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Sweet Hannah

Which animal or isect are you?

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Which animal / insect are you in the bedroom?

A. Tiger - I dominate

B. Teddy bear - I love to cuddle

C. Mosquito - I search quickly for the best spot to insert my proboscis

D. Rabbit - fast and I get the job done

E. Anteater - I am great with my tongue

F. Tortoise - slow and methodical

G. Dolphin - I'm very playful

H. Other - (Describe)


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I fit under other.

Humans are also considered to be a animal. And being such the above descriptions describe me perfectly. I am all of the above. :)


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E no doubt the tongue is by far the best weapon in the area of pleasing a lady. And they know when to leave lol.

happy Hobbying



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I guess I would be an orangutan.

Orangutans get to nurse longer than any other animal. Over 5 years! How cool is that!

Not only that, but "orangutan" is fun to say.


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If I had to pick from your list I wou pick teddy bear. I sometime fill like a drone bee. Here to serve the queen. And when I'm am of no use I get replaced by a new drone.


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Which animal / insect are you in the bedroom?

A. Tiger - I dominate

B. Teddy bear - I love to cuddle

C. Mosquito - I search quickly for the best spot to insert my proboscis

D. Rabbit - fast and I get the job done

E. Anteater - I am great with my tongue

F. Tortoise - slow and methodical

G. Dolphin - I'm very playful

H. Other - (Describe)

I guess a teddy bear,one provider told me one time she had seen a big teddy bear in a store and it reminded her of me.:o


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Who likes to be in charge and plays with their food first before eating it? ;)


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Who likes to be in charge and plays with their food first before eating it? ;)

A bear!


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Which animal / insect are you in the bedroom?

A. Tiger - I dominate

B. Teddy bear - I love to cuddle

C. Mosquito - I search quickly for the best spot to insert my proboscis

D. Rabbit - fast and I get the job done

E. Anteater - I am great with my tongue

F. Tortoise - slow and methodical

G. Dolphin - I'm very playful

H. Other - (Describe)

It's obvious for me...

H: Other - Owl. I sit idly by, scanning the darkness for easy prey, swoop in, have my fill,

then fly back to my nest and await my next conquest.

The Wise Old Owl


The Wise Old Owl!




stupid bird...


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Tortoise to rabbit to pitbull to bear -- and then back to the pussy cat that I am at heart


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True that providing the know how to use it lol


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Because the dragonfly is my spirit guide in the dream world it goes with me where ever I am including the bedroom. Quick and agile, always on the hunt and seeing everything that goes on around me that dragonfly nature is just a part of who I am.



...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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A bear!

That's a good guess but the animal that first popped into my head was a raccoon.

That is just like Justina leave us guessing.;)

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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If I had to pick from your list I wou pick teddy bear. I sometime fill like a drone bee. Here to serve the queen. And when I'm am of no use I get replaced by a new drone.

Ah yes, the facts of life. :) I am more like a dolphin then. I love the magic of the entire interaction with man. And dolphins have been known to save drowning men.


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Saw this in another site. I am a tiger and a dolphin. :-) if I had to pick. Honestly I am so much more.


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