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Crazy Horse

Questions for The Whisperer???

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So far you are an unknown entity; at least to the majority of us. Joined to the board date in July '14, no real posting history and no reviews at least under the name The Whisperer.

From your handle I would make a guess that you prefer to speak softly most of the time. We'll find out soon enough how you use the big stick, although any ladies you've seen may be able to tell us all about that.:D

If you'd like to remain in the background and not jump into various conversations like Gina and T.O. did that's perfectly acceptable lurkers being a large part of the board but a little background info to start us off with to let us all know who's running the place would go a long way to making the transition a smooth one. When Gina took over from T.O. she was well known to our community and there was no uncertainty.

So here are a few questions that I have and I'm sure that some of the ladies and gents will jump in with a few of their own.

Any history of being a client and/or a provider? Basicly how much do you know about the hobby/profession? I'm sure that Gina wouldn't do it to us but it'd be a total bummer if all she found to take over was some Canadian investor with deep pockets looking to diversify their portfolio. Now there's nothing wrong with being Canadian; after all you're born that way it's not a life choice and some of my best friends are Canadian.;) Nothing wrong with having deep pockets either; after all it's the deep pockets of the world that keeps the profession going so the rest of us working class johns can partake upon occasion.

How much of the Denver market specifically do you know of? It's taken us years of effort to get where we are with both the ladies and gents using the internet from TOB to SOWET to Decadent City with smaller boards like Bear's Board and even for a while a board run by the ladies whose name escapes me now added into the mix. The Denver/Colorado market is different than most other places in the country because of all that effort. One hour sessions are a full hour not "up to an hour". MSOG are the norm not one shot and you're done. GFEs and UTF are quite common here because the Denver client base has made it clear that's what it takes for a lady to be successful in this particular market. It's real easy to tell how good we have it here when guys travel to other parts of the country or visit with traveling providers. The ladies have found our requests to be acceptable however in turn they've made it clear that us clients have to meet certain standards ourselves before they'll even see us and in addition we'll be paying premium prices for those services we desire. There's a very long history of how we got our local market to where it is; how much of that history do you know.

How much of Denver/Colorado do you specifically know of? If I gave you the intersection of 38th & Quebec could you find it on a paper map or have to use a computer to find it. More importantly would you know why this particular area is packed full of hotels and motels making it one of the half dozen or so destination spots for hobbying in Denver.

Do you have any kind of philosophy as to how you'll run the board or will you be picking it up and evolving it as you go. What do you envision the board becoming? Will you continue the censorship of forbidden topics that Gina instituted but that T.O. found to be unnecessary.

Us regular posters know that when we start a thread we seldom have control of what happens next; such is the passion hobbyists and providers bring with them to the board. I've asked some hard questions and I'm sure others will jump in with their own but please guys and gals let's go easy on the newbie if indeed they are a newbie at least until we have him or her broken in. If The Whisperer survives this thread they can return to the background if that's their wish but maybe they'll find out we can't really bite them through the computer and join us in our conversations.:rolleyes:

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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I am sure everyone wants to know how the board is going to evolve. When The timing is right The Whisperer will make his or her appearance. So, for now I would not be so quick to jump to know who what or where.

After all its not like anyone is going to jump ship if its not to their liking.

If I remember correctly you CH was anti Gina when she announced she was going to run shit. Yet 4 years later you are still here giving your two cents.

So once again we have a OLD time member who wants to flush out The Whisperer into outing themselves.

I would assume by the nature of the name "Whisperer" you may not hear a whole lot from the new owner. IN time everything in time.

The addiction to TOB is very real and I am not sure anyone here is ready to kick the habit, even if it becomes a pay site.

Happy Hobbing


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Thank you, CH, for posing this list of good questions for the new management.

Let's not go too hard on the newbie, though. I had to research the significance of 38th & Quebec, but a quick glance made it obvious.


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Good topic, CH, I was wondering along those lines myself. Perhaps we could start a list of suggestions for the new management to consider as well.


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So far you are an unknown entity; at least to the majority of us. Joined to the board date in July '14, no real posting history and no reviews at least under the name The Whisperer.

