy would pull a gun on the cops, was he just crazy, feel threatened? Greeley is not exactly Metro Denver, is it possible that carrying a gun to a session is not uncommon?


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Greeley PD also has a Wild West reputation - think arrogant, small town cock of the roost. There were a few ugly incidents several years back.


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It states in the article they were uniformed officers...


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Oops my fault....I realize now that you are assuming the police are misrepresenting and lying about the facts of the case. I'm a slightly more trusting

It is more than possible the guy was under the influence of something, and just wasn't thinking right when he pulled the gun....good judgement and impulse control tend to go out the window in those cases...


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Was it to threaten/harm the hooker? Or is he one of those guys who has a permit to carry and wears it anywhere?

If a dude brought a gun to an appointment he had with me and brought inside, so I could see it, end of appointment right there.

Oh and to pull a gun on cops, well Darwinism at it's best. One way to cull the idiots.


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My question is



this is the basic configuration of a Comfort Inn room.

how do you fit a deceased man, undercover female cop and a team of uniform offiicers in the room.

And only one person got shot, go figure.:confused:


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Name of the dead guy has been released. A huge 2+2=5 assumption, but, a person with same name is on Weld's most wanted list.


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The first rule of gun safety is not to point your weapon at anyone you don't expect to shoot. Anyone that points a gun at anyone deserves what they get.


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Name of the dead guy has been released. A huge 2+2=5 assumption, but, a person with same name is on Weld's most wanted list.

A DP article just confirmed your assumption. He was on the Weld County list. I'd guess it was a lucky snare for Greeley PD (as I doubt the sting was set for him). It does tend to explain why he pulled a piece on them though.


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Two words to remember about Greeley and Weld County when it come to LE work is Ken Buck, local DA and major dick.


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A DP article just confirmed your assumption. He was on the Weld County list. I'd guess it was a lucky snare for Greeley PD (as I doubt the sting was set for him). It does tend to explain why he pulled a piece on them though.

Well, if he truly was on the wanted list, it's good that he is no longer with us. I tend to wonder if such a man could have passed the screening of the veteran ladies, but that is probably derailing the topic somewhat.


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A DP article just confirmed your assumption. He was on the Weld County list. I'd guess it was a lucky snare for Greeley PD (as I doubt the sting was set for him). It does tend to explain why he pulled a piece on them though.

Accumulating ten warrants in last five months, including weapon and illegal substances - yeah, train wreck looking for a place to happen. Just happened in a hotel room/sting but could have happened anywhere and was going to one way or the other.

Side thought to couple posts in thread: if your first thought when interrupted is that a pimp is going to roll you and you feel the need to take gun to appointments - YOU ARE SEEING THE WRONG LADIES. Just sayin.


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Side thought to couple posts in thread: if your first thought when interrupted is that a pimp is going to roll you and you feel the need to take gun to appointments - YOU ARE SEEING THE WRONG LADIES. Just sayin.

Not necessarily seeing the wrong ladies, TODAY.

But in days past (pre-Internet) I had some sketchy situations, so the instincts still pop up on occasion.


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If you think hookers don't see criminals you are pretty naive.

ahem, excuse me, what do you think you are when you see one of us? Surely not a saint.... just sayin'.


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You didn't read what I wrote? Everyone a hooker sees is a criminal by definition. But anyone that thinks they don't see drug dealers, thieves and all other kinds of criminals is naive. Several hookers saw Holmes before he became a killer.


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The sting seems to follow the same general format of other stings I've come across when researching; that is a few escorts were initially busted at a particular location, then a sting to nail the Jon's was set up afterwards. These things always seem to follow a particular protocol and setup. Identifying that setup, the kinds of locations commonly chosen, and an estimation of the times between different stings should be a thread IMO. Might even be possible to identify the sting the moment after an individual is busted, since normally escorts are the ones who get dragged down first. That is if that particular girl let someone know where she was going, and that person found out and was able to post it here. It would suck for that one person, but everyone else who reads this board would know to avoid that area. Same goes for a Jon who gets busted, though I doubt any of us let anyone know where we're going, so it would be more difficult.

"Honey, I'm going to get my rocks off with a real pro and such and such hotel. Post it on TOB for if I get busted k?"


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If you think hookers don't see criminals you are pretty naive.

Guilty as charged. So if a lady did a screening, and found out a guy was a criminal (if you can find out such things, which I suppose you can), do you think the majority would see the guy? Perhaps they would. I truly don't know. If they saw that the guy was on the "most wanted list," as was the case for this sting, would they still see the guy? Again, I don't know.


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Guilty as charged. So if a lady did a screening, and found out a guy was a criminal (if you can find out such things, which I suppose you can), do you think the majority would see the guy? Perhaps they would. I truly don't know. If they saw that the guy was on the "most wanted list," as was the case for this sting, would they still see the guy? Again, I don't know.

The following is speculation, but to turn around the question about screening ... of course not all escorts do screening (many of the BP ones don't). Suppose that a potential client knows he has a stack of outstanding arrest warrants and is on a "Most Wanted" list. My guess is that such a client would react to a detailed screening process by saying "f*** it, I'll find someone else who doesn't ask so many questions".


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I find it funny how LE gets such a bad rep around here. Who are you going to call when your house gets broken into, you get into an accident.....

The last thing those "little piggies" wanted to do was shoot a guy. In reality it is his own fault - he got caught in a sting, pulled a gun on an office and was shot.

Gun didn't get there by itself, Lotta ways this could have played out, Dude made stupid decisions at every step of the way.


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The following is speculation, but to turn around the question about screening ... of course not all escorts do screening (many of the BP ones don't). Suppose that a potential client knows he has a stack of outstanding arrest warrants and is on a "Most Wanted" list. My guess is that such a client would react to a detailed screening process by saying "f*** it, I'll find someone else who doesn't ask so many questions".



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Ha, isn't that cute? Have you called them lately? They have NEVER helped me with anything, but they are great at harassment. LOL Go ahead, and call though...

As for me.... I have my own protection for the next asshole that wants to break in my house.

The guy should have known better, yes. Did he deserve to die, IDK.. I was not there.

Holly, you fucken nailed it! I know this thread is old but I just had an experience when I caught some fucker trying to break into my house. I got a cam pic of the SOB and his shoe prints. Immediately called the Denver Boys in Blue. Took them an hour and 12 minutes to show up. When they came, I gave them full details and told them where he went as well as the pictures I had, they were simply not interested and stated that at least he didn't hurt me or take anything. So I agree with Holly, let me know when they show up.


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ahem, excuse me, what do you think you are when you see one of us? Surely not a saint.... Just sayin'.



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I used to only keep things like mace and tazer. But recent events have changed that. Thanks to several hobbist on TOB, and my father Iv been to a shooting range and have been well taught on how to use a gun. I too now have my own protection for the next asshole.


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