Savoir Faire

Regulars Grandfathered Rates

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Ladies and Gents, what are your thoughts on when exactly a client is considered a "REGULAR" and should he or she be grandfathered with those original rates?


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When I've met a lady more than twice I consider myself a regular but it is the provider who should decide to grandfather rates or not.  I personally love being grandfathered in because it shows me that a lady wants me to return again and again...


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I've never had a lady offer grandfathered rates. I remember a lady mentioning it once when she was raising her rates, so I asked her about them and never heard from her again. So now I don't ever ask or mention anything about rates unless they are not clearly posted and I need to know before arriving.  


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A lady that I have seen many times told me that she was raising her rates at the end of one of our sessions. She then stated "That doesn't apply to you" , so I guess that I was grandfathered.


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The one time I changed my rates, my regulars were kind enough to notice and leave my new rate with out me having to ask. My regulars understand the increase in cost of living, the increase in the cost of providing them a nice incall location, and all the extra special things I do for them. If a woman wants to offer to keep a client at an original rate that is her decision, but you should never expect this.  If anything you should understand her needs, and not try to negotiate her donation ever.


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I have one lady that I've seen frequently who let me know that I was grandfathered, after her rates went up.   And there have been others that I've seen whose rates went up, nothing was said on the matter and I paid the new rate.  I think it is inappropriate to ask a lady you've seen to grandfathered you in, but is it OK to ask a lady if you are grandfathered in? Or if that is distinction without a difference?  I haven't done either, just curious.


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44 minutes ago, Mustang87 said:

I have one lady that I've seen frequently who let me know that I was grandfathered, after her rates went up.   And there have been others that I've seen whose rates went up, nothing was said on the matter and I paid the new rate.  I think it is inappropriate to ask a lady you've seen to grandfathered you in, but is it OK to ask a lady if you are grandfathered in? Or if that is distinction without a difference?  I haven't done either, just curious.

I would think it is appropriate to clarify if you are grandfathered after noticing a rate increase.  Simple yes/no answer. I would think it is inappropriate to ask for the old rate of you are notv grandfathered. That's negotiating. My opinion here is of less value than that of our lovely ladies....


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I've had one lady I was seeing "regularly" that actually said she was raising her rates but that I would still only be charged what I already was. In her case she took card so SHE put the it in herself.... my current atf that I've been seeing for a couple years now I heard mention she raised her rates when having a 3some with another lady but was never told anything about it raising or by how much but I've raised how much I bring little by little any ways before I heard her say anything, I think the extra I was starting to bring was what her current rates are though (haven't actually verified yet) though if it is I may think about raising what I bring a little more if I can afford to... as a blue collar worker 20 can still be a lot but I would think it still shows a little appreciation by at least making the attempt.


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12 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

Ladies and Gents, what are your thoughts on when exactly a client is considered a "REGULAR" and should he or she be grandfathered with those original rates?

The "should," here is bothersome. It implies to me that I'm owed something for my patronage. It's a quick trip from there to entitlement-ville and subsequent resentment. 

I've had it go both ways and I try not to personalize it, whichever. I'm not the hero of the universe if I'm grandfathered, nor a chump if I'm not. 


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13 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

Ladies and Gents, what are your thoughts on when exactly a client is considered a "REGULAR" and should he or she be grandfathered with those original rates?

If the lady is one that has built up a number of regulars via great service, regulars can be a significant portion of her income.  So if she grandfathers them all how is she supposed to keep up with inflation?  Everything else goes up, always has and significantly of late.  I certainly would not ask to be grandfathered, especially in current state.  If offered and I was that much of a regular i would say thank you and probably increase the tip.   Bottom line - entirely up to lady, but certainly nothing to expect or to say "should" about.


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UNLESS a lady were to tell me (unprompted) that I was grandfathered, I would not ask, or even presume to think that I should be.  The down side of that is that IF the new rates go beyond what I am willing to spend, I would no longer contact the lady.  Dignity and respect prevents me from haggling with anybody for anything ...... ever.  The ladies jobs are tough enough without having to defend their rates.


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13 hours ago, johnnybgood said:

When I've met a lady more than twice I consider myself a regular but it is the provider who should decide to grandfather rates or not.  I personally love being grandfathered in because it shows me that a lady wants me to return again and again...