From your handle I would make a guess that you prefer to speak softly most of the time. We'll find out soon enough how you use the big stick, although any ladies you've seen may be able to tell us all about that.:D

If you'd like to remain in the background and not jump into various conversations like Gina and T.O. did that's perfectly acceptable lurkers being a large part of the board but a little background info to start us off with to let us all know who's running the place would go a long way to making the transition a smooth one. When Gina took over from T.O. she was well known to our community and there was no uncertainty.

So here are a few questions that I have and I'm sure that some of the ladies and gents will jump in with a few of their own.

Any history of being a client and/or a provider? Basicly how much do you know about the hobby/profession? I'm sure that Gina wouldn't do it to us but it'd be a total bummer if all she found to take over was some Canadian investor with deep pockets looking to diversify their portfolio. Now there's nothing wrong with being Canadian; after all you're born that way it's not a life choice and some of my best friends are Canadian.;) Nothing wrong with having deep pockets either; after all it's the deep pockets of the world that keeps the profession going so the rest of us working class johns can partake upon occasion.

How much of the Denver market specifically do you know of? It's taken us years of effort to get where we are with both the ladies and gents using the internet from TOB to SOWET to Decadent City with smaller boards like Bear's Board and even for a while a board run by the ladies whose name escapes me now added into the mix. The Denver/Colorado market is different than most other places in the country because of all that effort. One hour sessions are a full hour not "up to an hour". MSOG are the norm not one shot and you're done. GFEs and UTF are quite common here because the Denver client base has made it clear that's what it takes for a lady to be successful in this particular market. It's real easy to tell how good we have it here when guys travel to other parts of the country or visit with traveling providers. The ladies have found our requests to be acceptable however in turn they've made it clear that us clients have to meet certain standards ourselves before they'll even see us and in addition we'll be paying premium prices for those services we desire. There's a very long history of how we got our local market to where it is; how much of that history do you know.

How much of Denver/Colorado do you specifically know of? If I gave you the intersection of 38th & Quebec could you find it on a paper map or have to use a computer to find it. More importantly would you know why this particular area is packed full of hotels and motels making it one of the half dozen or so destination spots for hobbying in Denver.

Do you have any kind of philosophy as to how you'll run the board or will you be picking it up and evolving it as you go. What do you envision the board becoming? Will you continue the censorship of forbidden topics that Gina instituted but that T.O. found to be unnecessary.

Us regular posters know that when we start a thread we seldom have control of what happens next; such is the passion hobbyists and providers bring with them to the board. I've asked some hard questions and I'm sure others will jump in with their own but please guys and gals let's go easy on the newbie if indeed they are a newbie at least until we have him or her broken in. If The Whisperer survives this thread they can return to the background if that's their wish but maybe they'll find out we can't really bite them through the computer and join us in our conversations.:rolleyes:

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...

I am sure everyone wants to know how the board is going to evolve. When The timing is right The Whisperer will make his or her appearance. So, for now I would not be so quick to jump to know who what or where.

After all its not like anyone is going to jump ship if its not to their liking.

If I remember correctly you CH was anti Gina when she announced she was going to run shit. Yet 4 years later you are still here giving your two cents.

So once again we have a OLD time member who wants to flush out The Whisperer into outing themselves.

I would assume by the nature of the name "Whisperer" you may not hear a whole lot from the new owner. IN time everything in time.

The addiction to TOB is very real and I am not sure anyone here is ready to kick the habit, even if it becomes a pay site.

Happy Hobbing

Just my opinion, Its no ones business who owns TOB. Thewhisperer is not obligated to out who she or he is.


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Just my opinion, Its no ones business who owns TOB. Thewhisperer is not obligated to out who she or he is.


This isn't a job interview.


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I am sure everyone wants to know how the board is going to evolve. When The timing is right The Whisperer will make his or her appearance. So, for now I would not be so quick to jump to know who what or where.

After all its not like anyone is going to jump ship if its not to their liking.

If I remember correctly you CH was anti Gina when she announced she was going to run shit. Yet 4 years later you are still here giving your two cents.

So once again we have a OLD time member who wants to flush out The Whisperer into outing themselves.

I would assume by the nature of the name "Whisperer" you may not hear a whole lot from the new owner. IN time everything in time.

The addiction to TOB is very real and I am not sure anyone here is ready to kick the habit, even if it becomes a pay site.

