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I have a question and its DIRECTED to the TOB men and women that have more than ONE PROFILE? Of course I don't expect any of the GUILTY to confess but you could always switch to your ALIAS profile and respond to this question. I am just curious and I would like to know LOL? Now before you respond, please don't get ANGRY, WE can all get along. I myself am into using just ONE PROFILE because its so much easier being ME, MYSELF AND I.  


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Is there really enough content for multiple screennames? Most of the threads I've seen were posted years ago.


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I may be wrong, but I believe that when Whisperer took over TOB, we were all required to limit ourselves to one (1) profile.

Before Whisperer, I used to have one handle for the forums and a different handle for reviews.  After Whisperer acquired TOB I had to make a decision as to whcih handle I was going to use as I was no longer allowed to have different handles. I decided to stick with my forum handle and as a result, several reviews that I had written under my review handle have disappeared...and I do not remember my old review handle.

Supposedly anyone caught with more than one profile will get their wrist slapped and maybe even lose their membership on TOB.


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2 hours ago, ilovewomen said:

I may be wrong, but I believe that when Whisperer took over TOB, we were all required to limit ourselves to one (1) profile.

Before Whisperer, I used to have one handle for the forums and a different handle for reviews.  After Whisperer acquired TOB I had to make a decision as to whcih handle I was going to use as I was no longer allowed to have different handles. I decided to stick with my forum handle and as a result, several reviews that I had written under my review handle have disappeared...and I do not remember my old review handle.

Supposedly anyone caught with more than one profile will get their wrist slapped and maybe even lose their membership on TOB.

That would be good. Can we get confirmation of that policy?


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12 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

I have a question and its DIRECTED to the TOB men and women that have more than ONE PROFILE? Of course I don't expect any of the GUILTY to confess but you could always switch to your ALIAS profile and respond to this question. I am just curious and I would like to know LOL? Now before you respond, please don't get ANGRY, WE can all get along. I myself am into using just ONE PROFILE because its so much easier being ME, MYSELF AND I.  

Has been discussed at length in recent history - why are you asking now?  There is no legit reason and it violates site rules.

4 hours ago, Mustang87 said:

That would be good. Can we get confirmation of that policy?

See fifth or so item in the all caps list lol.  I cannot say how vigorously it is enforced, but we did "lose" several handles when last was an issue few months back.


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7 hours ago, ilovewomen said:


Before Whisperer, I used to have one handle for the forums and a different handle for reviews. 

Indeed two handles, one for forum and one for reviews was the norm many years ago and was practically recommended on the theory that reviewers would not hold back for fear of not getting future appointments.  Actually it was just license to trash a lady with fake reviews.  But I remember what you are saying and certainly not all with double handles abused it.  These days anything that can be abused will be.  Way of world, sadly.


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14 hours ago, brunodtc said:

Is there really enough content for multiple screennames? Most of the threads I've seen were posted years ago.

I have a question for you. Are you a male or female? What does most of the threads being posted years ago have to do with having multiple screennames now? 


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14 hours ago, ilovewomen said:

I may be wrong, but I believe that when Whisperer took over TOB, we were all required to limit ourselves to one (1) profile.

Before Whisperer, I used to have one handle for the forums and a different handle for reviews.  After Whisperer acquired TOB I had to make a decision as to whcih handle I was going to use as I was no longer allowed to have different handles. I decided to stick with my forum handle and as a result, several reviews that I had written under my review handle have disappeared...and I do not remember my old review handle.

Supposedly anyone caught with more than one profile will get their wrist slapped and maybe even lose their membership on TOB.

ILW thanks for keeping it real. You are 100 percent correct but that doesn't change the fact that their still is CLIENTS/PROVIDERS out there with multiple profiles. Your case is different because back then you were allowed to do it. I am talking about the present LOL. I think its fucking hilarious.


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9 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

I have a question for you. Are you a male or female? What does most of the threads being posted years ago have to do with having multiple screennames now? 

I'm a dude. And what  I mean is I don't think there are all that many conversations to jump into. I don't see what multiple screenames could accomplish in a small selection. That's not a knock on ToB. It's a small community where most visitors are infrequent. Having 2, 5, 20 screennames posting in the same 5 threads just to troll sounds more like a job than a hobby.


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On 2/16/2023 at 4:14 AM, Savoir Faire said:

I have a question and its DIRECTED to the TOB men and women that have more than ONE PROFILE? Of course I don't expect any of the GUILTY to confess but you could always switch to your ALIAS profile and respond to this question. I am just curious and I would like to know LOL? Now before you respond, please don't get ANGRY, WE can all get along. I myself am into using just ONE PROFILE because its so much easier being ME, MYSELF AND I.  

Exactly where in this statement is the actual question?????


