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Review ethics/advice?

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I just saw (as in she just left) a fairly established provider who has only 3 reviews, from 3-9 months ago. She was more beautiful in person than in her pictures, and was 100% professional. In fact, too professional. I felt that she was distant and disconnected from the moment she walked in to the moment she left. So, my questions for those more learned than me:

Should I just chalk this up to a mismatch (it happens, to be sure) and not review her; or, being a more-or-less conscientious member of this community, should I submit a review that describes my lousy experience with her in the hopes that others may benefit from this information? Do I have a greater obligation to the provider not to disclose a poor experience when she did nothing wrong, or a greater obligation to my fellow hobbyists to let them know so they might make a more informed decision?

Or should I just get the fuck over myself and stop being such a whiney, guilt-ridden pseudo-intellectual crybaby?

<please do NOT answer the last question above, since I know what you're going to say>


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Write a review. Describe what you expected, what she provided, and expound on what she didn't provide that you wanted her to provide.

We all have different expectations, ya know.


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I just saw (as in she just left) a fairly established provider who has only 3 reviews, from 3-9 months ago. She was more beautiful in person than in her pictures, and was 100% professional. In fact, too professional. I felt that she was distant and disconnected from the moment she walked in to the moment she left. So, my questions for those more learned than me:

Should I just chalk this up to a mismatch (it happens, to be sure) and not review her; or, being a more-or-less conscientious member of this community, should I submit a review that describes my lousy experience with her in the hopes that others may benefit from this information? Do I have a greater obligation to the provider not to disclose a poor experience when she did nothing wrong, or a greater obligation to my fellow hobbyists to let them know so they might make a more informed decision?

Or should I just get the fuck over myself and stop being such a whiney, guilt-ridden pseudo-intellectual crybaby?

<please do NOT answer the last question above, since I know what you're going to say>

Copy & paste all that into a review. It's fair to the provider, and also gives us another data point when we're deciding who to see.


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I just saw (as in she just left) a fairly established provider who has only 3 reviews, from 3-9 months ago. She was more beautiful in person than in her pictures, and was 100% professional. In fact, too professional. I felt that she was distant and disconnected from the moment she walked in to the moment she left. So, my questions for those more learned than me:

Should I just chalk this up to a mismatch (it happens, to be sure) and not review her; or, being a more-or-less conscientious member of this community, should I submit a review that describes my lousy experience with her in the hopes that others may benefit from this information? Do I have a greater obligation to the provider not to disclose a poor experience when she did nothing wrong, or a greater obligation to my fellow hobbyists to let them know so they might make a more informed decision?

Or should I just get the fuck over myself and stop being such a whiney, guilt-ridden pseudo-intellectual crybaby?

<please do NOT answer the last question above, since I know what you're going to say>

My $.02 on reviews:

1. Writing a review is not a responsible or a requirement owed to either the provider or your fellow hobbyist.

2. If you choose to write a review be honest

3. When I read reviews I throw out the top and bottom 10%. So basically I am trying to find out what my average experience might be.

4. Reviews tend to validate the legitimacy of the provider and to some extent the reviewer. Nothing else as all sessions are YMMV experiences.

So to answer the first question, write a review if you feel that your "fantasy" experience is worth sharing. From the bold text above I get the impression that the experience was not what you had envisioned it to be

For the second question, this board is about having fun. Stop over thinking it


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If she only has 3 reviews, another review could be very useful to potential customers. However, I suggest you wait a day, and be as objective as possible.

Thanks for asking my opinion!


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......wait a day.....

This is good advice.

But ONLY a day, otherwise you'd end up overthinking it, and we'd have to revisit that second question... ;)


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Write a review. It is good to write your expectations and what you feel you received. You should note that part of the experience mismatch could be your responsibility. As previously noted it is a good data point for people reading reviews as part of their research. Just be fair. What may be percieved as mechanical or someone on autopilot may connect with someone else or even be rated as GFE. Enough reviews and it helps us discern who we may or may not want to see. We can also figure out over time and multiple reviews if we experience the same perceptions as other reviewers and our experiences are similar then I will give more weight to certain reviewers and their reviews.Writing a review helps in multiple ways.


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Ugh, now I feel all anxious for this girl. Maybe she was just being polite and came off wrong. Maybe her cat just died and she was hiding the pain.

I'm just going to write myself a bad review so I don't have to stress about it anymore.


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Right, lets just nip this in the bud . Poor men they just can't think for themselves. So we women have to do it all for them......LOL Did you bust a nut if you did than you received your monies worth, if you did not its not her fault you may suffer from plumbing issues emotional issues who the hell knows......

If she is a hottie men will see her anyway.


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Right, lets just nip this in the bud . Poor men they just can't think for themselves. So we women have to do it all for them......LOL Did you bust a nut if you did than you received your monies worth, if you did not its not her fault you may suffer from plumbing issues emotional issues who the hell knows......

If she is a hottie men will see her anyway.

Lilithia's message is an example of a post that can be so true and NOT true at the same time. After all, the so-called GFE is not just about "busting a nut" -- so if you don't get the GFE you were after, it equals a bad review.


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Lilithia's message is an example of a post that can be so true and NOT true at the same time. After all, the so-called GFE is not just about "busting a nut" -- so if you don't get the GFE you were after, it equals a bad review.

For the same reasoning, I've had VERY GOOD experiences where I did NOT "bust a nut", all afternoon & evening at CFD for example.


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I don't think you have an obligation to provider or hobbyist to post a review. If you find the reviews useful and think this review would have helped you when making a decision then I think it would be worth posting the review.


