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About worksmartnothard

  • Rank
    Active Participant
  • Birthday 08/17/1980
  1. Is this the only profession where...

    However I think CH might need those for all the eye strain he gets from looking at fat asses. Or maybe you would enjoy a post about what horrors we hookers occasionally endure when we open the door? Then you can eat all the Midol you can swallow, or is Geritol more your speed? Either way, let me know and I can sure as the sun shines add something from a hookers perspective. All in good fun of course...
  2. Is this the only profession where...

    What exactly was your purpose in posting your dislike of "fat asses", other than to insult those ladies who have an ass bigger than your desires? Do you not think other men can look at an ass and make a choice? Are you the authority on ass sizes on hookers globally? And because you are renting, you feel you can be very generous with your public protrusion of your dislike of asses? Are you one of those shoppers who posts reviews on things you dislike because you can? Yes Crazy Horse, this is a forum where johns can chitty chat about hookers but don't you feel that being petty just makes you look incredibly foolish? What would this site be like if every john wrote a post on what he dislikes or feels is gross on a hooker? This is the very same nonsense that some hookers do in coming on here to just make some of the johns uncomfortable with mentioning the things they find repulsive. Who cares? Don't book a fat john, a frizzy haired grey headed john. Just like you, a john, need not book a hooker with a "gross fat ass". One man's "gross fat ass" is another mans dream come true. One hookers nightmare john is another hookers best client. Just because you might be over 60 does not mean you have a level of maturity that a hooker might respond to as in, wow that guy might be a cool client. instead, it is more likely Ugghhhh give that rude SOB a miss.
  3. Never trust a woman...

    That bring shame and a bad name to all of you. Humanity can be a drag, bad men, bad women, just plain bad people.
  4. Copy of ID ?

    I do NOT discourage a screening site such as P411 and I do NOT personally ask for a drivers license. My point was you telling all the guys NEVER to give out personal info. You don't require it, others do. It would be like me telling ALL hookers to get personal info. What other hookers do is none of my business and I don't feel the need to tell them what they should and should not ask for nor will I tell ALL johns what they should and should not provide. I can read normal sized font so there was really no need to "shout" it.
  5. Copy of ID ?

    Then why do you make it a point to tell guys NOT to give out personal info? You might not need it but many do and you are doing those ladies a great disservice.
  6. Copy of ID ?

    Is supposed to give LE the perpetrators info from P411? I can see it now "frank-05-f-6543 was the guy who tried to strangle me" officer. Oh and here is his email and here's his phone (a burner), 303-555-5555. Let me know how well this works if anything ever happens. Or better yet, you get ripped off and Frankie just changes all that info and starts all over again with new hookers seeing how provider buzz is no longer. We now have very little in reporting venues. If you have any solutions for these issues I would love to hear them.
  7. That for them it is too intimate, or their experience with guys who P4P has been bad, heck I am guessing at best. From experience I have told guys to stop if their technique happens to be painful. Trying to suck a clit off her body might work for some but generally not a good practice.
  8. the references dilemma

    Mentioning that you need an out call and someone who is disabled friendly and possibly going into a bit of detail about your disability might help. Intro emails are very important and for some ladies, can make or break the deal. References are like reviews, tough if you don;t have any and the luck of the draw to find someone who will see you without. The fact that you want a lady to come to you, in your environment could be a reason most escorts want a reference. They never know what they are walking into.
  9. What Is Going On???

    @ Juandah...I don't require a cancellation fee and do not give discounts or more time. I file it under "shit happens" and let it be. Tis a rarity for me to cancel or be cancelled on and those that have, I am happy to say reschedule and I do not expect anything in return, hell they re-booked, that's enough for me.
  10. Bikini/fitness model type body ASP recommendations...

    Because this is a fitness model. The hierarchy goes like this: bikini, fitness, physique, body building
  11. How to discuss services beforehand

    I wish more guys used this area to spell out their likes and dislikes. I am a HUGE proponent of as much compatibility as possible.
  12. How to discuss services beforehand

    Okay not had my morning coffee and missed the "most" reference so my post is really a moot point. Just to add, money does not always get you what you want. Be careful of the ladies boundaries.
  13. I wanna porn fantasy...

    Choose an escort that can deal with a marathon session since you already know you can push the limits. Some will grit their teeth and soldier on and others will give the time out signal and you're done. Compatibility is key.
  14. FYI: Greeley Sting & Shooting

    Was it to threaten/harm the hooker? Or is he one of those guys who has a permit to carry and wears it anywhere? If a dude brought a gun to an appointment he had with me and brought inside, so I could see it, end of appointment right there. Oh and to pull a gun on cops, well Darwinism at it's best. One way to cull the idiots.
  15. Words

    Sugar coating the obvious is just a little silly. I do not condone just walking up to a random overweight female and yelling "Hey fat lady". However fat is fat and if it comes up in conversation, well what else are you going to call it?