Hunter VanDyke

changes to make to our forums If you had one wish...

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On 11/30/2020 at 11:11 AM, Hunter VanDyke said:

If you had one wish...

What features or rules would you add, take away, change to make our forums a more fun and exciting place to come and participate in?  I know TOB is different than other sites for a multitude of reasons, but if you could twitch your nose what would you wish for?

Or would you not change a thing because TOB is perfect the way it is? 😋😎

I would wish that the powers that be wouldn't delete my thoughts on here. I'm wondering if there is a political black list?

Makes me wonder.

Anti Trump rants seems to get deleted. My last three comments about Trump seems to have disappeared.


Let me start again. Blah blah...Nothing here that he can't lie or BUY his way out......DELETE here....


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38 minutes ago, sparkey600 said:

I would wish that the powers that be wouldn't delete my thoughts on here. I'm wondering if there is a political black list?

Makes me wonder.

Anti Trump rants seems to get deleted. My last three comments about Trump seems to have disappeared.


Let me start again. Blah blah...Nothing here that he can't lie or BUY his way out......DELETE here....

 None of your Blah blah comments have disappeared or anyone else's that fit into that criteria and as such they don't belong here......


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12 hours ago, sparkey600 said:

I would wish that the powers that be wouldn't delete my thoughts on here. I'm wondering if there is a political black list?

Makes me wonder.

Anti Trump rants seems to get deleted. My last three comments about Trump seems to have disappeared.


Let me start again. Blah blah...Nothing here that he can't lie or BUY his way out......DELETE here....


12 hours ago, Kaduk said:

 None of your Blah blah comments have disappeared or anyone else's that fit into that criteria and as such they don't belong here......

Felipe .... Armando... Ortiz.


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I would want to add some more organization to the topics. There is a lot of interesting and useful content, but it gets chronologically ordered. Though this is cool to see which topics are "hot" the only way to search through it is by tags, unless I'm missing something. Sometimes if I think of something, it would be good to be able to search through it somehow.


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23 hours ago, Kaduk said:

 None of your Blah blah comments have disappeared or anyone else's that fit into that criteria and as such they don't belong here......

23 hours ago, Kaduk said:

 None of your Blah blah comments have disappeared or anyone else's that fit into that criteria and as such they don't belong here......


Maybe they deserve to be deleted. Sometimes I tend to have a strong opinion....I know I'm not always right no matter how right I may be.... hahaha

No, my comments don't belong where I posted them.

Sorry, I was just frustrated. I will in the future be more "together"

Thanks for your understanding, I appreciate it. Sorry you have to read all of my and every else's dumb ass rants.

We, all of us here, appreciate all you and all of the Mods here do to keep this board going.

Just saying.......  

I'm, to say I here appreciate all of my family, all of the health workers that keep myself and my family safe and sound. I'd like to add that the school teachers should be amongst the first people that get a Covid19 inoculating, our kids deserve to go to school and not have to worry, not to mention their parents.  


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On 12/4/2020 at 3:01 PM, gr8owl said:

Perhaps a check box for ladies to indicate in listings whether they are reference friendly, because this:

keeps popping up as a question.  ;)

I love this concept. I think it would be even more beneficial if they could select how long they will give a reference, 3, 6, 9, 12 mos.


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On 11/30/2020 at 11:11 AM, Hunter VanDyke said:

If you had one wish...

What features or rules would you add, take away, change to make our forums a more fun and exciting place to come and participate in?  I know TOB is different than other sites for a multitude of reasons, but if you could twitch your nose what would you wish for?

Or would you not change a thing because TOB is perfect the way it is? 😋😎

The excessive moderation. Everything I post has to be pre-approved, even though I see others committing the same infractions I did long ago with some regularity. 

The white knighting and piling on and self censorship, culturally is not so great. Having the forums be more openly sexual would make them more fun.


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12 hours ago, sparkey600 said:


Maybe they deserve to be deleted. Sometimes I tend to have a strong opinion....I know I'm not always right no matter how right I may be.... hahaha

No, my comments don't belong where I posted them.

Your threads and/or posts that are politically charged are right there where they need to be, No Deletion only loaded up in the TOB moving van and dropped off at their new location visible to all that would like to take a gander at.....