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I think if you use the reviews then there is some duty to contribute. I also think that you should write your experience as a whole. If she wasn't prepared then that's on her she could have cancelled. I think most people that use the reviews understand ymmv, and take that I to account. I just wonder how many ladies float by because we don't want to write a bad review. I feel your pain, I would have a tough time too. Some of us work on a connection, and some friction is enough. To say the physical side was good but lacked any emotional warmth is in it self a fair review.


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Sometimes you just don't click. Doesn't mean she did anything wrong. I once saw a very-well reviewed young lady. From the moment I walked in things just didn't feel right between. She did her best but I just couldn't get into it. I didn't post o review. I couldn't post a good review because I didn't have a particularly good time. But I didn't feel it was fair to post a bad review because she was honest about her, looks, rates, services, etc., and tried her best.

Just my opinion but I think it is OK to forgo the review once in a while in a situation like that.


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Right, lets just nip this in the bud . Poor men they just can't think for themselves. So we women have to do it all for them......LOL Did you bust a nut if you did than you received your monies worth, if you did not its not her fault you may suffer from plumbing issues emotional issues who the hell knows......

If she is a hottie men will see her anyway.

Sorry, can't agree. I can bust a nut at home with Rosy Palms for free. with no risk, no scheduling issues etc. I expect more from an experience that includes another person. Otherwise, what the hell is the point?


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This is adult service providing...not the Love Boat....if you felt emotionally not fulfilled....what were you truly expecting from her? If she was polite, nice and provided but yet your socks were knocked off? She didn't fawn over you? Make you feel special ? We do our best..but fulfilling that " wow" emotional need for every personality , every guy out there...well...that's asking a bit too much...we aren't in your not every gent is gonna feel like he's walking on clouds afterwards. Chalk it up to ymmv and perhaps rethink your expectations when you hire a sex worker.


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So if reviews aren't really obligatory neither are references or catering to that "emotional need".

Write reviews or don't write reviews and the same goes for references. If however you rely on them when doing business then do the the decent thing and contribute to the cycle. Doing otherwise just makes you look like a dick.


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I've thought about this alot (I wanted to write that I've thought long and hard about this, but I decided to refrain from punning).

Here are my thoughts:

1) I will write a review. I think it all comes down to (as some noted) that if you use a system you must contribute to that system. That's the way a system works, and without participation it will fail. I use the TOB reviews, so I will write a review.

2) I will likely give an "average" rating, since when I take all the good stuff and all the not-so-good stuff, they are more-or-less equivalent. It also allows me to share my experience without giving a negative rating to the provider (who did nothing wrong).

3) I was fairly surprised at the civility and helpfulness of most replies. Thank you. Your comments really helped.

4) I was also surprised at the few snarky comments. Really, gender-bashing is not only passe it is also embarrassing. But more important - and I think this is the major point here - it that hobbying is not about (ahem) "busting a nut". Not only can I do that just fine by myself, I can also find some skank to do it for me for $60. I am paying not just for a pussy and a pair of tits, I am paying good money for an experience. I am paying for the fantasy that this beautiful sexy woman wants to fuck me, and is enjoying fucking me, etc. "Busting a nut' (really?) is just part of that expereince, but it is not THE expereince. "Rethink my expectations" (really? #2); no, I don't think so. I am paying a provider precisely to make me feel wonderful and alive; again, I am not just renting a body for an hour. Enthusiastic sex makes me feel good on far more than just a physical level, and that's what I want, what I pay for, and what I expect.

Thanks for listening and thanks for your comments.

I am done with this thread and I hope you are too.


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2) I will likely give an "average" rating, since when I take all the good stuff and all the not-so-good stuff, they are more-or-less equivalent. It also allows me to share my experience without giving a negative rating to the provider (who did nothing wrong).


Remember. AVERAGE == Legitimate, NOT a rip-off!

With sufficient details you can explain what deviated from YOUR fantasy. My fantasy may be different; I may be quite pleased to receive the experience the session you describe. This is one aspect of YMMV.

I also consider reviews feedback to the provider. I remember a hot summer day years ago when I showed up for an incall, but the power (& AC) were off. The associate she had borrowed the incall from had failed to pay the bill. With extra effort my friend managed to make par. In the future she was more careful about from whom she rented incall facilities. Today we joke about that session and marvel at our hot & sweaty experience. ;)


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As I am the provider in question, I will bend over (ever so politely) and graciously take your review. ��


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I second the kudos.

Anyone who has been around here a while knows to take each review with a grain of salt. The fact that he came here with the question as least gives an indication that he intends to be honest.

And that is all I can ask for.


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Or should I just get the fuck over myself and stop being such a whiney, guilt-ridden pseudo-intellectual crybaby?

<please do NOT answer the last question above, since I know what you're going to say>

... well said.

Seriously, this could be a one time distraction, it could be a lady who just needs the dough and doesn't enjoy what she's doing, it could be she didn't take a liking to you specifically for whatever reason.

Even with a handful of reviews it is hard to guarantee specific results. Sometimes guys post good reviews because they feel the lady needs a break, even though they didn't have the greatest time. Sometimes they post good reviews because they are worried about getting trashed in the community if they post a bad one (ugh). Unfortunately, you gotta rely on the law of averages and reading the tea leaves.

You gotta be prepared to write it off and move on if you don't like the service. If I don't like the session and want to post a review I will generally post a mediocre review or not one at all, but unless it's a rip-off or no-show instance, I try to avoid the negative and give the ladies space to have an off-day.

Wish there was more certainty in the world, but sometimes there isn't.


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