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About UTF4ME

  • Rank
    Lvl 99 Nerd
  • Birthday 09/17/1982

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  • Biography
    Being a Nerd is tough, being a level 99 nerd is even harder.
  • Location
    Denver, CO
  • Interests
    A great many things...
  • Occupation
    Self employed

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1,776 profile views
  1. What's your fantasy?

    2Big is upstairs looking down on all of us low life’s while banging 18 European chicks He died?
  2. What's the oddest place you've done it???

    Well.. Since I'll go to hell anyway.. I did it in a church...
  3. Describe your cooking

    1) Hot 2)Hot 3)Hot I've found you can cover up a great deal of cooking errors by making the food hot. I make it hot enough generally no one else will eat it. Wallah! I am a culinary master.
  4. What are your thoughts going i

    Nervous. Nervous as all hell. Once in the hands of a gentle lady I relax.
  5. Who is your favorite retired porn star and why?

    Porn is boring. Unless you are doing the porn...
  6. Puffies???

    No no no. Leave your parts as they are ladies.
  7. Strip clubs

    Be aroused at a literal sausage fest where the music is so loud you can't think... Not for me.
  8. Zombie or Alien?

    Sci-Fi all the way. I don't mind zombies. Just prefer stuff like Aliens, Star Wars, or Star Trek...
  9. Spicy or sweet?

    Well do you like it?
  10. Spicy or sweet?

    This is hot: Black Mamba Get Bitten(See link below) http://cajohns.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=178 I use this hot sauce almost every Friday and Saturday(Sunday is the day reserved for extra toilet time, TMI I know but good to know cause this shit is HOT) The other thing is it has great taste. That and a little bits goes a long ways(if you want to spice it up but make it bearable for SO or other family members that don't want to be sweating until 1am in the morning)
  11. Denver is turning into a retirement community

    I don't understand this thread. Women of any age can be attractive and rock your world.
  12. New B .

    Stay out of Lakewood. Other than that enjoy your stay.
  13. Do you think?

    Does Colorado have more providers than Vegas? Or is it vice versa. The overwhelming consensus is that Vegas has more providers than Colorado. But Dallas actually takes the cake according to multiple replies in this thread.
  14. Do you think?

    Im not sure how to respond to this. I was simply asking a question. I have had this handle on this board since 2012.
  15. Do you think?

    So, if it came to sheer number of providers that Colorado has more than Vegas? I mean there are not only tons of ads here. But look at the reviews too. Some providers don't even post on TOB but still have reviews here? Whats your thoughts?