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About acmb2017

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday June 26

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  1. Precautions?

    Well I prefer and have managed to stay out of these covid discussions . If you're afraid of it stay home or do whatever you are comfortable with. I myself have no desire to live my life in constant fear. I choose to accept i may catch it. I may die. Keep in mind as an essential worker we never got time away from my fellow employees. I just get tired of people back and forth with the do this do that when even the experts have no clue...
  2. Are you Considering Other Options?

    Not interested at all by the virtual scene. Honestly it just goes against why I jumped into the hobby.
  3. 411 on Rach129

    Seems this is very part time deal is why comms are so rough.
  4. Happy New Year!

    Welcome back to the board. Nice to hear everything has been going well for you.
  5. Contacting other TOB members for info

    Being new is part of it for sure. Something that may help is do not ask too specific of questions. Speaking for myself here but I wouldn't give you anything specific that could get a lady or myself in a bind.
  6. What to do this weekend?

    Hoping not to get called back to work. Other than that maybe redo shelving and storage in the garage.
  7. I have so missed you guys!

    Welcome back lady.
  8. Jinsum.....i'm confused

    Not sure what the issue was between her and some of the fellas. I read her listing,followed directions and had a good time. Glad to say i did not experience anything crazy at all. In fact she seemed nice enough to me. I suppose it may be a total YMMV but just offering "My" experience.
  9. For the Old-timers...

    How about when I was the remote control for my dad while also being skilled in adjusting rabbit ears depending on what channel of the 3 he settled on.
  10. Things that go bump in the night!

    Prefer morning, not that evenings are without urges as well
  11. Happy Birthday Airamericavet69

    Happy birthday, hope you have a great one.
  12. Happy Birthday Sundance

    Happy Birthday, I hope it is a great one
  13. Brand New To The Forums!

    Welcome in and hope you are entertained by the forums like most of us.
  14. What's your new Netflix Addiction?

    The last kingdom was decent.