
Avoiding attention at a hotel

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This might be an odd question for seasoned hobbyists and practitioners. How do you avoid attracting attention at a hotel.

If the provider is hosting, do you avoid multiple visitors? Do clients come straight to your room? Does the hotel care? Does it depend on the hotel? Am I asking trade secrets?

For clients hosting a provider, does she come straight to the room? How conservatively is she attired? Other things to do/avoid?



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If you are going to see her, just walk in like you are staying there, go straight to the room and you should have no problems. Kepp it simple and do not over think things.


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I always dress like a Nun, they never ask me anything.........HEHE!...;-)


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I walk in like I own the place, look real quick for signs for the elevator and go straight to the elevator.


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I usually walk in talking on my cell phone as if I'm in the middle of a business call: "No way, there's not enough margin in the deal for us on those terms, we have to change the distribution for...blah blah blah."

It gives me something to do while scoping out the elevators and a reason not to make eye contact with anyone I don't want to look at and who I don't want looking at me.


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I agree with everyone... just walk in like you're staying there and act like you know exactly where you're going. I also usually walk in "talking" on my phone...that strategy works really well. People will be far less likely to stop you if (it appears) you're in the middle of an important conversation. I think the key is not to look or act suspicious... just be cool.

There have been a few occasions where the provider (usually someone I've already seen before) was staying on the ground floor and happened to have a room located near a side entrance, she'd just let me in that way, allowing me to bypass the front desk altogether.


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I usually walk in talking on my cell phone as if I'm in the middle of a business call: "No way, there's not enough margin in the deal for us on those terms, we have to change the distribution for...blah blah blah."

It gives me something to do while scoping out the elevators and a reason not to make eye contact with anyone I don't want to look at and who I don't want looking at me.

Yep this is the way I walk on through as well.


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Go to the front desk and ask for directions to the room. (Kidding)

Scan for signs of LE, say hi to the clerk if they look at you and go to the room.

Leave by the side entrance.


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Talking on the phone wandering through the lobby is good b/c it does cover not knowing where the elevator is b/c you're distracted by the call. "Ooops, wrong turn, stupid call."

I also carry a little briefcase. Beat up old leather thing that I actually take on business trips. No one on the lobby staff gives a care about random dude.

(That said, I'm becoming less of a fan of hotel incalls.)

This might be an odd question for seasoned hobbyists and practitioners. How do you avoid attracting attention at a hotel.

If the provider is hosting, do you avoid multiple visitors? Do clients come straight to your room? Does the hotel care? Does it depend on the hotel? Am I asking trade secrets?

For clients hosting a provider, does she come straight to the room? How conservatively is she attired? Other things to do/avoid?



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I have worked and managed several hotels. The staff doesn't care.

Be professional, polite and tip the valet and/or the doorman, nod and smile a the housekeeping department as you pass them in the hall, treat the staff with respect.

Ask for directions to the elevator and walk to the room as though you are going to see a friend is in town for the weekend.

If you look like you are trying to hide something you are going to draw attention to yourself. The hotel staff is more concern about parties and those who sell drugs from their establishment.


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I have worked and managed several hotels. The staff doesn't care.

Be professional, polite and tip the valet and/or the doorman, nod and smile a the housekeeping department as you pass them in the hall, treat the staff with respect.

Ask for directions to the elevator and walk to the room as though you are going to see a friend is in town for the weekend.

If you look like you are trying to hide something you are going to draw attention to yourself. The hotel staff is more concern about parties and those who sell drugs from their establishment.

Interesting to get the perspective of an actual hotel manager. Thank you for that. And the cell phone thing is brilliant. Had not thought of that. The one lady who I saw at a hotel conveniently told me to take a hard right at the front entrance for a direct route to the elevators. That helped.

If the hotels started to truly "care" about this "hidden" economy, they would lose quite a bit of revenue, and no one wants that. They view it as a victimless crime, and nothing to get in a twist over (to quote Myron Hadley, the toughest screw to ever walk the Shank).


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I always tell my clients where the elevator is so they can just walk in and go straight to it.


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I always dress like a Nun, they never ask me anything.........HEHE!...;-)

LMAO, that'd be a big red flag.......a nun going into a hotel room?


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All good suggestions. One other thing I do is to dress like the hotel's normal guests - if a business hotel, dress like a businessman. If a vacation, dress like someone my age on vacation. Intent is to be not memorable and to look and act like you belong in the place.


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Exactly right - walk in like you belong there.

I usually engage in a make-believe cell phone call as well so no one will want to interrupt.

And getting the directions to the elevator beforehand is a must.


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Just relax, act like you belong there and dress appropriately. No one knows or cares why you are there as long as you aren't causing problems. The cell phone idea is kinda funny to me. It probably works but I wonder if trying to avoid everyone you might actually stand out more. I'm sure you have stayed in a hotel at some time in your life and you probably didn't do anything different then so why act differently now.


