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Banned companions

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There are a couple threads floating around the Forums about recently banned companions. What causes a companion to be banned? Verified stolen deposits? Has anyone ever complained to TOB  admin about a companion and then seen her banned? If you reply, dont use any names. It would be interesting  to have TOB admin reply about what can cause a ban - again with no names. 


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Very sad, and because it is only an established companion who pays for ads and has a presence can add another lady to our community. And when that new  lady makes a choice to not fallow the rules for whatever reason, keep in mind both ladies are booted off TOB if there is a problem. There are several ladies now who refuse to give reference to another because of that factor. I know @MeganMarie4u mentioned that she was reluctant to help because of the tremendous responsibility involved with getting another on TOB. 😢 


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I didn’t know that new providers had to be sponsored to post adds, I think that’s a great idea and appreciate TOB for having this requirement. There are so many other platforms and the ads are so sketchy, I only seek services from TOB providers, and after knowing this even more so. 


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Da Fuq? That makes sense as to why there very seldom anyone new on here… I don’t see this place getting larger, only smaller… 


9 hours ago, Audrey Astor said:

Ya…. That’s kind of what’s been happening over the years…..🙄

Anywho…. I’ve never known the mods to get involved in drama or business off of the board. If they had, the membership pool would be much smaller. I wish the guys had to go through a vetting and “how to behave in the hobby” course prior to joining.😂 Long story short, it could be breaking advertising rules like Kali said. 

True story…. Someone created a post outing me and my location. The post was removed, but that person is still here. I’m assuming you have to do something worse than that. 

Yeah, in my short time here, it’s been apparent that this is not a growing community… Kind of a shame actually. But I also understand the need for having a smaller community. Lol, I guess I’ll go to tinder… Kidding

Keeping you all safe should be priority number one, hopefully that’s the case! 


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20 hours ago, BadTiming said:

Da Fuq? That makes sense as to why there very seldom anyone new on here… I don’t see this place getting larger, only smaller… 

Ya…. That’s kind of what’s been happening over the years…..🙄

Anywho…. I’ve never known the mods to get involved in drama or business off of the board. If they had, the membership pool would be much smaller. I wish the guys had to go through a vetting and “how to behave in the hobby” course prior to joining.😂 Long story short, it could be breaking advertising rules like Kali said. 

True story…. Someone created a post outing me and my location. The post was removed, but that person is still here. I’m assuming you have to do something worse than that. 


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6 hours ago, Audrey Astor said:

Ya…. That’s kind of what’s been happening over the years…..🙄

Anywho…. I’ve never known the mods to get involved in drama or business off of the board. If they had, the membership pool would be much smaller. I wish the guys had to go through a vetting and “how to behave in the hobby” course prior to joining.😂 Long story short, it could be breaking advertising rules like Kali said. 

True story…. Someone created a post outing me and my location. The post was removed, but that person is still here. I’m assuming you have to do something worse than that. 

How would you "vet" the gents???? Kinda like pre=screening?  A course on behavior for BOTH sides of this endeavor could be a great idea.  IF the gents were vetted (pre-screened) It would be more like P411???  A course on punctuality would be a good idea too.


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On 12/19/2022 at 1:36 PM, BadTiming said:

 I don’t see this place getting larger, only smaller… 


Yeah, in my short time here, it’s been apparent that this is not a growing community… Kind of a shame actually.




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I have limited perspective given that I have rarely (2-3 times in the past 7 yrs) chosen Colorado companions from anywhere but TOB, but I am quite satisfied with the experience. Part of that is the work done by the admins to police the board and bounce any provider who crosses the line (wherever that means). Its kind of like sausage. You might not understand - or want to know - what goes into it, but the result is pleasing.



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Lot’s of changes since Back Page went down and the new human trafficking laws got applied April of 2017 as a result of that. Then it was Covid that hit us all. For a while the reviews where going through without  body content. Just kind of interesting how in a round  about way even this world has become so regulated. Life is sure not getting easier. Money is tighter. Just makes us all feel uneasy. I love to read tarot Nine of wands is about waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

@sb1212 lips, tail,  and other tasty parts 😉



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On 12/19/2022 at 1:36 PM, BadTiming said:

Da Fuq? That makes sense as to why there very seldom anyone new on here… I don’t see this place getting larger, only smaller… 


Yeah, in my short time here, it’s been apparent that this is not a growing community… Kind of a shame actually. But I also understand the need for having a smaller community. Lol, I guess I’ll go to tinder… Kidding

Keeping you all safe should be priority number one, hopefully that’s the case! 

Without new blood, the site will continue to shrink…maybe that’s what the owners want..just milk it to the end…like the Denver Post owners.


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There's new ladies joining everyday.... there's been a few welcome posts too! It obviously will never grow exponentially because it's mainly a Colorado board and most people don't know it exists. 


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It is my understanding that new companions need the referral of an existing companion.  Is this correct?

How do they go about getting a referral?

(Inquiring minds…)


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7 minutes ago, Bit Banger said:

It is my understanding that new companions need the referral of an existing companion.  Is this correct?

How do they go about getting a referral?

