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Suggest a new ranking in the info box: Flake Factor

55 posts in this topic

Maybe my suggestion that a non-reviewer not having access to read views is not the best idea and could lead to fake reviews, but a non-reviewer telling us how to write or suggesting to us how to write reviews so he can read the reviews and determine if he wants to see a particular lady is wrong and just irritating.



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Happy to see I "irritate" so many with a simple suggestion.  Gets some of the shallow thinking yesbots to tune in, eh?



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11 minutes ago, Fritzie said:

Happy to see I "irritate" so many with a simple suggestion.  Gets some of the shallow thinking yesbots to tune in, eh?


Maybe you could.write a review about it..... oh wait.....:rolleyes: 


Its like making a suggestion to the government.....when u have 0 training..... you think they'll listen? I bet fucking not.

Its like putting your whole opinion where it doesnt belong because you dont participate.


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16 minutes ago, Fritzie said:

Happy to see I "irritate" so many with a simple suggestion.  Gets some of the shallow thinking yesbots to tune in, eh?

Now you're just a worthless troll...


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1 hour ago, MeganMarie4u said:

Maybe you could.write a review about it..... oh wait.....:rolleyes: 


Its like making a suggestion to the government.....when u have 0 training..... you think they'll listen? I bet fucking not.

Its like putting your whole opinion where it doesnt belong because you dont participate.

Reminds me of some of our elected officials. 😒


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Well, I am not surprised by the responses to my suggestion in total.  I got more name calling than serious consideration, but the top responses were generally characterized by the observation that my opinion, and thereby my suggestion for a Fritzie Flake Factor rating is unwanted, and shouldnt  even be considered because I choose not to submit reviews myself.  To those who chose to resort to name calling (specifically pfunk), I have only one thing to say :  gfy.



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41 minutes ago, Fritzie said:

Well, I am not surprised by the responses to my suggestion in total.  I got more name calling than serious consideration, but the top responses were generally characterized by the observation that my opinion, and thereby my suggestion for a Fritzie Flake Factor rating is unwanted, and shouldnt  even be considered because I choose not to submit reviews myself.  To those who chose to resort to name calling (specifically pfunk), I have only one thing to say :  gfy.


Oh you poor unreviewing member with your special requests for reviewers. No name calling, but its true that some ppl have very little common sense, regardless of the IQ they think they have. You called the people who didn't agree with your post shallow, right? Sounds veeeery similar to name calling. Don't make a new thread if you don't want to hear what everyone has to say. Suck it up buttercup. If you don't want member responses, suggest it in the contact us system to go directly to the admins. 


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For some people, it’s the “all about me attitude” and self entitlement. 

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Those who don’t write reviews should not tell others how to write reviews or what to include in reviews.


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7 hours ago, Fritzie said:

Well, I am not surprised by the responses to my suggestion in total.  I got more name calling than serious consideration, but the top responses were generally characterized by the observation that my opinion, and thereby my suggestion for a Fritzie Flake Factor rating is unwanted, and shouldnt  even be considered because I choose not to submit reviews myself.  To those who chose to resort to name calling (specifically pfunk), I have only one thing to say :  gfy.


It's an easy equation: You don't write reviews = you don't have moral authority to request improvements/changes to reviews.

You can give your opinion, of course... but you'll get other people's opinions about your request as well. So no need to complain, it's just about everybody's freedom to express their opinions about people that doesn't abide by the simple equation :P


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On 3/27/2019 at 8:36 AM, MeganMarie4u said:

1. Some ladies dont respond to texts at all....some only respond when they arent busy (which may take longer than 10 minutes)

2. Some ladies like to party/drink with their clients, while others need it just to make it thru dealing with some gentlemen. (You have no idea what its like to screen someone and they show up and act like a total douchenozzle even with great references)

Every client is not compatible with every companion.... some guys act different in every appointment....


Is the rip-off button insufficient? I mean you have a whole damn box to explain yourself.... how lazy are you, that instead of explaining you just wanna do a click box review? 


I wish ladies could write reviews.... guys would be shocked at the shenanigans we go through....

On the Seattle board I used to advertise on we had an alert feature on every profile men or women’s so you could click the alert button and see if they have any fuckery reported on them. Keeps everyone honest and very little no call no shows on both ends. 


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14 hours ago, EmilyDMV said:

On the Seattle board I used to advertise on we had an alert feature on every profile men or women’s so you could click the alert button and see if they have any fuckery reported on them. Keeps everyone honest and very little no call no shows on both ends. 

Emily DMV, 

That’s a fantastic having that

sort of feature would be great. However, I know the Mods will say something along the thoughts- that’s why there is a rebuttal for the ladies to fire back on a. Reviewer. 


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On 3/27/2019 at 8:41 PM, Hunter VanDyke said:

I don't know if I agree with this. Some ladies try to blacklist clients for reasons that are small and petty, or try to smear a client's reputation. I've given many clients a rebuttal opportunity privately, and I talk to several other providers about the client before I make my own decision regarding him. I ask for proof of whatever it is providers are claiming...msgs etc. I've seen providers go off on multiple people, try to put them on the outside of our community, say and act like they can back it up, and they end up having nada. I know I'm not the only provider who does her research and makes her own decisions. 

