
chocolate, I never had it & I've been craving it!

40 posts in this topic

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.


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There are 1143 profiles on TOB for providers who identify as "Ebony". Granted, not all are active, but refining the search a little will likely give you some attractive options. 


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10 hours ago, skinnydud said:

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.

Take her up on her offer, stop being a wuss. The only things you will be story for in life are the things you passed up or were afraid to do! Take the chance! In my humble opinion Black ladies are SEXY!


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18 hours ago, skinnydud said:

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.

I agree with Sparky up to a point.

Do you and your co-worker work very close together or in the same department? Do either one of you supervise the other directly or indirectly? Is either one of you in management and the other isn't? Is your co-worker related to anyone in the company that you work closely with or in management.

If you answered yes to any of the questions, I would say don't do it. But if you say no to all of them, then go for it and enjoy the experience.  Who knows, it might be the start of something fantastic.


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As an Aussie friend used to say, “You don’t get you meat at the bakers, or bread at the butcher shop.”

Relationships at work, even no strings attached, are complicated enough w/o adding sex. HR department frown on them.  I had a friend give up a bank VP job because of his.

That said, enjoy your quest.


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9 hours ago, sparkey600 said:

Take her up on her offer, stop being a wuss. The only things you will be story for in life are the things you passed up or were afraid to do! Take the chance! In my humble opinion Black ladies are SEXY!

forgot to mention she s a young part time Model ! ... I just dont know!


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1 hour ago, ilovewomen said:

I agree with Sparky up to a point.

Do you and your co-worker work very close together or in the same department? Do either one of you supervise the other directly or indirectly? Is either one of you in management and the other isn't? Is your co-worker related to anyone in the company that you work closely with or in management.

If you answered yes to any of the questions, I would say don't do it. But if you say no to all of them, then go for it and enjoy the experience.  Who knows, it might be the start of something fantastic.

well the answer to all is no. however, I dont want to start anything. I am done starting or ending things. I just want to enjoy the moment and be done with it, thats why I am here.


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18 minutes ago, Bit Banger said:

As an Aussie friend used to say, “You don’t get you meat at the bakers, or bread at the butcher shop.”

Relationships at work, even no strings attached, are complicated enough w/o adding sex. HR department frown on them.  I had a friend give up a bank VP job because of his.

That said, enjoy your quest.

totally agree ... add to that my other life needs to stay intact. no need for drama and problems before going to sleep in my bed.


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On 10/7/2021 at 8:57 AM, skinnydud said:

totally agree ... add to that my other life needs to stay intact. no need for drama and problems before going to sleep in my bed.

I'm glad you decided to make things in your life uncomplicated. Glad you put your dilemma to rest.

On a side note, I met my wife at work. We had to hide our relationship for several months (OK 9 months) at a MAJOR Corporation...It was a pain in the ass and at the same time kind of naughty. We've been married for over 11 years at this point, dated for over a year.... My point, follow your heart on this one. Sometimes drama and complications at work are worth it if you see a future with this young lady. Only you and she have the answer to this situation. Good luck bro! I'm pulling for you for sure! Me? I'm really glad I took that chance and found a lady I'll be happily spending the rest of my life with. She was worth taking the risk for over my job and hers as well! We talk about "the old days" and laugh!


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On 10/7/2021 at 8:52 AM, skinnydud said:

forgot to mention she s a young part time Model ! ... I just dont know!

We could try her out and give you a review.

That's a not so subtle hint to read the reviews for providers attitudes, which should help you find the lady you seek 



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On 10/6/2021 at 0:29 PM, skinnydud said:

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.

Every chance you don't take could be the missed opportunity of a lifetime!


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THINK with your big head.  Your determination to keep your play world private is, in my opinion, in indications of good judgement.  While there MIGHT be a positive outcome from becoming a lover of your black co-worker, you COULD be a "target" and a way to sue your company.  FAR too much risk (imho).  IF you really want to do this, find another job and then see if she is still interested.  Better yet, tell that is your plan and see what she says.    See, it really is a better idea to search the many FINE ebonies that are available in the front range area.  God luck, Happy hunting.


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It seem simple to me. Can you afford to lose your job. If not, keep your dick in your pants. It's not that difficult in my opinion. 