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I remember in the old daze, there'd be some kink thread, and guys would mostly say some minor "kink" they enjoyed like "lingerie" or whatever. I'd always say something more outre like "ddlg" or "spanking" and every now and then some brave soul would say something wild like they want to eat a creampie. We'd all have a good laugh, and sometimes someone would even flirt with me via PM and occasionally that even led to a commercial agreement.

But I am the first to admit that I don't know if this was a wise way to drum up business - maybe it is too time-intensive. I just remember chatting with providers a lot more in flirty and sexual ways.

Now there's a lot more "your kink is not OK" shit, and it's all moderated as hell whether that's actual moderation or just people being afraid to be sexual. This has resulted in significantly less fun forums. I don't know what kind of limitations are being placed on the providers.


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On 12/4/2020 at 0:56 AM, Tantis said:

Can't say I've noticed anyone being unkind to a newbie post unless it was off the wall inappropriate, which I think is usually established members using a new profile to shit post. However I will say I feel somewhat intimidated by posting in the forums and don't really know why that is. Trying to shake that feeling now and post more.

Aww...keep posting. The forums can be intimidating when you're new, and you'll inevitably stick your foot in your mouth from time to time.  I agree and disagree with members on the board, but we're adults and that happens it real life too, so be true to yourself and have fun.  When it comes to the forums I don't take anything too personal. My motto for the forums...rubbing  is racing


As for my wish, an optional newbie pre-screening method. Give ladies some reassurance but not bypass their methods.

Curious...what does that look like


Edited by Hunter VanDyke

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On 12/5/2020 at 1:07 AM, sparkey600 said:

I would wish that the powers that be wouldn't delete my thoughts on here. I'm wondering if there is a political black list?

Makes me wonder.

Anti Trump rants seems to get deleted. My last three comments about Trump seems to have disappeared.


Let me start again. Blah blah...Nothing here that he can't lie or BUY his way out......DELETE here....

Maybe keeping the politics and coronavirus discussions to those topics threads 💗

Hopefully you have have others wishes too 😊


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15 hours ago, Hunter VanDyke said:

I love this concept. I think it would be even more beneficial if they could select how long they will give a reference, 3, 6, 9, 12 mos.

Yes, gr8oul and Hunter's ideas are good ideas!


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Very interesting topic, hopefully the Administrators view this and can make some of the listed "wishes".  I agree the others that TOB is best platform out there but evolving is always a good thing.  Here are mine.

1.)  Repeating Ads for the same provider within the same minute or two.  Just not seeing the value when a provider makes multiple ad posts within the same minute.  I have seen no other platform that offers a sufficient large photo of the provider and the ability to see other details, like Ad, Reviews, and Details without clicking to another screen; Nice!  If the image was an icon size then I could see repeating ads might be effective but in TOB just means I have scroll more. Curious if others think "Oh Wow" she posted 6 times in row, "she is way hornier than the others", or "wow, she is really available". :P

2.)  On "Review Search" offer a Gallery view vs. List view only.

3.)  A community Score/Badge rating for each provider and place it with Listings.  Took me a long time to discover that Providers participate in the forums, figured originally they would be all guys.  Give a ranking on general participating and maybe on help/info forums if she provides a answer to a question she gets a badge score ranking.

4.)  Yes, listed Services would be cool too!

5.)  I know this is sensitive and probably not nice.  But a "Weight" filter would be nice. 

But in all, I think TOB is great and is best platform.



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1 hour ago, NeoBrock97 said:

Very interesting topic, hopefully the Administrators view this and can make some of the listed "wishes".  I agree the others that TOB is best platform out there but evolving is always a good thing.  Here are mine.

1.)  Repeating Ads for the same provider within the same minute or two.  Just not seeing the value when a provider makes multiple ad posts within the same minute.  I have seen no other platform that offers a sufficient large photo of the provider and the ability to see other details, like Ad, Reviews, and Details without clicking to another screen; Nice!  If the image was an icon size then I could see repeating ads might be effective but in TOB just means I have scroll more. Curious if others think "Oh Wow" she posted 6 times in row, "she is way hornier than the others", or "wow, she is really available". :P

Each ad has a different location attached (Boulder, Denver, DTC), so I've always assumed these are "outcall available" locations. Just my guess! 


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Thanks!  Maybe then the ad could have a 'Locations' feature vs. having them post from each location option.


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2 hours ago, NeoBrock97 said:

Very interesting topic, hopefully the Administrators view this and can make some of the listed "wishes".  I agree the others that TOB is best platform out there but evolving is always a good thing.  Here are mine.

