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This was good to read. I'll admit Ive done INCREDIBLY well trolling CL lately, and had almost forgotten LE could be out there.


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"Drug use is prevalent with this stuff..", says the Sgt., "Girls get raped during these operations.."

Sounds like the cops had a rocking good time. :rolleyes:


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The story says sites LIKE Craigslist, so could have been any other site.

Good reminder to be diligent and not let your guard down.


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was seeing a lot of ads with no mention of rate and the website links in the ad where no rates are listed. might be the girls being careful but now i think it might be something else.:mad:


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DPD has been using

And a little birdie told me that tuesday and thursday nights are 'vice' nights. Thats when they like to do stings.


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Trying to make Denver a safer place...

How hypocritical.

Since I moved to Denver, I've never met more drunks and druggies running around the streets. What's the danger level there compared to a guy who wants a BJ in a quiet hotel room?


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that scares me, but i guess if you go with a well known and reviewed asp then you should be good i think. No backpage or craigslist.


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that scares me, but i guess if you go with a well known and reviewed asp then you should be good i think. No backpage or craigslist.

DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner!!! Stick to these ladies and you shouldn't have any problems. And remember if it looks too good to be true it probably is. Use the big head guys and you will be safe.


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I kind of have to agree with the cops in trying to bust the guys that can be trouble, but I don't think that is the best way. How do they know for certain each one of them is a menace to the working ladies, and if that is true, why do they keep setting up stings to catch the working girls? Sounds like an excuse to me. If they are serious about our safety, maybe they should be working with us working ladies to keep this industry safe, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. They are too concerned meeting their quota and taking the ladies' and johns' hard earned money.


S3(Sultry Samantha Sheppard)


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If they are serious about our safety, maybe they should be working with us working ladies to keep this industry safe.

Umm, no disrespect intended, but why would they want to work with you to keep the industry safe when what you're doing is illegal?

That's like saying they should work with the drug dealers to make sure their deals go smoothly and everybody stays safe.

They are too concerned meeting their quota and taking the ladies' and johns' hard earned money.

Really? I mean... REALLY??? :rolleyes:


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They do stings for a reason, YOU LADIES don't pay taxes, [snip} , forced etc... maybe not all you ladies but they trying to find them ladies. So don't take it so personal.

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They are too concerned meeting their quota

That is naive.

Cops bust hookers because politicians tell them to. When people get nailed for victimless crimes, it has everything to do with politics. The excuses they make (concerned about drugs, trafficking, etc) are simply to mitigate opposition.

and taking the ladies' and johns' hard earned money.

Cops don't care about your "hard earned" money. That's just something people say after they've been drinking the wrong kool-aid.


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That is naive.

Cops bust hookers because politicians tell them to. When people get nailed for victimless crimes, it has everything to do with politics. The excuses they make (concerned about drugs, trafficking, etc) are simply to mitigate opposition.

Cops don't care about your "hard earned" money. That's just something people say after they've been drinking the wrong kool-aid.

Sure they don't.

They derive substantial extra income - exempt from TABOR limits - via confiscated property. Anyone who thinks the intent of this staged and televised event was to make the streets safe or clean up a problem is incredibly naive. It is to show on the eve of the stock show why the police "must" have extra patrols, etc. - pronounced gather public support for increased budgets and, ka-ching, overtime bonus pay for cops during the stock show. First cousin to the super bowl myth covered elsewhere.


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The "substantial income" is not significant.

Behind every vice squad is a hand-wringing politician. Prostitution is an easy target for self-serving politicians -- vice activity is easy to justify and, during stock shows & super bowls & other major events, they can "make" big numbers to show off to their constituents.

You're right about the fact that it's not to make our streets safer. But if you think it's about money, YOU are naive. It's about political gain. It always has been.


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The "substantial income" is not significant.

Well, in vehicles alone on the next auction date - 134 vehicles. I would call that significant through the year. Plus impoundment fees, etc. And that is only vehicles. I realize, not all were confiscated.