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On 10/23/2021 at 9:52 PM, tide32 said:

It seem simple to me. Can you afford to lose your job. If not, keep your dick in your pants. It's not that difficult in my opinion. 

i like your take on it. I will not lose my job ... that is not the fear I have! 

there is a few people here that think with their minds big head ... and there are quite a few that think with their asses especially the one that totally missed the point of the post and started directing the conversation to race ... damn some people only think with their ass


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32 minutes ago, skinnydud said:

i like your take on it. I will not lose my job ... that is not the fear I have! 

there is a few people here that think with their minds big head ... and there are quite a few that think with their asses especially the one that totally missed the point of the post and started directing the conversation to race ... damn some people only think with their ass

Time, your original post and the title are NOT about race? Looks like it is ALL about race. 


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12 hours ago, skinnydud said:

i like your take on it. I will not lose my job ... that is not the fear I have! 

there is a few people here that think with their minds big head ... and there are quite a few that think with their asses especially the one that totally missed the point of the post and started directing the conversation to race ... damn some people only think with their ass

Hahaha..  You're talking about women like you're discussing  the kinds of cereal you've eaten.  But sure, you do you.

But you confused  me- was I thinking with  my big head or my ass? 🙇


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On 10/6/2021 at 0:29 PM, skinnydud said:

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.

There is a NYC girl coming to town Dec 18- something that I have seen listed, but not here. It's a heavy Benjamin lift to visit but reviews are amazing. 


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On 10/23/2021 at 10:27 AM, Phil-anderer said:

Food for thought... if you're referring to a person as 'chocolate', maybe there's a good reason you haven't been with a woman of color.  

I fucking LOVE you. As a black woman, I gagged reading the OP. 🤮


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On 10/6/2021 at 0:29 PM, skinnydud said:

so I have a diverse experience but the majority is between latinas and white. I have never tried chocolate, i have tried a mix but the attitude disappointed me so i never tried again. in addition, I can be super picky when it comes to my  limited hobby times ... however, a black coworker, that meets all my criterias, is kind of trying to get me to her bed. She made me crave some good chocolate, but I don't shit where I eat and I want that image I have developped over the years to stay neat. I prefer P4P to keep the fun on the hidden side. 

the cravings have been getting worse though with som many of my acquantainces being chocolate and the offerings on TOB are limited.

This thread could possibly be the most ridiculous thing I’ve read this month! Bruh, the term chocolate? Like really? Maybe just eat a snickers and call it a day… I’m sure you’re a blast to hang out with. 😏


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On 11/29/2021 at 1:16 PM, Shyguy said:

This thread could possibly be the most ridiculous thing I’ve read this month! Bruh, the term chocolate? Like really? Maybe just eat a snickers and call it a day… I’m sure you’re a blast to hang out with. 😏

At least they got an actual flavor :huh:

@skinnydud - none "chocolate" but they are all closer to sugar spice everything nice. End the carnie search and tap the coworker before you get woulda shoulda coulda old like me :cool:

Edited by secojim

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On 10/21/2021 at 11:42 AM, JRWolfe said:

We could try her out and give you a review.



Sure. U bet, what's her contact info?


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On 10/7/2021 at 7:24 AM, ilovewomen said:

I agree with Sparky up to a point.

Do you and your co-worker work very close together or in the same department? Do either one of you supervise the other directly or indirectly? Is either one of you in management and the other isn't? Is your co-worker related to anyone in the company that you work closely with or in management.

If you answered yes to any of the questions, I would say don't do it. But if you say no to all of them, then go for it and enjoy the experience.  Who knows, it might be the start of something fantastic.

Agreed on all points you made, good thinking!


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Serious question. I’m just an idiot but…..Why isn’t the original post in this thread not a violation of section 8 of the site rules?


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On 12/4/2021 at 0:59 PM, PeterOrock said:

Serious question. I’m just an idiot but…..Why isn’t the original post in this thread not a violation of section 8 of the site rules?

Good question:: Had left it up for discussion as the OP I am sure, this was meant as a compliment......


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On 11/23/2021 at 11:55 PM, Just Jos said:

I fucking LOVE you. As a black woman, I gagged reading the OP. 🤮

I've seen ads for woman advertising the term chocolate. I think it just depends. Just like I have seen the term caramel. 


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3 hours ago, gb0138 said:

I've seen ads for woman advertising the term chocolate. I think it just depends. Just like I have seen the term caramel. 

Same here. But, I think that the way someone refers to themselves is certainly different than how we, individually, refer to others.


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On 11/23/2021 at 11:55 PM, Just Jos said:

I fucking LOVE you. As a black woman, I gagged reading the OP. 🤮

Right back at ya. ;)


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