Happy Hobbing

Oh, but you could not be more wrong. I've never been anti Gina I consider her to be as good a friend as one can make anonymously on the internet. Have I disagreed with her policies from time to time...hell yes... and for many years before she took over here. We have a history that goes way back.

I used to use this quote in my signature line as some of you old timers may recall. "Just because they disagree with you doesn't make them an enemy and someone that agrees with you all the time isn't really a friend." That comes close to describing our relationship.

For example when Gina instituted the censure ship of certain topics it has prevented us from talking about the biggest change to the hobby in many years. Large numbers of out of state ladies traveling here willing to barter their services for a commodity. Yet we have no way to judge what the community at large thinks about it or work out the un official kind of rules that we've worked out on many things over the years or make PSAs about it like the thread I just had deleted today. Now I do know why she does it as I've gone into more detail in previous posts but I still don't like it and I have no problem letting my friend know.

Perhaps I need to go to TER to have a free conversation on the topic since Washington is in the same situation as Colorado. Too bad I can't do it on my home board. That's one of the things that I asked The Whisperer to consider and get back to us about.

As for The Whisperer I did not give him or her a deadline for board interaction. If they want to take a few days or weeks before they jump in as they watch this thread evolve that's fine by me and if after letting us get to know who they are if they want to fade back into the background who cares, I certainly don't.

Outing???:eek: You got to be kidding me. After over a decade of interaction with both Gina and T.O. I couldn't pick them out of a crowd if my life depended on it. I couldn't tell you if I'd met them at any of the meet and greets over the years either. It is possible to know someone and yet not know who they are. Back in the real olden days people used to do it by written correspondence(damn am I so old I can remember pen pals:() today we have the internet. Hell with a name like The Whisperer we can't even tell if they are male or female and each of the questions I asked can be answered in such ways as to keep that secret if they want. Outing...Sheesh.

Perhaps I should start a poll and see how many people would like to get a feel for what the new mother/father figure head to our dysfunctional family is like.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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This isn't a job interview.

Ah but in a way it is. The whole history of TOB makes it so. Just as TOB was created by large numbers of both clients and providers leaving SOWET because of it's objectionable owner community acceptance of board owners here in Denver is a tradition of sorts. Just another way we've done things differently here in Denver than elsewhere in the country.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...

Edited by Crazy Horse

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Ah but in a way it is. The whole history of TOB makes it so. Just as TOB was created by large numbers of both clients and providers leaving SOWET because of it's objectionable owner community acceptance of board owners here in Denver is a tradition of sorts. Just another way we've done things differently here in Denver than elsewhere in the country.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...

Once you interview and approve The Whisperer, you can hire him/her for the job.

What if you don't approve of the TheWhisperer, are you going to hire someone else to run the form?


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Ah but in a way it is. The whole history of TOB makes it so. Just as TOB was created by large numbers of both clients and providers leaving SOWET because of it's objectionable owner community acceptance of board owners here in Denver is a tradition of sorts. Just another way we've done things differently here in Denver than elsewhere in the country.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...

Oh, it's a job interview alright.

CH was posting his "hobbiest" resume for the new Management to consider. :cool:

In re the OP:

The new Management will deign to answer as much or little as they feel is appropriate, but I don't think it's anyone's business.


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Does this mean we can mention [snip} in completely innocuous ways?

Edited by boink36
Forbidden topic removed. ( no )

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Does this mean we can mention [snip} in completely innocuous ways?

Just out of common since, my guess would be no.

Edited by boink36
Quote edited.

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So far you are an unknown entity; at least to the majority of us. Joined to the board date in July '14, no real posting history and no reviews at least under the name The Whisperer.

From your handle I would make a guess that you prefer to speak softly most of the time. We'll find out soon enough how you use the big stick, although any ladies you've seen may be able to tell us all about that.:D

If you'd like to remain in the background and not jump into various conversations like Gina and T.O. did that's perfectly acceptable lurkers being a large part of the board but a little background info to start us off with to let us all know who's running the place would go a long way to making the transition a smooth one. When Gina took over from T.O. she was well known to our community and there was no uncertainty.

So here are a few questions that I have and I'm sure that some of the ladies and gents will jump in with a few of their own.