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3 hours ago, mustang said:

Exactly where in this statement is the actual question?????

The question/answer to your question is in the header/post topic. True it lacks an actual question mark, but it is what it is.

On 2/16/2023 at 4:14 AM, Savoir Faire said:

I have a question and its DIRECTED to the TOB men and women that have more than ONE PROFILE? Of course I don't expect any of the GUILTY to confess but you could always switch to your ALIAS profile and respond to this question. I am just curious and I would like to know LOL? Now before you respond, please don't get ANGRY, WE can all get along. I myself am into using just ONE PROFILE because its so much easier being ME, MYSELF AND I.  

In a word the reason is: shit posting.

A few years ago there was a dude that would frequently imprecate posters that were complaining about an ASP to post a review. It was to a point that you could guarantee that if someone pitched a bitch the inevitable “post a review” would appear under this guy’s handle. You might think that someone like that would have many reviews and was just looking to enhance the group intelligence. Turns out when the board changed management for the umteenth time his review handle became his forum handle as well. Turns out the dude had just 2 reviews and neither were recent. Lack of reviews was not the problem, hypocrisy was. He could be a total dick to clients and ASP’s alike and thought his dual handles would insulate him, turns out maybe not so much.

Edited by MrReindeer-9515

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6 hours ago, brunodtc said:

I'm a dude. And what  I mean is I don't think there are all that many conversations to jump into. I don't see what multiple screenames could accomplish in a small selection. That's not a knock on ToB. It's a small community where most visitors are infrequent. Having 2, 5, 20 screennames posting in the same 5 threads just to troll sounds more like a job than a hobby.

6 hours ago, brunodtc said:


You are a DUDE HUH LOL? I could be wrong but I could have sworn I saw somewhere on your profile it states OTHERWISE. Lets KEEP IT REAL, I would hate to think that you are one of the TOB MEN/WOMEN looking to DECEIVE ................... And TOB is not a small community, its just the ones that choose to actively participate in the discussion board happen to be small.................the others are too busy FUCKING/WORKING/LIVING A REGULAR LIFE..................................


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58 minutes ago, MrReindeer-9515 said:

The question/answer to your question is in the header/post topic. True it lacks an actual question mark, but it is what it is.

In a word the reason is: shit posting.

A few years ago there was a dude that would frequently imprecate posters that were complaining about an ASP to post a review. It was to a point that you could guarantee that if someone pitched a bitch the inevitable “post a review” would appear under this guy’s handle. You might think that someone like that would have many reviews and was just looking to enhance the group intelligence. Turns out when the board changed management for the umteenth time his review handle became his forum handle as well. Turns out the dude had just 2 reviews and neither were recent. Lack of reviews was not the problem, hypocrisy was. He could be a total dick to clients and ASP’s alike and thought his dual handles would insulate him, turns out maybe not so much.

LOL @ Mr Rudolph ..................... Hmmm, he is telling the author where the question is located but forgetting that the author placed the question there before he read it/found it. A lot of stories are being told about what happened years ago LOL, what about the current stories of today. Thats the reason for the POST. The reason someone had multiple profiles when it was accepted years ago is the same for today, which I find HILARIOUS....................... 


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5 hours ago, mustang said:

Exactly where in this statement is the actual question?????

Mustang (don't feed the trolls) you read the question when you clicked on the post. But the question is also CLEVERLY HIDDEN in the statement as well, you just have to be one of the TOB MEN/WOMEN that the question is being DIRECTED too to see it.......................


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I've only got one, and it's hard enough for me to remember the creds...  

The only reason I can think of to have more than one is to act differently with each.


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2 hours ago, CountryGentleman said:

I've only got one, and it's hard enough for me to remember the creds...  

The only reason I can think of to have more than one is to act differently with each.

Country Gent well of course each profile is going to have a different role. I do enjoy laughing @ their reasons. One day they will realize, you can't complain about unfair treatment if you are doing it also. In other words, "Don't get mad when they pull a YOU on YOU" ........................



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On 2/17/2023 at 10:01 AM, brunodtc said:

I'm a dude. And what  I mean is I don't think there are all that many conversations to jump into. I don't see what multiple screenames could accomplish in a small selection. That's not a knock on ToB. It's a small community where most visitors are infrequent. Having 2, 5, 20 screennames posting in the same 5 threads just to troll sounds more like a job than a hobby.

Mr Uno, I would like to thank you for UPDATING your profile, it officially says that your gender = MALE. Good luck to you in the future and have a nice day..........



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4 hours ago, Savoir Faire said:

Mr Uno, I would like to thank you for UPDATING your profile, it officially says that your gender = MALE. Good luck to you in the future and have a nice day..........


Why was this such an issue?


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5 hours ago, MrReindeer-9515 said:

Why was this such an issue?

