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About parkercole

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday February 12

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  • Biography
    me luvs women!!!
  • Location
  • Interests
    watching college sports. use to be a huge jock. naughty fun women!
  • Occupation
    working with my hands and mind.

    Really?? Come on, as an enlightened educated chap who has traveled the globe seeing companions, and has been in serial committed relationships throughout my lifetime. I don't think seeing an arm chair doctor who is ill qualified to give TOB rants about sexual safety is someone who would be a quality experience for me!! I get tested whenever I become promiscuous. Just got tested three weeks ago with the same results. Just wanted to update the medical specialist of my STI status. Oh and also no to the schill from your quote above..
  2. Sports Franchise Father and Son duos.

    Wheeeeeewwwwwwww...... I thought this was another hook up with the same family member post from Mr. Severe Fairy!!!
  3. Time off from work?

    First congratulations on being in this position! I have been planning for my early retirement. I'm happy to say I'll be under 60 when I do! "Don't be the richest man in the cemetery.", BEST line ever!!! Ink, I'm going to be saying this from now on! Especially to the guys who I work with.
  4. Time off from work?

    That's crazy. That's the same formula I used when I raced, cycling and running. Lose out on a day of training. Then you'd have to make it up with future days...
  5. Time off from work?

    I've been there with my company-stressful intense long days, week, months, and years!! The last five years in that job position, I always dreaded coming back from vacation! I am fortunate to have several weeks of vacation as I've been with my company for close to three decades. I was so very lucky to transfer job positions. As it's not an easy process! It is less hours and less money, but virtually no STRESS and minimal B.S. I am so fortunate to work less hours. As I have time for myself to do things! The pay cut was completely doable. As I am at a comfortable financial position in life. Here is the deal, I am so much happier today!! I still make a reasonable income. I just had to get out of the oven and find happiness. Making more money was nice. But in the end, it certainly didn't make me any happier! I'm so glad I got off that roller coaster!! Best of luck to you Sparkey. Hopefully you'll be able to find your balance!
  6. 411 on Victoria Belle

    Nope, no response. I was open all last week. Reached out to her on her website. I was pretty detailed for all the information she asked for. I'd love to see her, but strike two for me...
  7. READ!

    Dumbass is just one of the many labels TRS can be addressed as. He's a total wet turd! Adds nothing to dialogue or meaningful conversations on TOB. He's just a bored out of work teacher who didn't attain his Masters or PHD to move up on the academic food chain. Also has clear symptoms of a couple mental diagnoses with his over worded grandiose responses! Clearly doesn't keep under the guidelines of Occam's fucking Razor! In laymen's terms, something just ain't right with that crack!
  8. Salt Scrub or Sugar Scrub

    P you mentioned coconut scrub. There is a lady friend I see who has coconut oil in her bag of goods. I always preferred this...
  9. Alia Abaza's Return

    How sad! I remembered I always wanted to see her. Again, so very sad!!!
  10. The great shopping cart debate

    I thank all those who participate in kindness every day! It's good when we practice in kindness to others, we share the planet with. I contribute monthly donations to several animal causes. Sadly, animals have to share the planet with us not so kind humans! I always have several five-dollar bills in my wallet. When I see a person who looks like they need help. I will pay it forward. Or also those who give me great service. There is an awesome gal at Subway that knows my sandwich when I show up. Or the great kid at Walmart when picking up my groceries. These are the people in our world that need to be acknowledged. I make sure I pay it forward by tipping them!
  11. Activities

    I get the whole YMMV thing. Guys can be unattractive in multiple ways. Which leads to this or not that in their experience with a lady. But let's get real here. The majority, guessing 95% of these she will or she won't in the reviews are with the Latin ladies who speak little to no English. Just to clarify, I have no issue with a lady who speaks little to no English. As I have a regular, I see in Houston that is Honduran. She speaks virtually no English. We communicate through text, and Google translate is my best friend when I'm with her. I feel comfortable enough, I have taken this super-hot lady to a very posh restaurant in Galleria. Sorry as I digress... This stable of ladies that revolve in and out of Denver are the ones with this issue! It's not with just one, but most all of them. The inconsistency is great. The most recent review is a perfect example of this. Sometimes she does. Sometimes she doesn't? I will admit I reached out to one of these ladies one late night. As I was really wanting to see a lady at later hours. I was fortunate to be told that she wasn't available and was referred to another Latina. I chose not to. As when I looked at her reviews. It was this pattern of she will and then she won't. Also, I was/am skeptical of the pictures. Sure, similar is fine. But I noticed one who seems to have different pictures up. Which leads to me to think she is a picture stealer, or more so the manager is. So, I'm wondering if it's even the same lady guys are seeing? Maybe that's why there is this sometimes she will or she sometimes she won't? Just to circle back. Women have every right to see who they want to. I get and understand YMMV. As I know there are many slobbish guys with poor hygiene, or who aren't nice, or who are demanding. But with all these uncertainties with these Latina women. I have chosen not to reach out to one of these ladies again...
  12. Every Relationship Runs It Course

    Hopefully your quest for love or matchmaking works out for you with this one. I believe in another post you came on here to tell us of another relationship that went down like a burning ship...
  13. 411 on Victoria Belle

    I reached out to her a few months back. I never heard back from her. I can't blame her. I had a very limited schedule when I tried to set something up with her. So, my window was very limited. I have plenty of free time next week. Thank God I have an open schedule. I did reach out to her again today. I'll see what happens. Fingers are crossed! God she is my physical type that I desire!!! I am willing to TOFTT, so to speak...

    I use to see this awesome gal in Seattle. She was obsessed with a nice penis! She told me that she did not care if the guy had a butter face. But she did care or liked it if he had a nice penis. If it was a nice penis, she could suck and play with it all day. Oh, how I miss her!!!!

    I never understood this? How are people not conscience when taking pictures of their surroundings?? So many examples of this. Drugs or paraphernalia in view. Pictures of guys in the background. Or the infamous pic of the gal with the turd in the toilet???? If someone lives sloppily, I always think of, what is their hygiene like?