(Inquiring minds…)

It seems to me that it makes more sense for a new companion to get a referral  from a client whom is in good standing. Just saying.


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2 hours ago, wglide2003 said:

It seems to me that it makes more sense for a new companion to get a referral  from a client whom is in good standing. Just saying.

Key words “good standing”.  Clients are not vetted like providers.


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To OP:. That's something I have wondered also.  There was a particular ASP who I had seen a few times and would have gladly continued seeing, but she was banned & I still have no idea why.  Hey ads were quite milquetoast, & no problems with references.  She went dark after, so I can't ask her, & still wondering why the ban.


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It's a problem. Talked to a provider recently who isn't on TOB, she's known and established in the area, and can't get on here, because she can't be verified? I'm for curation, but clearly TOB needs to loosen up a little. 


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If you know a companion and you feel sketchy because she is not on TOB?! That is ridiculous! Also, be what it may, If she was banned from TOB? That only shows she decided not to follow the rules. Nothing to do with her not being a good provider or dishonest. She is only a rebel for this particular website!!! Oh, silly!! 

On 1/27/2023 at 4:07 PM, nf77 said:

To OP:. That's something I have wondered also.  There was a particular ASP who I had seen a few times and would have gladly continued seeing, but she was banned & I still have no idea why.  Hey ads were quite milquetoast, & no problems with references.  She went dark after, so I can't ask her, & still wondering why the ban.

Lighten up, TOB has their rules. They have every right to banned anyone on here



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out of all the years I was working I wasn't very active on any forum until like a few years ago I think. having a presence on the forum can be difficult though cause of drama :mellow:I never had problems with my ads but I did get banned from one forum for misconduct last year & it made me SO SAD because I LOVED participating in their forum! I thought they would at least let me off with a warning! they let me keep my ad up though probably cause they still wanted me for my money. I'll never make the same mistake again! :)

Edited by sunshinelovely
added sentence.

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On 12/20/2022 at 10:03 AM, Audrey Astor said:

True story…. Someone created a post outing me and my location. The post was removed, but that person is still here. I’m assuming you have to do something worse than that. 

Yesterday's deleted thread (that you called out for outing) created by the still-advertising provider proves outing is still no biggie. Huh

Be nice if that proponent of risk-minimization owned up to the risk anyone who gives her any information exposes himself to.


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13 minutes ago, whatagame said:

Yesterday's deleted thread (that you called out for outing) created by the still-advertising provider proves outing is still no biggie. Huh

Be nice if that proponent of risk-minimization owned up to the risk anyone who gives her any information exposes himself to.

What happened? I don’t understand what you’re saying? I don’t think I was on yesterday, not sure which post you’re thinking of. 🤷‍♀️ 


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My bad: I thought it was you.  

A provider outed someone by posting his real world name.  Another provider (apparently not you) called her out for outing him.  The thread was up for a couple hours mid-day yesterday.

The thread's gone, but the dangerous provider is still advertising, at least as of 4.30am today.


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4 minutes ago, whatagame said:

My bad: I thought it was you.  

A provider outed someone by posting his real world name.  Another provider (apparently not you) called her out for outing him.  The thread was up for a couple hours mid-day yesterday.

The thread's gone, but the dangerous provider is still advertising, at least as of 4.30am today.

———————————————————————-THANK YOU FOR CLARIFYING THAT IT WASN'T ME.————————-————————————————————-

This is something that a seasoned provider as my self,  knows is completely unacceptable to do. Most here know me and my style, but anybody believing what had been written could be very damaging to my reputation. 😡🤬😡


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I mentioned you - 

  1. to piggy-back on your astonishment in this thread that outing is no biggie to some, including admin, here (We’ll delete it, but you’re here/free to do it again)
  2. I thought you had called out the outer (what my initial post says)

I didn’t say you had outed anyone. I hope you’re the only one who misunderstood that.


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11 hours ago, whatagame said:

My bad: I thought it was you.  

A provider outed someone by posting his real world name.  Another provider (apparently not you) called her out for outing him.  The thread was up for a couple hours mid-day yesterday.

The thread's gone, but the dangerous provider is still advertising, at least as of 4.30am today.

I don't think the provider is dangerous, I think she made an awful mistake. (Which does not condone the action)  By her own admission she said she is fairly new to the hobby and is still learning.  I think the post was made out of ignorance and not malice.  Lets not forget prior to this post a TOB member outted an ASP.  I also think that was a mistake with good intentions. (He wanted to share information that a local ASP was now deceased)  Did you notice if that member is still active as of 4:30 am today?  

Just an FYI @Caressa Duval is the one who pointed out the "outters" in both cases.  Just wanted to give credit where it is due.


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Perhaps she wasn't being malicious, though posting the information of someone who tried to rip you off does carry a hint of retribution at the least.  Mere carelessness is dangerous, too.   At least I'd think so were it my information.  Perhaps she shouldn't be banned, but some might want to avoid her.  You, of course, are free to entrust her with any and all information about you. 

As for the other 'outer,' that seems an unfortunate lapse in judgement.  Not all things that share similarities are equivalent.


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