John B I agree that the Provider should decide to grandfather or not, that question was mainly for the ladies............. I also love being grandfathered as well, its a beautiful compliment from someone you actually enjoy being around/with.



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12 hours ago, zman999 said:

I've never had a lady offer grandfathered rates. I remember a lady mentioning it once when she was raising her rates, so I asked her about them and never heard from her again. So now I don't ever ask or mention anything about rates unless they are not clearly posted and I need to know before arriving.  

ZM9 I am the same way, I will ask if its not obviously posted somewhere. I have never had a Provider come straight out and mention the term but we connect very well and its never mentioned.


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12 hours ago, wglide2003 said:

A lady that I have seen many times told me that she was raising her rates at the end of one of our sessions. She then stated "That doesn't apply to you" , so I guess that I was grandfathered.


12 hours ago, wglide2003 said:

A lady that I have seen many times told me that she was raising her rates at the end of one of our sessions. She then stated "That doesn't apply to you" , so I guess that I was grandfathered.

Glide I cannot tell a lie, I would bet big time that is exactly what she did (my kind of woman)............I bet you were all smiles too.............



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2 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:


Glide I cannot tell a lie, I would bet big time that is exactly what she did (my kind of woman)............I bet you were all smiles too.............


I bet with as many as reviews you have you would not start a rate thread! You seriously think you  are something special? You are literally putting women that need a proper cost of living increase. Into, give me your original rate. You literally deserve nothing!


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7 hours ago, Mustang87 said:

I have one lady that I've seen frequently who let me know that I was grandfathered, after her rates went up.   And there have been others that I've seen whose rates went up, nothing was said on the matter and I paid the new rate.  I think it is inappropriate to ask a lady you've seen to grandfathered you in, but is it OK to ask a lady if you are grandfathered in? Or if that is distinction without a difference?  I haven't done either, just curious.

For me, I have encountered the same as you pretty much. Some of them kept their rate with me the same and some went up. I don't ask either, I was just curious to hear others opinions on the subject.



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10 hours ago, sb1212 said:

I would think it is appropriate to clarify if you are grandfathered after noticing a rate increase.  Simple yes/no answer. I would think it is inappropriate to ask for the old rate of you are notv grandfathered. That's negotiating. My opinion here is of less value than that of our lovely ladies....

SB12 I think its pretty simple. If she mentions you are short LOL, then you have your answer, no need to ask in my opinion. 


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8 hours ago, Strange_Ice said:

I've had one lady I was seeing "regularly" that actually said she was raising her rates but that I would still only be charged what I already was. In her case she took card so SHE put the it in herself.... my current atf that I've been seeing for a couple years now I heard mention she raised her rates when having a 3some with another lady but was never told anything about it raising or by how much but I've raised how much I bring little by little any ways before I heard her say anything, I think the extra I was starting to bring was what her current rates are though (haven't actually verified yet) though if it is I may think about raising what I bring a little more if I can afford to... as a blue collar worker 20 can still be a lot but I would think it still shows a little appreciation by at least making the attempt.

Strange I believe communication is the key. We can't always read minds ya know and the extra that you bring can like you say add up.



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8 hours ago, Happymon said:

The "should," here is bothersome. It implies to me that I'm owed something for my patronage. It's a quick trip from there to entitlement-ville and subsequent resentment. 

I've had it go both ways and I try not to personalize it, whichever. I'm not the hero of the universe if I'm grandfathered, nor a chump if I'm not. 

Happy no offense but as you can see, you are the only one with that type of opinion, so I am going to let you have your opinion all to yourself. Thanks for sharing.....



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7 hours ago, gr8owl said:

If the lady is one that has built up a number of regulars via great service, regulars can be a significant portion of her income.  So if she grandfathers them all how is she supposed to keep up with inflation?  Everything else goes up, always has and significantly of late.  I certainly would not ask to be grandfathered, especially in current state.  If offered and I was that much of a regular i would say thank you and probably increase the tip.   Bottom line - entirely up to lady, but certainly nothing to expect or to say "should" about.

GR8 I wouldn't ask to be grandfathered either but if the lady chose to allow it, then I am all in. Its a great feeling to be grandfathered in my opinion but thats just me.


