
Don't lie about your age!

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I see a provider who advertises her age as 25, and really looks it. :)

She is actually almost 40. 

 I've always been more interest in ladies closer to my age, over the years. And when not, my base age was around 25-27: have some life experience, and maybe not too wrapped up around current trendy things (can maybe hold a conversation).

One of the best providers I met, many years ago, was well above advertised age. Similar to above, I wanted to see a 30-ish year old, and agency sent over a "28" year old. As soon as she showed, knew not "28". But was tremendous, looked great for her age (45), great time, great physique: face was only thing that was a give away. To this day, I keep thinking about her from time to time.

Age is relative. Attitude and "spirit" count more for me. 

As for possible loss of business if being honest about age, I really don't buy it. Everyone has a type, "fetish". And plenty out there for a client base. Be honest, honest pics, good reviews, they will come. For me, these days, I look at ads for providers that are advertising in the 30+ range, and still rock a smoking body. Or even then, not maybe traditional "smoking", few of us can keep looking early twenties, even when in twenties, but still damn sexy, to me. As we see in reviews and threads, level of service is much more important than age (smoking hot and young, but dead fish: not fun, especially if lots of "no-s" on the menu.). There are a number of providers I want to see, not "young", that are beautiful to me, various body types, and appear as will be a fun time: not enough time to see them all, alas.



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I don't know but I will say if I can pull off being 38 when I am 55 - I'm damn sure not gonna hesitate saying I'm 38.  (God help me if I am not retired by then LOL) 

As far as I'm concerned, its no different than using my "alias".   Is my real name Danielle Rae?  No it's not.  But none of my clients have been affected by the fact that Danielle Rae is not my "real" name.  If a lady advertises her age as 25; she looks 25;  and the client is happy with her services, it doesn't really matter what her "real" age is.  

Edited by Danielle Rae

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Only 25 year olds "look like 25". Stopy lying. It just makes you look sad and pathetic.^_^


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^ Agreed, if you don't lie you have nothing to worry about.  But it probably is due to shitty service.  Guys will sometimes take less in the caring department for old fashioned "make their dick hard" looks.  When I see some of the reviews or 411s about women I wouldn't even consider paying to be with, it reminds me that there is a different type for every guy.  So just embrace the market you do have, instead of hurting all the honest women's efforts. 

It doesn't remind you that your kind of shallow? The honest women in the biz are the minority and that's not an insult. It's guys like you that have to be reminded that "there is a different type for every guy". No one cares about who you wouldn't pay to be with but it's that attitude that causes women to lie. You seemingly base a lot on aesthetic and you have no idea what sort of pressure that puts on women.

It's almost impossible to embrace what we have because there is always someone who wants to tear you down. Too old, too fat, too ugly, rates too high for being too fat, too old or too ugly. The guys that says if you're 40 but look 28 you should lie because 28 is more appealing. I have seen so many threads and chats just tearing apart a woman's pictures. It's much easier to lie when people are so ugly and free with their opinions.



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99.9% off women do this. To say she's is not to be trusted is too much to put on a Lady of Leisure. Not sure what the percentage of men do this exact thing. Should I trust men that lie about their size, how good they are? Now if a Lady of Leisure says she 20 & she looks more like 30-35 ok I can understand gents thinking twice about seeing her but to conclude she's not to be trusted? In that case Trust No Woman too many blur the lines when it comes to their age.

Edited by MonicaMistress

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Only 25 year olds "look like 25". Stopy lying. It just makes you look sad and pathetic.^_^

I don't claim to be 25; wouldn't want to be 25 again and have nothing to feel sad or pathetic about.  I am grateful for the genes I have been blessed with (Thanks Mom!)

I find it a bit hypocritical for the men to take offense to the ladies' choosing not to share every truth - considering the lengths the greater percentage of men in this community go to deceive and hide significant truths of their own.  And again my argument was not in defense of those who are posting misleading advertisements.  



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It doesn't remind you that your kind of shallow? The honest women in the biz are the minority and that's not an insult. It's guys like you that have to be reminded that "there is a different type for every guy". No one cares about who you wouldn't pay to be with but it's that attitude that causes women to lie. You seemingly base a lot on aesthetic and you have no idea what sort of pressure that puts on women.

It's almost impossible to embrace what we have because there is always someone who wants to tear you down. Too old, too fat, too ugly, rates too high for being too fat, too old or too ugly. The guys that says if you're 40 but look 28 you should lie because 28 is more appealing. I have seen so many threads and chats just tearing apart a woman's pictures. It's much easier to lie when people are so ugly and free with their opinions.