1.)  Repeating Ads for the same provider within the same minute or two.  Just not seeing the value when a provider makes multiple ad posts within the same minute.  I have seen no other platform that offers a sufficient large photo of the provider and the ability to see other details, like Ad, Reviews, and Details without clicking to another screen; Nice!  If the image was an icon size then I could see repeating ads might be effective but in TOB just means I have scroll more. Curious if others think "Oh Wow" she posted 6 times in row, "she is way hornier than the others", or "wow, she is really available". :P

2.)  On "Review Search" offer a Gallery view vs. List view only.

3.)  A community Score/Badge rating for each provider and place it with Listings.  Took me a long time to discover that Providers participate in the forums, figured originally they would be all guys.  Give a ranking on general participating and maybe on help/info forums if she provides a answer to a question she gets a badge score ranking.

4.)  Yes, listed Services would be cool too!

5.)  I know this is sensitive and probably not nice.  But a "Weight" filter would be nice. 

But in all, I think TOB is great and is best platform.


Point 1: I think you missed the earlier explanation that multiple posts exist becsuse providers select which TOB defined geographies in which to advertise. If you see multiple postings it is probably because you are viewing "Colorado All" as opposed to selecting just a couple geographies. I believe the providers pay more to be viewable in multiple geogrsphies. Seem like a very minor issue to me. 

Point 5:  Yes, this is a wish list, but this one is probably like wishing you had a bigger dick. Not. Happening. 


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5 hours ago, NeoBrock97 said:


3.)  A community Score/Badge rating for each provider and place it with Listings.  Took me a long time to discover that Providers participate in the forums, figured originally they would be all guys.  Give a ranking on general participating and maybe on help/info forums if she provides a answer to a question she gets a badge score ranking.


All due respect, oh hell no!!!  For a ton of reasons with absolutely no reason I can think of in favor.  Just no.  Of course, as always ...... not my board, just my opinion.


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3. We don't have a badge system, but we love our our dots. 😊


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 @sb1212 - LOL on "bigger dick" wishing.   I now understand the multiple posting issue.  My bad, I thought the providers were doing it intentionally.  Yes, I like to view 'Colorado All' vs. just a specific area because I am between to areas.  Yes, not big deal but the question is what is your "wish".  But yeah, still "wish" multiple listings didn't appear but it could move to #5.

@gr8owl - Sorry, I probably didn't explain it correctly?  Some others said they would like to see more participation from Providers and Users.  I was trying to address that issue as reward or ranking for participating and making that visible under the Providers Ad.  Today there is an 'Eye', 'Camera', 'Book' and 'Info' icon. How about a 5th icon for 'Community' with Ranking or Post count or Dots as Hunter VanDyke says she likes or whatever, but something to show they are active in the Forums/Community vs. just an Ad placer.  I am extremely impressed how many Providers are already participate but there can always be more.   Hope that makes sense?

Again, I Love TOB as it is but thought maybe a few 'Wishes' or tweaks would become consideration by the Developer(s)/Admin(s)



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5 hours ago, NeoBrock97 said:

 @sb1212 - LOL on "bigger dick" wishing.   I now understand the multiple posting issue.  My bad, I thought the providers were doing it intentionally.  Yes, I like to view 'Colorado All' vs. just a specific area because I am between to areas.  Yes, not big deal but the question is what is your "wish".  But yeah, still "wish" multiple listings didn't appear but it could move to #5.

@gr8owl - Sorry, I probably didn't explain it correctly?  Some others said they would like to see more participation from Providers and Users.  I was trying to address that issue as reward or ranking for participating and making that visible under the Providers Ad.  Today there is an 'Eye', 'Camera', 'Book' and 'Info' icon. How about a 5th icon for 'Community' with Ranking or Post count or Dots as Hunter VanDyke says she likes or whatever, but something to show they are active in the Forums/Community vs. just an Ad placer.  I am extremely impressed how many Providers are already participate but there can always be more.   Hope that makes sense?