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Just relax, act like you belong there and dress appropriately. No one knows or cares why you are there as long as you aren't causing problems. The cell phone idea is kinda funny to me. It probably works but I wonder if trying to avoid everyone you might actually stand out more. I'm sure you have stayed in a hotel at some time in your life and you probably didn't do anything different then so why act differently now.

Yes, by trying to NOT stand out, you DO stand out. And now we are muddying the waters, eh? Whatever you do, don't clutch an envelope in one hand while wiping your brow with the other and furtively glancing behind you checking for LE.


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Interesting to get the perspective of an actual hotel manager.


It has been several years since I was in the hotel business. When I started in the hotel business in the 70's as a busboy working for the a Holiday Inn. There where working girls at the hotel. They set at the bar and where treated like fellow employees. They where known by name. I made a lot of tips telling the guests which gals where a sure things.

Over the years I changed a lot of hotels but the attitude towards this industry did change. I worked graveyard and some of the gals would stop to talk. Working alone at night, the company was always appreciated.

A hotel is like a small town. Everyone knows what is going on in the hotel. They don't care and if they did, what can they do about it? What if I was working the door and stop a guest because I thought they where up to no good and I was wrong? The guest would be insulted, they would complain and I would lose my job.

I was working one night where a cowboy was hanging around. I talked to him, he was very nice and respectful but didn't fit the look. After talking to him for a while another employee told me the cowboy was a major country western star. What if I would have kicked him out because he looked out of place? The corporate headquarters would hit the roof and I would have been fired. He stayed with us for a few nights and as it turned out he was one of the coolest guest I ever meet.

The hotel makes money from the room rental. No problems, everyone is polite and keeps to themselves, no need or desire for the hotel to get involved.


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Use the fake telephone call also if I have never been in the hotel before. What I have a problem with usually is after the appointment moon walking out of the hotel. :D


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Most hotels are reasonably busy and the staff schedules should mean that all shifts would not necessarily be aware of who all their current guests are or the room that they are in - at least not by sight. So with all of the comings and goings it is usually a pretty anonymous environment. The cell phone is a good idea either texting or talking. That said I do prefer a non hotel situation.


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to avoid the more conspicuous 'just f*cked look' when exiting, take a moment to look in the mirror and straighten out your hair.... and wipe that smile off your face


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<< And getting the directions to the elevator beforehand is a must >>

That is how I got zapped. (That or an overzealous front desk clerk?) Regardless, meeting at a hotel that I'd been to but had changed ownership/brands. I tried my usual entrance, which was locked. So into the front lobby with no idea where the elevator was. Tried to act nonchalant but heard "Sir, sir ... can I help you" which I ignored. After several false starts, found the elevator, but I was apparently already burned. After what followed, I guess I should have aborted the mission.




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Motels work great too. No lobby to walk through. Just park and knock on the door.


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Motels work great too. No lobby to walk through. Just park and knock on the door.

Unless the room you have to go to is clearly in plain view of the main office AND the provider seems oblivious to how she may be attracting attention. I visited a provider while in New Jersey around July 4th a few years ago who got a room that was clearly in view of the main office. She stepped out to smoke in her bra and panties before the festivities began and didn't care how she was dressed. She mentioned that housekeeping had walked in on her earlier while with a client. She mentioned the numerous clients she had seen before me that day due to the holiday. Most fun of all was walking out the door at the end and finding myself in a staring contest with someone from the front office who was already looking up right at the room before retreating back into the office.

I'm sure I should have warned her about this, but I didn't have a good experience with her, so I decided not to. She already drew too much attention to herself already.


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Just relax, act naturally, and right when you enter the main lobby, walk up to the front desk and say:



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<< And getting the directions to the elevator beforehand is a must >>

That is how I got zapped. (That or an overzealous front desk clerk?) Regardless, meeting at a hotel that I'd been to but had changed ownership/brands. I tried my usual entrance, which was locked. So into the front lobby with no idea where the elevator was. Tried to act nonchalant but heard "Sir, sir ... can I help you" which I ignored. After several false starts, found the elevator, but I was apparently already burned. After what followed, I guess I should have aborted the mission.



Ok, qSeed. What followed? The suspense is killing us. What do you mean you got "burned" ?


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Good answers to the hotel stroll. I've tried them all. They all work fine. The best is just act like you're staying there.

I've only had one front desk employee ask if they could help me. I stopped and said, "What time does the pool close?" "10pm." "Thanks man...see ya later." and then off to the room without skipping a beat.

I leave out a side door with my keys jingling and whistling "take a load off Annie"


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Motels work great too. No lobby to walk through. Just park and knock on the door.

May not be as much of an issue with exterior entrances, but to me nothing screams "I DON'T BELONG HERE" like knocking on a hotel door. If it's my room and I have a key, why would I knock on my own door?:confused:


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