Of course I am being shallow.  When I am looking for a girlfriend and possible future mate and wife, looks are near the middle of qualities that matter in my choice of who to pursue.  But this is hobbying.  This is giving away significant amounts of money to be given pleasure.  If you aren't being shallow then, you are just wasting money.  What you desire is personal.  I know on the AMP review sites there is a definite split of men who want an attentive talented masseuse, and the rest are strictly looking for a masseuse who is younger, and prettier than the women they can typically pick up at a bar.  So if a guy has a "type" he is looking for to get his rocks off, and sees it, only to be bamboozled when he arrives, it is incredibly disappointing.  

Honestly, half the time, the woman (or men I assume) don't look bad, they just overly exaggerate what they are offering.  If they were honest just about their looks, most of the times the guy will accept that they are still what they want.  However if you show up and find a woman 15 years older, 35 pounds heavier and far less sculpted as she is in her pictures, then even if she is still attractive and your type, now you figure, "if she lies about all the rest, she probably will give me shitty 3G service too."   

You can dislike it all you want, but men are extremely visual, always have been, always will be.  


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Lying about my age?  Aint nobody got time for that! LOL  I'm 36 and have never considered being dishonest about my age.  It's just a number and I can't be bothered trying to keep the lie straight year after year.  I understand why ladies do it, but I think it's lame.


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Stop worrying about age...truly a boring subject. If you find your ASP attractive and services fantastic why the fuck does it matter :P 


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It's just a women's thing, not all women, of course.

My grandma had 65 years of age for about 10 years!! LOL :lol:


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I do not lie about my age. Have I in the past due to insecurity of Who I Am?... Yes.

Then one day I woke up, and realized that I am just going to be me. If that's good enough for others then great. If not, then "C'est La Vie" lol.

Life will continue whether I Choose to enjoy each day thoroughly, or whether I Choose to get caught up in spending too much time worrying about what others think about me.

I personally do not care if women lie about their ages on any of their advertisements. I do care if they use stolen and fake photos. I feel that the age of a woman is a moot point considering most of you decide to see us solely based off our provocative photos. I have seen girls posting as 25 year old women that I find horribly unattractive, and I have seen (yes an in person escort doubles date) a 59 year old woman (escort) who was the most beautiful/sexy woman I have ever laid eyes on. And... I know for a fact that she advertises that she is in her late forties. She feels that if she put 59 years old on her ads most men would bypass her ad simply based on her posted age. Just my opinion...

Does everyone realize that the escort business is just another Advertising/Marketing/Sales job? Most companies do not tell you 100% about what they are selling. They just show you what they feel will make you buy their product. You are in essence dealing with a bunch of sales women who just happen to be in the escort business. I am woman... hear me roar LOL hee hee.

As much as you personally hate escorts to lie about their age, the fact remains that some woman want to project a more youthful image by fudging a bit on their actual age that is posted. Frankly my attitude is... Who Gives A Shit lol.

Why do we need to be Perfect for you to be okay with seeing us? 

Please Just Let Us Escorts Be Us, and You Be You... (Good, Bad or Indifferent)

If that works for you... Great. If not, then you simply move on to the next ad in line instead of trying to make others feel bad for not having a perfect ad.

I am sure there are areas in your life where you are less than truthful at times. Am I Correct?

See no one is perfect. And... Who would want to be? Perfection is boring lol. I enjoy being Imperfectly Perfect ;-)


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Every time I see this in a forum as a topic of discussion, I have to laugh. Lie about my age? Oh hell no. I was born in 1962. You do the math. So do I look like I am 25? Oh hell no. I am better- 25 twice!


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I've always said the same thing about women who lie about age or appearance, there is a clientele out there for every size, shape and age. 

it makes all of the good, honest women look bad. 



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I don't really care about age (as long as they are legal of course)  What matters to me is if the lady looks like her pictures.  If she's 47 but advertises to be 27 and she looks as good as her photos - it's all good!  


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I don't lie about my age, never have. I have asked this before but do I need to lie about my age in order for guys to assume my correct age? I am pretty sure that most of us fib about our weight but you guys have never been very good at guessing that anyways.


You don't need to lie about your age,

or aything else.

You are simply beautiful, just the way you are.

Don' t change a thing...