Again, I Love TOB as it is but thought maybe a few 'Wishes' or tweaks would become consideration by the Developer(s)/Admin(s)


There already is basically a feature for participation just look under your name.... 2 dots with 25 posts, hunter has 8 dots 3080 posts..... all you have to do is look at their profile and it isnon their too


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1 hour ago, Strange_Ice said:

There already is basically a feature for participation just look under your name.... 2 dots with 25 posts, hunter has 8 dots 3080 posts..... all you have to do is look at their profile and it isnon their too

That's what I was going to say


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@Strange_Ice - But I am not seeing "Dots" on her main profile page or Ad Listing, unless I missing. :huh:    It is like Ads are separate from Forum area.  My thought is the most guys look at Ad listings or Reviews mainly, having an indicator that the provider is active in the forum area draws them to the forum area to find out more about the provider they are interested in. In return this may spark providers to participate in the forums because this draws more clients to them.  I am imagining that many guys like to learn more about the provider than just looking a pictures and reading reviews about them but currently I am not seeing anything to draw or link them to the forums area.  Please excuse me if I am being stupid. :unsure:




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2 hours ago, NeoBrock97 said:

@Strange_Ice - But I am not seeing "Dots" on her main profile page or Ad Listing, unless I missing. :huh:    It is like Ads are separate from Forum area.  My thought is the most guys look at Ad listings or Reviews mainly, having an indicator that the provider is active in the forum area draws them to the forum area to find out more about the provider they are interested in. In return this may spark providers to participate in the forums because this draws more clients to them.  I am imagining that many guys like to learn more about the provider than just looking a pictures and reading reviews about them but currently I am not seeing anything to draw or link them to the forums area.  Please excuse me if I am being stupid. :unsure:



On a providers main profile go to the "forum status" paige and it will show how many dots (more dots means more activity) and keep going down and you can see all of their specific posts in the forums...


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2 hours ago, NeoBrock97 said:

@Strange_Ice - But I am not seeing "Dots" on her main profile page or Ad Listing, unless I missing. :huh:    It is like Ads are separate from Forum area.  My thought is the most guys look at Ad listings or Reviews mainly, having an indicator that the provider is active in the forum area draws them to the forum area to find out more about the provider they are interested in. In return this may spark providers to participate in the forums because this draws more clients to them.  I am imagining that many guys like to learn more about the provider than just looking a pictures and reading reviews about them but currently I am not seeing anything to draw or link them to the forums area.  Please excuse me if I am being stupid. :unsure:



OK, so here's the thing.  Once upon a time the up and down votes given to posts in forum resulted in a running tabulation of "reputation points" that were displayed on profiles and under avatar on posts,  close to what you suggest unless I miss something.  Predictably it encouraged cliques and miscellaneous juvenile behavior - dinging people that had the gall to down vote somebodies' favorite lady, down voting to "get ahead".  What you are suggesting would, in my opinion, do the same thing only worse AND would exacerbate one of the more annoying current problems - cliques.  Many ladies do not participate because they are afraid already of pissing the wrong clique or member off and having their livelihood devastated by doing so. Further more, including some sort of "rating' established by the board and its members into listings as a "sales" point would almost certainly run afoul of the "enabling' clauses of SESTA/FOSTA and rain nothing but trouble down upon all.  If those two reasons are not enough, there are more.  If you want to base whom you see based upon their forum "performance", by all means read the forum regularly and judge for yourself.  To be honest my most favorite ladies of all time have collectively not posted a single comment to the forum collectively.  Each to their own, but i do not think we need to return to high school and the cool kids, in crowd, clique shit.  We are theoretically adults.  Again, all just one guy's opinion.  


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@gr8owl - Thanks for a details and background.  Makes sense.  Scratch it from my wish list. 



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On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, Kaduk said:

Your threads and/or posts that are politically charged are right there where they need to be, No Deletion only loaded up in the TOB moving van and dropped off at their new location visible to all that would like to take a gander at.....

Thanks Big guy.


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On 11/30/2020 at 0:49 PM, Seeker5280 said:

Posting prices and services...........

I know this is a dream.

I wish TOB would just require the providers to have an outside website where that info is easily found, problem solved 


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On 12/8/2020 at 4:33 PM, sb1212 said:

Point 1: I think you missed the earlier explanation that multiple posts exist becsuse providers select which TOB defined geographies in which to advertise. If you see multiple postings it is probably because you are viewing "Colorado All" as opposed to selecting just a couple geographies. I believe the providers pay more to be viewable in multiple geogrsphies. Seem like a very minor issue to me. 

Point 5:  Yes, this is a wish list, but this one is probably like wishing you had a bigger dick. Not. Happening. 

The consideration is one directional though so a wish list from one side is just that, a wish list or maybe a "hope list"


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