
Declaration of Independence

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Just saw that Facebook had blocked the Declaration of Independence as being hate speech just wondering what kind of assholes run that company


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2 hours ago, airamericavet65 said:

Just saw that Facebook had blocked the Declaration of Independence as being hate speech just wondering what kind of assholes run that company

If you were a Tory it was most definitely “hate speech”.  FB is probably upset because it didn’t free the slaves, though if it had we’d still be British subjects. Several Southern colonies would have pulled out of the Revolution.  

Just more Loonies trying to apply their values to history.  Did you notice that Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House ... books) had her name pulled from a literary award because her books reflect the values of her time?  Folks want to put Huckleberry Finn in lock-up because of racial attitudes. Before long we’ll be living Fahrenheit 451.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it!


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Facebook is so un-American.  I am not sure why people don't wake up to and stop advertising there.


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4 minutes ago, new2hobbying said:

Facebook is so un-American.  I am not sure why people don't wake up to and stop advertising there.

They're not un-American, there's more rednecks on there than you can shake a stick at. The protected groups I belong to for fishing are all across the board and no bias. Plus I get some Really Really good pointers and places to fish. Facebook overall tho I agree is a joke. My handle on there and all my posts except one protected group are family orienteered, except some nasty ass jokes and meme's. They did fuck up on this one and others tho, that's for certain. Jeez. 


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The comment was about facebook and their corporate policies which follows the original posting.  No body mentioned groups or the people that use them as un- American.  It was mentioned that people should vote with their dollars and not pay for facebook for their un-american views.


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1 hour ago, fishndude57 said:

They're not un-American, there's more rednecks on there than you can shake a stick at. The protected groups I belong to for fishing are all across the board and no bias. Plus I get some Really Really good pointers and places to fish. Facebook overall tho I agree is a joke. My handle on there and all my posts except one protected group are family orienteered, except some nasty ass jokes and meme's. They did fuck up on this one and others tho, that's for certain. Jeez. 

It is not most of the content that I object to it was the corporate decision that the Declaration of Independence is hate speech I'm sure at the time it was written they were not happy with the ruling party but can't for the life of me figure out why management thought it is considered hate speech now hope you continue to find good information about fishing as that is important


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Fu k FB. Quit that many years ago. And never miss it. 

Edited by a_happycamper_12

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Not a FB fan here, and really don’t have a problem with the company as a whole since they pretty much tell you what they’re doing though most don’t read the fine print and others aren’t aware of all of FB’s holdings (a lot of apps mentioned here are owned by FB) , but I think before people get too far gone...

“It seems all content is not created equal. A Facebook algorithm categorized parts of the Declaration of Independence as hate speech and took down excerpts of it ahead of the Fourth of July.
An editor for the Liberty County Vindicator, a community newspaper in Texas, said Facebook took action after the paper started posting the text of the historic document.
The Vindicator posted the Declaration of Independence in 12 parts on its Facebook page leading up the nation's birthday. Facebook sent a notice that one of those parts "goes against our standards on hate speech."
According to the Vindicator, Facebook flagged a passage that included the phrase "merciless Indian savages" at the end of a long rebuke of King George III...”

You can find the rest online. Once the error was pointed out they restored the post. 


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I lost interest in FB long ago as well, but for clarification, we should all be grounded in reality and facts. FB didn't block the Declaration of Independence. A small portion of the Declaration, in which Jefferson alluded to native Americans using the three-word combination "merciless Indian savages" was flagged by FB's software as hate speech. Every post the newspaper posted prior to that was not flagged.

But like most things in our society today, people jump to conclusions with a headline "FB Blocks . . . " without doing any real research. That is the epitome of fake news. I find I need to do my own research than believe any short headline I read, but that's the journalist in me. I guess in this America, doing actual fact-finding makes me unAmerican or something. 

Here is just one source of actual facts:



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1 hour ago, Lawrence_Of_Alabia said:

I lost interest in FB long ago as well, but for clarification, we should all be grounded in reality and facts. FB didn't block the Declaration of Independence. A small portion of the Declaration, in which Jefferson alluded to native Americans using the three-word combination "merciless Indian savages" was flagged by FB's software as hate speech. Every post the newspaper posted prior to that was not flagged.