Any history of being a client and/or a provider? Basicly how much do you know about the hobby/profession? I'm sure that Gina wouldn't do it to us but it'd be a total bummer if all she found to take over was some Canadian investor with deep pockets looking to diversify their portfolio. Now there's nothing wrong with being Canadian; after all you're born that way it's not a life choice and some of my best friends are Canadian.;) Nothing wrong with having deep pockets either; after all it's the deep pockets of the world that keeps the profession going so the rest of us working class johns can partake upon occasion.

How much of the Denver market specifically do you know of? It's taken us years of effort to get where we are with both the ladies and gents using the internet from TOB to SOWET to Decadent City with smaller boards like Bear's Board and even for a while a board run by the ladies whose name escapes me now added into the mix. The Denver/Colorado market is different than most other places in the country because of all that effort. One hour sessions are a full hour not "up to an hour". MSOG are the norm not one shot and you're done. GFEs and UTF are quite common here because the Denver client base has made it clear that's what it takes for a lady to be successful in this particular market. It's real easy to tell how good we have it here when guys travel to other parts of the country or visit with traveling providers. The ladies have found our requests to be acceptable however in turn they've made it clear that us clients have to meet certain standards ourselves before they'll even see us and in addition we'll be paying premium prices for those services we desire. There's a very long history of how we got our local market to where it is; how much of that history do you know.

How much of Denver/Colorado do you specifically know of? If I gave you the intersection of 38th & Quebec could you find it on a paper map or have to use a computer to find it. More importantly would you know why this particular area is packed full of hotels and motels making it one of the half dozen or so destination spots for hobbying in Denver.

Do you have any kind of philosophy as to how you'll run the board or will you be picking it up and evolving it as you go. What do you envision the board becoming? Will you continue the censorship of forbidden topics that Gina instituted but that T.O. found to be unnecessary.

Us regular posters know that when we start a thread we seldom have control of what happens next; such is the passion hobbyists and providers bring with them to the board. I've asked some hard questions and I'm sure others will jump in with their own but please guys and gals let's go easy on the newbie if indeed they are a newbie at least until we have him or her broken in. If The Whisperer survives this thread they can return to the background if that's their wish but maybe they'll find out we can't really bite them through the computer and join us in our conversations.:rolleyes:

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...

Someone clearly has too much time on their hands...and completely out of touch with how Denver Really Is and viewed in comparison to the rest of the country in relation to paid companionship... wow.. *roll eyes*


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Someone clearly has too much time on their hands...and completely out of touch with how Denver Really Is and viewed in comparison to the rest of the country in relation to paid companionship... wow.. *roll eyes*

I thought it was kind of out there too, but you have to respect the insight of the old timers. Maybe he is not spot on but maybe there something that your just not getting that hey gets. So what exactly is he out of touch with?

And to the whisperer will you still be implementing the Gina bucks program ?


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Hey look people...silence also tells a tale about a person and I'd be just as happy with that. The problem with silence though is that it's left up to each individual to interpret what that tale is. That's an easy road to misunderstandings about the motivations of what's done or not done on the board.

I've not demanded that anyone share anything about themselves but simply offered an invitation to do so and that invitation may still be picked up. Would you objectors still be objecting if after taking the time to put together a response The Whisperer decided to introduce themselves or does it make you happy to simply have had the opportunity to do a little trolling. Hell it's no biggie for newbies to come on the board and say howdy and introduce themselves even if they seldom post after that.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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Hey look people...silence also tells a tale about a person and I'd be just as happy with that. The problem with silence though is that it's left up to each individual to interpret what that tale is. That's an easy road to misunderstandings about the motivations of what's done or not done on the board.

Thats why you shouldn't assume anything, then there is no misunderstandings about the motivations. Plus, I did not notice the rules changing.

Would you objectors still be objecting if after taking the time to put together a response The Whisperer decided to introduce themselves

Seems to me based on this thread,The Whisperer now owns TOB, has the right do whatever they want, it's their sand box. Bottom line is, its no ones business. I don't think its fair to stick our nose where it don't belong, back to the old saying, its none one business what The Whisperer does. All we have to do is follow the guidelines/rules of the board. Whenever this person is ready to announce it. They would do it on their timing, not anyone else's.

does it make you happy to simply have had the opportunity to do a little trolling.

I didn't get the impression anyone was being a troll.