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4 hours ago, mustang said:

UNLESS a lady were to tell me (unprompted) that I was grandfathered, I would not ask, or even presume to think that I should be.  The down side of that is that IF the new rates go beyond what I am willing to spend, I would no longer contact the lady.  Dignity and respect prevents me from haggling with anybody for anything ...... ever.  The ladies jobs are tough enough without having to defend their rates.

Mustang you hit it on the head with this one. I pretty much agree with you on everything except for the no longer contacting the lady. I may contact her later just to  see how she is doing.


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Rate threads are never popular threads with lots of arguing back and forth.  Never a good idea to start rate threads.


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8 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

GR8 I wouldn't ask to be grandfathered either but if the lady chose to allow it, then I am all in. Its a great feeling to be grandfathered in my opinion but thats just me.

Well, SAVO, the offer feels just as good whether you take advantage of it or not, in my opinion.  Is it better to give or receive?  Clearly you prefer receive.  As long as you don't expect or haggle, all is good. B)


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9 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

Mustang you hit it on the head with this one. I pretty much agree with you on everything except for the no longer contacting the lady. I may contact her later just to  see how she is doing.

I have considered that but I know that "time wasters" are a pain for the ladies.  


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16 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

Happy no offense but as you can see, you are the only one with that type of opinion, so I am going to let you have your opinion all to yourself. Thanks for sharing.....


How magnanimous of you!  Funny you think no one shares his opinion since he seems to have the most upvotes.  For someone calling himself savoir faire you certainly have a "way" with words.


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On 9/20/2021 at 2:10 AM, Savoir Faire said:

Ladies and Gents, what are your thoughts on when exactly a client is considered a "REGULAR" and should he or she be grandfathered with those original rates?

Not that Savoir needs defending, but his original question/s didn't turn into a rates thread until others chimed in and turned it into one.  Question one is when should a client be considered a REGULAR (assuming after X amount of visits)?  Question two is if one IS a regular should they be grandfathered in at original rate?

The simple answer is up to the lady on both questions.  Some ladies will say once a month is considered a regular, some will say seen once and others lie in between.  As far as being grandfathered with rates go, I think it's similar to ladies with tips.  Never expected but always appreciated it when offered.


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2 hours ago, BigBaldBlk said:

Not that Savoir needs defending, but his original question/s didn't turn into a rates thread until others chimed in and turned it into one.  Question one is when should a client be considered a REGULAR (assuming after X amount of visits)?  Question two is if one IS a regular should they be grandfathered in at original rate?

The simple answer is up to the lady on both questions.  Some ladies will say once a month is considered a regular, some will say seen once and others lie in between.  As far as being grandfathered with rates go, I think it's similar to ladies with tips.  Never expected but always appreciated it when offered.

BBB- you are so wise, logical, and easy tempered.

I woul say that someone that visits at least bi-weekly may be one to be consider under a grandfather rate. It may be, that he has a reseved time, shows up and is fun.

Even monthly could be a “regular”.My expectation is that he does not text me every day wanting a 15 minute appointment from now. Another expectation is that he doesn’t constantly interrupt my schedule to ask about specials.

Another nice thing that my regulars do is tip me. They also give me a gift cards and they think about me having a life outside of my job

These are all just ideas of course…



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15 hours ago, mustang said:

I have considered that but I know that "time wasters" are a pain for the ladies.  

When I say I would contact her to see how she is doing is because I am a regular. Trust me, she would already know that I am nowhere in any category a time waster.................


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5 hours ago, BigBaldBlk said:

Not that Savoir needs defending, but his original question/s didn't turn into a rates thread until others chimed in and turned it into one.  Question one is when should a client be considered a REGULAR (assuming after X amount of visits)?  Question two is if one IS a regular should they be grandfathered in at original rate?

The simple answer is up to the lady on both questions.  Some ladies will say once a month is considered a regular, some will say seen once and others lie in between.  As far as being grandfathered with rates go, I think it's similar to ladies with tips.  Never expected but always appreciated it when offered.

Triple thank you for being able to read a post and actually respond to what is being asked versus picking and choosing what you want to comment/start a fight because you don't like the person that posted the topic. No response or no further questions LMAO = non biased or non cliquish people with no intentions of trying to make you look a certain way will read and catch on. Anyways, I agree with you, its totally the ladies call. If I had to do it all over again, I would have specified the question for ladies only.


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