
"You're just a hooker."

61 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, daaacz said:

Of all the movies that came out in 1985, Ladyhawke is the one you use as your gauge? Sure, it's a fine movie, but what about enduring classics like the Breakfast Club, The Goonies, or Back to the Future? 1985 was a huge year for pretty darned good movies.

As for the original topic, people will get away with whatever they can--especially with the anonymity the Internet can provide.  I'm sorry you have to deal with these morons. it seems to be an unfortunate side effect of the unregulated nature of the profession. I'm not saying you should have to deal with it and I wish I had a solution for you.  How about this?  Next time you're in MN, look me up and I'll treat you right.

Ha! Yes. All fine movies. It was really more related to the specific conversation I was having with an individual. I used that movie as an anology for something I was talking about. No, it is not my favorite 80's movie. As to this post however, I only wanted to illustrate that there are highs and lows for both clients and providers. I guess my main point is, like the weather here in Colorado, wait 5 minutes and the industry climate will change.


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2 hours ago, Laplace said:

So, what you are saying is that, in a website devoted to sexual activities, where the women post photographs of their bosoms in all their naked glory to help entice the men to call them, that it is not ok to discuss bosoms?  Is it not appropriate to tell a woman her <insert anatomical feature> is attractive? 

And yes.  My body is under scrutiny...of a different all providers.  Cleanliness and male endowment are two items frequently discussed by providers here.  I never felt disrespected.

I guess I am too stupid to get it.  Seems I can do no right.  When every post is potentially offensive, why bother?  Enjoy your discussions on...whatever is left to talk about.



Unfortunately many of the men these women must deal witth in this industry are not your typical upstanding board members here. In particular the women on backpage most of them have never even heard of this board. Over the years I have had the misfortune of being shown things, snapshots of conversations on phones, that I really wish I hadn't seen. Personally I don't talk like what the OP is describing. I just don't talk to people in that manner. However, based on personal and really unfortunate experience I have learned that most men talk to women with disdain and woeful disrespect. It is not just here. 


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2 hours ago, Vassago said:

Unfortunately many of the men these women must deal witth in this industry are not your typical upstanding board members here. In particular the women on backpage most of them have never even heard of this board. Over the years I have had the misfortune of being shown things, snapshots of conversations on phones, that I really wish I hadn't seen. Personally I don't talk like what the OP is describing. I just don't talk to people in that manner. However, based on personal and really unfortunate experience I have learned that most men talk to women with disdain and woeful disrespect. It is not just here. 

You are indeed correct. A few of my favorite gems from RL non hobby interactions:


"you're pretty, dont worry sweetheart, everything will work out for you!"

Okay. I'm glad to be so pretty that captain sav-a-hoe will be unable to resist waving his magic wand and undoing my impending need for sinus surgery. Thanks for the vote of confidence! 


"oh, you're a provider. I see. well sorry I can't afford to be allowed in your presence. I don't have tons of $ to blow!" (sulks and rolls his eyes throughout rest of conversation). 

Dude. I invited you out for a fucking smoothie! You think I hit up potential clientele at my favorite karaoke bar? Jay-zus! Sorry to be such a soulless hoar! I clearly am not someone who could enjoy a boba tea on a hot day....I'll move on and look for friends elsewhere!

"I can't do this. You're just bitching and being dominant. Shut up and let me please you better than anyone ever has. Youre not letting yourself relax and your clit is waaaay too sensitive." (condensed and paraphrased)

How is me suggesting how I enjoy being touched being dominant? Obviously what you really mean is you want me to accept how some ex you have put on a  pedestal likes HER bits banged and you want me to kiss your ass while you avoid learning a thing about me. And I'm not too sensitive, you are just too rough on my shit. Can you please stahp brutalizing the most delicate part of my body now? kthxbye!


Just...argh!   I think in other arenas not hobby related, plenty of men somehow have gotten the impression that hot women are a different species who have no struggles, no pursuits that aren't somehow a bimbo-shenanigan aimed at sucking them dry of resources,  and that we (despite having so many men DYING to please us and make our vaginas sing the gospel) should be thrilled to settle for crappy sex with them to avoid making them think. I am now sitting here about to piss my damn self cause the shit that guys actually have said to my face is 24kt comedic GOLD! 


Finally, an all-time favorite of mine from a few RL FEMALES who find out I'm a candygirl...

"No she can't come to our party! She is a hoe and I don't trust her around my man!"

You can knock that basic-bitch insecurity right off, because your boyfriend works at Subway.  Does he have 300 bucks? Then he can go find you cause I ain't into taken men. Bad logic, bad attitude, now excuse me while I go hit on his single and sexy dad. That's my RL preference, LOL!


Really yall, I should become the Sarah Silverman of hooker comedians.  Even lacking one original joke in my head, I have all the funny shit I will ever need to make a living! Trystin Trimble goes legit? Maybe so!  It sounds like the name of a Sunny in Philadelphia episode...