Yes, you are absolutely correct (we do agree fairly often!) about the political motivation. Red meat to the far right and law and order crowd, etc. Until a substantial number of us become vocal in telling the elected ones enough is enough and do something productive, nothing will change.


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Until a substantial number of us become vocal in telling the elected ones enough is enough and do something productive, nothing will change.

Agreed. However, the number of bible-thumpers and bitter ex-wives out there is enormous -- it will be difficult to out-shout them all. In the meantime, we have to slink and sneak around. :(


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Oh really? And you would know SO much, how? Have YOU been busted? Please enlighten us on what THEY said to YOU cause hey, it might have been TOTALLY different than the girls I know that got THE talk "personally" from law enforcement. What they told me is that cops said they were lucky it was them and not some guy that came in for the wrong intentions, and while telling them this was eager to take their earning as "evidence" which they never got back.

Even better yet, I would be delighted to listen and agree if you are law enforcement yourself, but I think I will take their word instead as they seem to have been in that situation unlike yours truly. Sorry if your "facts" don't meet my standards.

Lastly, maybe you should take a class on understanding sarcasm-or maybe I am too dry for you. Cops do their jobs for various reasons, but a good portion of it revolves around politics while a small portion is meeting a quota. Cops want to be promoted too.


Sultry Kitten


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Sultry, the LE around here could give a rats ass about us. When they set up these stings it because that IS their job. It beats going after real bad guys.

Those arrogant fucks get a cheap thrill arresting a working girl. Or any female for that fact.

The facts are: Stings are here to stay.

Vice cops are not your friend.

Follow your hoe-dar sense at all times.

And it is up to our clients to convince us that they are LE, when they call us.


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From the videos, it appears that Vice is working these stings in plain clothes. Just walking into the hotel room with their scruffy lookin' friends claiming to be po-lice. I could see that ending very badly. The wrong guy might not even think he's getting busted, he'll think, "who the fuck are these clowns having a hotel key? I must be getting robbed." He pulls his gun, they pull theirs, and then it's out on the AP wire coast to coast about the Denver Vice sting that went horribly wrong.


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Umm, no disrespect intended, but why would they want to work with you to keep the industry safe when what you're doing is illegal?

That's like saying they should work with the drug dealers to make sure their deals go smoothly and everybody stays safe.

Really? I mean... REALLY??? :rolleyes:

A few years back a "guy" GF disappeared. LE did a search of his phone and started to call the numbers he called after his GF went missing. Turns out those numbers belonged to working Ladies. So LE started to call these Ladies inquiring about this guy.

WHY you ask LE would call the Working Ladies because this guy had a history and served time for assaulting Streetwalkers and leaving them for dead. LE wanted to warn the Ladies of Denver of this "potential dangerous guy". LE said we don't care what you are doing, they already know. They where far more interested in finding this guy and his GF and wanted the Ladies to be aware of His history and for us Ladies to be safe.

Long story short, GF found safe and guy did suicide by cop.

IMO, this is an example of one way LE can work with our community.

Are all LE like this, maybe not but there are some who would rather let consenting adults be. When their boss tells them it is sting time, they have a job to do. We all know the risk and those who do not do their research or want to be screened, etc, well, you just may see them on the next news broadcast. Same goes for the Ladies.


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I may be kind of paranoiac but anytime I visit even a regular, I'm very nervous the first 15 min because I strongly believe that she could be arrested by the police and they can offer her a deal if she helps them to catch and arrest some clients. I have visited some escorts however I'm mostly a fsbm guy. Recently I have received a sms from one girl I have visited before advertising her services.( I haven t seen her for few weeks and I know she may likes me ). I was very surprised because I Thought escorts and massage providers don't keep their clients numbers for discretion reason. In the same time I was wondering if the girl hasn't been busted by the police and they ask her to contact some johns in order to reduce her jail time? Is this scenario possible?


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