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Thats why you shouldn't assume anything, then there is no misunderstandings about the motivations. Plus, I did not notice the rules changing.

Seems to me based on this thread,The Whisperer now owns TOB, has the right do whatever they want, it's their sand box. Bottom line is, its no ones business. I don't think its fair to stick our nose where it don't belong, back to the old saying, its none one business what The Whisperer does. All we have to do is follow the guidelines/rules of the board. Whenever this person is ready to announce it. They would do it on their timing, not anyone else's.

I didn't get the impression anyone was being a troll.

While I always appreciate a differing opinion the fact remains that the questions or as I like to think of it as the invitation to share wasn't made to any of you nay sayers. What empowers you to reject the invitation on The Whisperer's behalf.

I'll flip that coin for you and say that there's nothing more to empowering me to make the invitation than the same simple curiosity I'd have about the qualifications of any new CEO of a conglomerate I regularly do business with. The same curiosity many others in the community may have. I already suggested we run a poll and see which way they lean, any one interested?

But this isn't a democracy, no matter which way the poll went it'd still be up to The Whisperer to accept or reject the invitation.

I thought that I was being polite(at least for me) when I asked the questions but my manner can be abrupt and straight forward at times. No offense was meant TW and I'm sure you'll decide what's in your best interests.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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I like the way Gina made the transition. Smooth operators always tells the story after the deed is done.

Hand well played Gina,

Happy trails


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Gina, the best to you. I think you did a very good job running this asylum. I don't care who is running this now as long as it is not RT. I am just glad it is still here.


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He/she told us but we didn't hear him. He/she was whispering !

HAHA.... good one!

The change in ownership has not yet been made, but it will happen soon and will not be announced.

IF TheWhisperer decides that he/she really wants to jump into these discussions, the time to do that will be after I've left my position as owner, and then as moderator (which I plan to continue on with for at least a few months into the new year).

Personally, I hope The Whisperer doesn't get any more involved in the community than they already are, and can allow TOB discussions to continue on as it has without any huge changes.

But as far as answers, they won't be forthcoming at least for the time being.


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But as far as answers, they won't be forthcoming at least for the time being.

Fair enough.


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HAHA.... good one!

The change in ownership has not yet been made, but it will happen soon and will not be announced.

IF TheWhisperer decides that he/she really wants to jump into these discussions, the time to do that will be after I've left my position as owner, and then as moderator (which I plan to continue on with for at least a few months into the new year).


Personally, I hope The Whisperer doesn't get any more involved in the community than they already are, and can allow TOB discussions to continue on as it has without any huge changes.

But as far as answers, they won't be forthcoming at least for the time being.

This is why we shouldn't assume, and get ahead of our selves. lol


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The "switch over" leaves me decidely unexcited.

What I would like to see is this board moved to a more feature-rich platform.

As it stands now, it exudes a kind of 1999 vibe.


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I just want to know if we have to keep on pretending that the human race is perpetuated by magical storks delivering full-grown 18-year-olds on their parents' doorsteps, and if we can mention legal substances that the former board bosses apparently don't like.


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I just want to know if we have to keep on pretending that the human race is perpetuated by magical storks delivering full-grown 18-year-olds on their parents' doorsteps, and if we can mention legal substances that the former board bosses apparently don't like.

As one who has been caught violating the new rules on occasion (age related), I can see VERY good reasons for these restrictions.

By eliminating these topics from our discussions, we provide less cause for scrutiny by LE as these topics are hot buttons for public funding. One of the advantages of these boards has been their off shore (non-US) servers, making it difficult for US LE to breach them. But evidence of participation in these topics will tear down that international law quicker than you can voice the thought. It's also possible that these topics have even more legal weight on the servers' home turf.

So let's not be too quick to judge the implementation of these new rules.

Edited by Bit Banger

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I just want to know if we have to keep on pretending that the human race is perpetuated by magical storks delivering full-grown 18-year-olds on their parents' doorsteps, and if we can mention legal substances that the former board bosses apparently don't like.

I want to know why it matters so much to you whether those topics are allowed.

This is a hobby board. Let's talk about the hobby.


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The posts in this thread that were beating around the bush on forbidden topics have been deleted. firther posts will receive infractions and this otherwise interesting thread will be closed.


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