But like most things in our society today, people jump to conclusions with a headline "FB Blocks . . . " without doing any real research. That is the epitome of fake news. I find I need to do my own research than believe any short headline I read, but that's the journalist in me. I guess in this America, doing actual fact-finding makes me unAmerican or something. 

Here is just one source of actual facts:


Great justification for allowing a Mindless machine to control what you see and what you hear. Hopefully it doesn't control everything that an individual has the opportunity to read. Still feel that the management should be able to figure out that taking individual words out of context is not the best way of viewing everything. How long until Big Brother is watching over everything you see read or think. Will always have a problem with those that think they can change what was said and done in history to make it suit their politically correct mines


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1 hour ago, Lawrence_Of_Alabia said:

But like most things in our society today, people jump to conclusions with a headline "FB Blocks . . . " without doing any real research. That is the epitome of fake news.

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FB is a socialist company just read their policies as JoDoe27 stated and watch how they censor content period including their different holding. This is in regards to legal activity of course.  They are bigots to the constitution but will hide behind it immediately when confronted.   They are the definition of discrimination against certain legal businesses and dictate what those users are allowed top post or even be allowed on their platforms.   If I were to treat my customer they way they do I would be in civil court immediately. 


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30 Million liberals will report anything American and patriotic. Their foaming hatred of all things American cause FB to shut down sites like that.


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20 minutes ago, new2hobbying said:

FB is a socialist company just read their policies as JoDoe27 stated and watch how they censor content period including their different holding. This is in regards to legal activity of course.  They are bigots to the constitution but will hide behind it immediately when confronted.   They are the definition of discrimination against certain legal businesses and dictate what those users are allowed top post or even be allowed on their platforms.   If I were to treat my customer they way they do I would be in civil court immediately. 

Yeeeeeeeeeah that’s not really what I was saying. And as @mountainrider33 pointed out them censoring does not equal socialism. Also the rest of his post is pretty spot on so no need to repeat everything he’s stated. 


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  Actually I dare anybody to read the document as written. If you actually read the document it sounds like a terrorist manifesto. When I was a young Marine I had a training day where an intelligence person from headquarters explain the document to all of us. He went on to explain that as a project he copied the document word for word in plain American text and had us read it over and sign it if we agreed with it. Very few people did and only because they have read the document before. I was not one of those people, I too refused to sign it. Boy can I tell you we all got an education that day.


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I consider FaceBook (along with Google, Microsoft, & Apple) to be one of the Robber Barons of our day.  I have NEVER participated in FB, despite missing all that sharing (photos, etc.) of friends & family. The idea of putting all the information about yourself out there just didn’t appeal to me.


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On 7/6/2018 at 9:49 AM, mountainrider33 said:

I've never understood how "Socialist" is a catch-all term for anything that is not Conservative.  If you're going to throw out political systems, at least use them in the proper context.  Socialism does not, in any way, have any correlation with censorship.  There are many Socialist nations in the world that have the same freedom of speech that the US has.   The most I've been censored on any website has been this one but I completely, in most cases, understand the censoring.  That doesn't make TOB "Socialist"

I don't use FB but every few weeks, because of their practices in trying to siphon all the information they can from you and sell it to other people.  At one point, they even changed their terms to indicate that any photo that was posted on FB was also their property and they could sell it to advertisers.  I don't trust or post on FB but it does come in handy to keep in touch with friends.

Name one


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19 minutes ago, mountainrider33 said:

I can name quite a few from Northern Europe but Canada is right across the border.

Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy/constitutional monarchy.   The fact that the Liberal Party occasionally wins elections there does NOT make it a socialist country any more than Obama winning made the USA a socialist country - contrary to the rantings of the lunatic fringe on the right.  Socialist countries by constitution include such freedom loving luminaries as China, Afghanistan, Laos, Vietnam.  


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5 minutes ago, mountainrider33 said:

Google "most socialist countries in the world" and Canada is on every single list in the top 10.  You can also Google, "is Canada socialist" and every single article has them as being a very socialist country.  Afghanistan isn't on any of the "socialist countries" list.  Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal,  and New Zealand are all considered socialist countries.  The country doesn't have to have a constitution saying they're socialist when their policies and laws make them more socialist than many countries that actually do have socialism in their constitution.