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Personally I do not hide my atheism. ;)

Yep, I'm also a proud atheist, really an anti-theist in many ways. Now let's really derail, baby! I may also slightly lie about my age when I'm pursuing a client who may think youth is somehow advantageous. I don't reveal the age, but I study up on the latest tech. Deception is rampant in many walks of life. 


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Yep, I'm also a proud atheist, really an anti-theist in many ways. Now let's really derail, baby! I may also slightly lie about my age when I'm pursuing a client who may think youth is somehow advantageous. I don't reveal the age, but I study up on the latest tech. Deception is rampant in many walks of life. 

🤔😳😐 👎🏼👓🗣🙉


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Did have a good laugh when I saw a recent ad posted by a 20 year old provider who had reviews going back to 2007!  I am thinking I should stop associating with you people, you are a sick bunch!


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I lie about my age on bp. I learned to start doing that, after being accused of posting old photos because there was no way I could be as old as my ad said and look as young as I do. I'm 33 and I post for 25.

also, I'm really immature for my age. so it works out


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Lot of providers lie about their age. They believe once the client shows up at the appointment, he cannot go back. lol. I think it is okay as long as they have their real pictures posted so you can decide at that point to see them or not. What bothers me is when some ladies just post some fake pics( stolen pictures, somebody else 'body with no face using privacy reasons).


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I never lie about my age.. (im 36) but what really surprised me was that I met with a client who told me I was older than he expected (his review gave me a horridly nasty 6/10 but then he went on to say that generally he only sees young ladies under 25.. well DUH). My reply was : I am 36.. all my ads say I am 36, my website says i am 36.. if you read my folio in the adult industry i started in '97 at age 18 _ 18 years makes me 36... and as an experienced hobbyist (he had written over 30 reviews) you should have expected if my ad said 36 that I may have been up to 46!!!! You should be greatful I really am 36!

Actually when I first came to Vegas I signed on with an agency and I left them after just one hour after I saw their ad online listed me as younger than I am.
I told them I had no reason to lie about my age and that many clients are looking for 30 somethings.. they had no right to list me as 28.
So i walked out.

Honestly I think the older I get, the less competition there is in this game.  Theres a plethora of under 25's , many  of 25-35, a lot of 35-45, not so many after that ....  I recently saw a documentary on senior aged providers in the UK ( including one in her 80's!)
Maybe I do have another 18 years left in me afterall!.. but I dont think I'd work past 55. :-P

Edited by Kitty_Rains

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Most of the creative accounting on age seems to revolves around moving the calendar back (30s to 20s, 40s to 30s.) But, I find myself leaning toward providers closer to my age (late 40s.) I find that actually pass on providers in their 20s -- which is a sort of reverse ageism, I know.

I've been lucky to have had good health, good genes and have somewhat taken care of myself, so I pass for early 40s & I'll take whatever I can get in that area. But, I'm not counting on being very appealing to early 20-something providers beyond my donation (compared to "most 30/40-somethings....)


This is so true.  I have seen so many forum threads on various sites that discuss providers in their 40s as if they are "senior citizens."    There is a legit and obvious reason why a lady would "lie" about her age - to make better money.  If she's 44 but looks 32 - being "honest" about her age will only hurt her business. And why should she do that if she looks 32, her client's are happy, she's well reviewed, etc.  What's the problem?    Now if she was advertising herself as 32 and in reality looked a lot older, her clients were disappointed and her reviews indicated same - that's different. 


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I have seen so many forum threads on various sites that discuss providers in their 40s as if they are "senior citizens."   

That is really sad. :( 


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I lie about my age on bp. I learned to start doing that, after being accused of posting old photos because there was no way I could be as old as my ad said and look as young as I do. I'm 33 and I post for 25.

also, I'm really immature for my age. so it works out

I'm told I act a lot younger than I am. I guess they call it "immature." Lol

l saw a gal for several years who was in her 40's. When I was with her I felt like we were both in our 20's. I saw another gal who was in her 20's. When I was with her I felt like we were both in our 60's. It's all attitude I guess. 😎



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On 10/22/2015, 3:57:42, geecue2 said:

If you think about though, just think how many ladies outside the profession lie about their age. To me just as long as they look like their pics. Remember this one provider advertised as mid 20's found out later she was in her high 30's. She could pass as early 20.

While that is sometimes true, most of the time it is the opposite - looking older than stated age!  

Usually I won't call someone that says they are 18-21 because they either are being less than truthful or just TOO young to have much in common with someone of my age.  I like the 30 and up ladies!


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Then there are some of us that are satisfied with our age and our looks. So those other types of unsatisfied women just make us look bad. 


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