Thanks for your input LOL. Have yourself a wonderful Sunday.............



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5 hours ago, MrReindeer-9515 said:

Why was this such an issue?

Something that I think the majority of us would not notice. I think we normally have no problem with gender identifying. Then again we now have Non-binary as a 3rd sexual identity. No judgment from me. 

@Savoir Faire will not respond to my comments. He can hold a grudge for however long he wishes. I am fine with that. To each their own. 

    I just wished to add that a recent review on me the individual who also has another profile on here and for some reason he claims he no longer can log in to that account anymore.   He is well known under his former account too. Who is to say? I don't think he publicly wished to state his reasons for why he elected a new account to post a review on me. I also have someone requesting a reference and until I know for certain who he is? I will now wait on granting him that reference. I did send a PM and hopefully, upon getting the reply I will know who this individual is. References I take seriously due to trying to protect and provide accurate references to the Companions who approach me for needed information. 
Since my vision is fading I would appreciate the client to possibly call me on the phone. Not just blindly send a request for a reference on TOB or having the lady scramble to contact me please. At least without first knowing who the client is. I have this instruction stated on my personal website too and for many years it has been posted to follow my protocol, please. Stating this also because it is a recurring problem for me and my vision sucks and I want to make sure I report accurately on all references to the ladies of need, please. 


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On 2/19/2023 at 9:19 AM, MrReindeer-9515 said:

Why was this such an issue?

No idea. I don't recall even seeing it as on option when I registered, not that I care all that much if people think I'm a man or a woman.


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On 2/19/2023 at 4:54 AM, Savoir Faire said:

Mr Uno, I would like to thank you for UPDATING your profile, it officially says that your gender = MALE. Good luck to you in the future and have a nice day..........


It's weird that you care. Also, it's bruno, not Mr. Uno. How'd you catch the gender thing and fail to read the user name?


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48 minutes ago, brunodtc said:

It's weird that you care. Also, it's bruno, not Mr. Uno. How'd you catch the gender thing and fail to read the user name?

You are not playing Mr. Savvy's game right hahahahaha. He shortens, or abbreviates everyone's name. Guess he thinks it is cool. He will also start ignoring users that don't want to play his game, especially if they are female. As @Kali Sensual Reiki posted out. If you challenge Mr. Savvy, he will just ignore you.

Get used to his constant Q&A posts. He has to ask everyone a follow up question, that always include butchering their handles. Much like when a little dog pisses on his territory.

But if you look at his profile,  he is the Greatest Of All Time. Guess we are foolish to argue with the GOAT :lol:

There is more than one man here that has themselves listed as female. No one here cares, except Mr. Savvy.

Might be time for TOB to add more genders, it is 2023 :)


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On 2/19/2023 at 4:08 PM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

will not respond to my comments. He can hold a grudge for however long he wishes. I am fine with that. To each their own. 


Welcome to club, Kali.  Fear not, it is an honor actually.  Carry on


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37 minutes ago, Caressa Duval said:

You are not playing Mr. Savvy's game right hahahahaha. He shortens, or abbreviates everyone's name. Guess he thinks it is cool. He will also start ignoring users that don't want to play his game, especially if they are female. As @Kali Sensual Reiki posted out. If you challenge Mr. Savvy, he will just ignore you.

Get used to his constant Q&A posts. He has to ask everyone a follow up question, that always include butchering their handles. Much like when a little dog pisses on his territory.

But if you look at his profile,  he is the Greatest Of All Time. Guess we are foolish to argue with the GOAT :lol:

There is more than one man here that has themselves listed as female. No one here cares, except Mr. Savvy.

Might be time for TOB to add more genders, it is 2023 :)

Who calls himself the GOAT and Savior?  To be ignored by him is so rewarding and refreshing!  Shades of Demure Mormon, but he at least was hilarious.  Speaking of which, you still out there Mormon?


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8 hours ago, brunodtc said:

It's weird that you care. Also, it's bruno, not Mr. Uno. How'd you catch the gender thing and fail to read the user name?

LOL @ how did I catch the gender thing? Uno if I was you, I wouldn't worry about the gender thing, its much more to your identity than that. Have a wonderful day......................


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54 minutes ago, Savoir Faire said:

LOL @ how did I catch the gender thing? Uno if I was you, I wouldn't worry about the gender thing, its much more to your identity than that. Have a wonderful day......................

I mean, I didn't worry about it. You very specifically worried about it, and that's weird. I wonder why you use savoir faire as a handle. Wouldn't gauche describe your style more accurately? GOAT is a title that is bestowed, not proclaimed. Perhaps TOAD would fit better. Anyhow, I've just found the ignore feature, so toodles.


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I like savory behavior:, abusing others is never appropriate.. Sorry @brunodtc  Most of us are tactful. 


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