The constitution is what defines what the country is and lays out what rights the citizenry has - including press, speech, etc.  Just because some group on Google with far left leanings wets its panties over universal health care, government benefits for all, etc. that results from a duly elected' government and is as temporary as the next election - does NOT mean it is a socialist country.  When it hits constitutional socialism most or all personal freedoms are goners.  Sorry you don't understand the difference.


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On 7/6/2018 at 11:05 AM, satyr694u said:

  Actually I dare anybody to read the document as written. If you actually read the document it sounds like a terrorist manifesto. When I was a young Marine I had a training day where an intelligence person from headquarters explain the document to all of us. He went on to explain that as a project he copied the document word for word in plain American text and had us read it over and sign it if we agreed with it. Very few people did and only because they have read the document before. I was not one of those people, I too refused to sign it. Boy can I tell you we all got an education that day.

I have read the Declaration of Independence as well as the constitution on many occasions and yes you are right that they were written by men who after great consideration of all of the perceived wrongs and after many attempts address their concerns with  the  established  government we're willing to sacrifice all to obtain the freedoms that we enjoy as a people today. Absolutely by many standards they would be called radicals even terrorist but they did not act alone or in small groups but obtained a consensus for their actions of a large portioned of the population and I believe in the actions that they took establishing a basis for what we have now have as imperfect as it may be I guess the statement that one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter holds meaning even in history. Thank you for your input


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1 hour ago, mountainrider33 said:

Did I state a single website from "some" group.  Use the Google searches I gave you.  Every single site has them as a socialist nation and a high ranking one at that.  I don't make claims from a single source, it's gathered from multiple sources.  If it looks like a duck, quack likes a duck, then it's a duck.  Peter Navarro, Trump's trade advisor, stated that the US wouldn't go along with Canada's socialist ways of business.

OK, lets try again.  Per Merriam Webster:

: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Most of the hits you apparently found (did not provide me with any btw) originate from among others

Of the ten countries they list, only China fits number 2 or number 3.  Specifically Canada most certainly allows private property ownership, property rights, mostly capitalistic economy, etc.  Last I checked they are NOT transitioning to communism.  They are, by definition, NOT a socialist country.

Groups like peerform love to point to countries like Canada that have indeed enacted SOME government policies that have a socialist flavor in order to make socialism SOUND so damn nice.  While specifically ignoring what it REALLY is.

Quoting an adviser to the Buffoon in Chief, whose 'brand is chaos and misrepresentation??? Wow.  Call our closest ally and friend socialists because they will not kiss Buffoon's ass over tariffs.  Brilliant ..... but we digress.

For a list of counties that are socialist I prefer a list of countries that actually have socialism in their constitution and/or official government proclamations:

So once again.  There is a HUGE difference between countries whose constitution includes private property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc. but has adopted SOME governing models similar to socialism beliefs - health care, welfare, controls on banking, etc. which may according to one's political beliefs well go to far and countries that build true socialism into their very constitution.  Look at the list for yourself.  It is a comprehensive list of where I do NOT EVER wish to live.

Lastly, many groups would love to put forth the "socialism is wonderful, enlightened, modern ..... just look at Canada, Sweden, etc." misdirection bullshit as an excuse to convene a constitutional convention to re-write the constitution - "modernize" it.  If and when that happens all who cherish freedom had best have their guns in good operating condition and have plenty of ammo on hand, because it is on!



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Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile

’Hail, oh woman, who was so afflicted

It was our ruin that you were in chains

Our fine land in the possession of thieves

While you were sold to the foreigners ...’


An old Irish song, that makes a deep reflection on what what the founders would think today. Now we are surrounded by the spineless, the feckless. Those that fear the starvation of their meaningfulness to the point of madness. Mouths agape, gasping to swallow everything they can. 

So said a poet far older than me. Find such;

Dante Alighieri: Inferno; Canto III

Or here is a more modern depiction of America’s future. 



Lazarus, awaken.


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Man, I think all these argumentative old geezers oughta know by now that no one is going to be persuaded by their articulation of current position and should know that polite company does not discuss religion or politics.  Now straighten up:



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Boston Tea Party = Terrorism? Yes.

Declaration of Independence? No!

As AirAmerica said, that was the considered act of the populous, through their duly elected representatives.

Canada = Socialist country? No 

As Gr8owl said, while many of their government programs exhibit socialism (small ‘s’), their government, property laws, and economy are not.  They do NOT meet the definition of a socialist government.

Edited by Bit Banger

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