Right?! Oh gawd, this drives me f**king crazy!

Especially when it's aimed towards the newer guys who simply haven't learned the ropes yet. I'm sure it takes a lot of guts/balls/nerves or whatever to take that first step into this exciting world.

But this is not the place for this particular soap box. LoL

I've learned a lot from you, and I hope others have as well. 😘


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About a hundred years ago I managed a pizza hut in a smallish town. At the end of each day we would throw a few toppings on any dough we had leftover and leave it out for folks in need. It became a regular thing for the homeless.  One evening a gentleman knocked on the back door a little early and asked me if he could have "his pizza" a certain way.  I politely explained to him that if he wanted to request changes he would need to order and purchase a pizza. These pizzas, as they are, are a gift for everyone to enjoy.


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A flake rating, and other negatives, are really not very helpful, BUT are likely to blow up in your face. So you have a bad experience....95% of the time it is one of 3 possibilities. 1) Somebody just had an off day  2) She is kind of a lousy provider   3) He is kind of a lousy client.  The problem here is that no matter which of the three things is true, all parties are going to say the same things. A lousy provider will just claim a bad day, but so will a good provider who DID just have a bad day. If you push that envelope, you will always become a lousy client. A lousy client will blame the providers. True words and lies are the same words in these cases. The providers are looking to protect their businesses, the clients looking to protect their ability to see the providers. The rest of us were not there and don't know the real truth. Research does uncover patterns, good and bad and that's the best you can do. 


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I sure do love all the suggestions that I don't and didn't have any right or moral standing to suggest an addition to the review posts.  Imagine the hypocrisy it takes to try to equate "moral authority"  to make suggestions on a board of this type!  Buehler?  Buehler?    I may take some of your suggestions and start posting reviews on a regular basis...   Let me go practice.... She is better looking than her pictures......everything was done safely....we really connected....I want to keep her to myself, but now you clowns get to know how special she is....can't wait to see her the next time she is in town....I wont go into detail, but....

I must say that some reviews actually add information that I seek, but 90% are worthless praise... 


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25 minutes ago, Fritzie said:

I sure do love all the suggestions that I don't and didn't have any right or moral standing to suggest an addition to the review posts.  Imagine the hypocrisy it takes to try to equate "moral authority"  to make suggestions on a board of this type!  Buehler?  Buehler?    I may take some of your suggestions and start posting reviews on a regular basis...   Let me go practice.... She is better looking than her pictures......everything was done safely....we really connected....I want to keep her to myself, but now you clowns get to know how special she is....can't wait to see her the next time she is in town....I wont go into detail, but....

I must say that some reviews actually add information that I seek, but 90% are worthless praise... 

Maybe 90% offered praise because their experiences were.....praiseworthy. What a concept.  Although my sample size is limited, I have not yet had an unsatisfactory experience with any of the Denver based women.  You dont like the reviews? Offer your own....


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I merely made a suggestion.  Don't want to accept that, then don't.  So much angst...  whew!


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The issue for me was you made a suggestion based on the fact you admitted to not believing 90% of the reviews posted. You should realize when you attack people's integrity there will be blow back.

I stand by what I review based on MY experience.  If you don't believe or like how I go about it, skip my reviews. 

The fact you choose not to review is your right and doesn't bother me. Blasting others because you don't like the info or believe them however I do have a problem with.

Maybe find a few fellas who you do like their style or totally believe and stick to that is the best bet for you. Good luck in the future. 


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On 4/8/2019 at 8:53 AM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

Emily DMV, 

That’s a fantastic having that

sort of feature would be great. However, I know the Mods will say something along the thoughts- that’s why there is a rebuttal for the ladies to fire back on a. Reviewer. 

But I’m talking a system where we can report these NC/NS assholes we’ve inherited from backpage. Where WE can leave bad reviews/alerts 

Edited by EmilyDMV

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4 hours ago, EmilyDMV said:

But I’m talking a system where we can report these NC/NS assholes we’ve inherited from backpage. Where WE can leave bad reviews/alerts 



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3 hours ago, jasminewaterss7 said:

Are you sure they came from backpage? I believe they’re all a part of some insane government sabotage the ladies and give the real gentleman a bad rap campaign! 🙁

Edited by Kali Sensual Reiki

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On 3/27/2019 at 2:22 PM, pfunk said:

So, you're complaining about other's reviews, but don't write any yourself. You're also complaining about providers, but do nothing to improve the situation (unless you think these posts are the way to go about it). Lastly, you actually insult the people calling you out as a hypocrite. Well, I'll add my opinion. YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE! :angry:

Mover over let me sit w you and share that popcorn lol. We might be here awhile


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Awesome idea!!! Only if we can have a flake/timewaster list of guys. 

Mods, is this feasible🤔🤔🤔🤔


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