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 I am good to see through the people who mean well. I know when someone is blatantly being an asspipe! I clea!!rly note that nobody on here is being rude to me. In my heart of hearts i know for fact Laplace and Bit Banger are just trying to help  me lighten up and promote their own ideas and thinking of what they feel works is all. Which I seriously need sometimes. I have total disgust for TER was talking to someone today who claims that all they want is raunchy reviews on their website and if you don't write at least 1 negative thing about the woman/provider it will be denied. Funny thing, I lost my password for TER and I don't care to every have my password. Just want to be around you people is all with all of this. Thank you for your beautiful support!

 Also, one of these days I am seriously going to get that Chocolate waterfall fountain and we will all stand under it happy! Did i ever share with you that my visualization skills are really good?! ;))))))


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The OP seems to be in the wrong business.

Complaining about being called a hooker.

You are a hooker,  What's the Fuckin Problem

In this industry many are going to say what they want, it's up to you on how you take it.

The latest review on this chic is that she's batshit crazy.

By reading her posts I couldn't agree more.

If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Take your fucked up screening process and your fucked up head and go fuck yourself chic. 

Let's see how much money you can make by doing that.

Edited by Kandi Apple

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We're all people with emotions, aspirations and challenges. Simply labeling someone with a pejorative via an anonymous website doesn't take a lot of courage. To the OP...I'm sorry that anyone would take that stance when introducing themselves to you in that it showed the person's character of being a colossal prick who feels entitled to insult you by treating you less than the person you are.

I hope this type of interaction with "potential" clients is the exception rather than the rule but I have a feeling that this happens more often than you are letting us know here. Please have faith that not all "Gents" think this way and most are embarrassed to be grouped in with any individual who would treat a Young Lady with such disrespect.


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If any potential client approaches me with something disrespectful they are just ignored.

I do not come on here looking for everyone to lift me up on a pedestal because someone hurt my feelings. 

 I'm a hooker, whore, slut and probably the biggest bitch.

Any client of mine will tell you before we meet I'm real Cut Throat about everything. I cut to the chase and I don't need no bullshit. 

And when we meet they will know behind closed doors I'm sweet as Kandi.


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28 minutes ago, Kandi Apple said:

The OP seems to be in the wrong business.

Complaining about being called a hooker.

You are a hooker,  What's the Fuckin Problem

In this industry many are going to say what they want, it's up to you on how you take it.

The latest review on this chic is that she's batshit crazy.

By reading her posts I couldn't agree more.

If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Take your fucked up screening process and your fucked up head and go fuck yourself chic. 

Let's see how much money you can make by doing that.

I just got done cleaning up my monitor, thats some funny shit Kandi.  Theres a reason you are one of my favorite girls   


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It happens ALL THE TIME! You have a choice of ignoring them and moving on, getting pissed and ranting on the "hooker" board and sounding like a whiny bitch. OR do what I do and make a joke of it on the phone and book the appointment. 

Bottom line,  these guys don't always think with their big heads. Especially if they aren't as seasoned as the guys here. All they see is a hot girl. Don't take it personally.  I have been a "hooker" (and I hate that word) for 16 years. You don't last this long by being offended. 

Do you know how I handle it? 

Hi are you available?.......Depends. who's asking.....giggle

Oh I'm sorry my name is xxxx, I saw your pics and you have great tits.

Gee thanks, I think. Insert sparky yet fun comeback and get them laughing. 

Next thing you know, you have more money in your pocket than before the phone rang.



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On 8/19/2016 at 11:47 PM, TrystinTrimble said:

Today has brought with it a wave of discouraging contact with people who expect to be given my address, my trust,and access to my body. Unfortunately, they can't be bothered to say anything before a text that says "Hey babe. nice tits. where ya located?."  I GET IT, time is of the essence and you're trying to get something set up. When I responded with "That's not much of a greeting, can't ya say hi and introduce yourself?" I got told "LOL we aren't getting married! I.just complimented you!  you're just a hooker. you can't expect us to all be nice to you! I don't want your drama or making me jump through your hoops! Youre not a gf!" Then he wanted to know WHERE I LIVE, TO BE ALLOWED TO ENJOY MY BODY, AND TO BE SMILING THE WHOLE TIME.


If you are one of those who thinks that it is too much to expect a hello or a intro from you when you are wanting me to be your fantasy...well I have this to say about it, and nothing less---NO, I don't expect you to be overly kissing my ass or any nicer to me than you are to the lady who bags your groceries, but given the nature of our encounters...

I , SURE AS THE DAY IS LONG--- REQUIRE TO BE TREATED WITH BASIC HUMAN COURTESY, AND IF SAYING HI TO ME BEFORE YOU TOUCH MY BODY IS JUST TOO MUCH TROUBLE, THEN THE PROBLEM.IS NOT THAT I'M "JUST A HOOKER." THE PROBLEM IS THAT I'M A PERSON AND YOU'RE NOT BOTHERING TO TREAT ME WITH ANY DIGNITY. The problem is not that I am desperate, a bitch, a pain in your ass, or that my attitude isn't good. The problem is that I don't like being told that I'm not worth the most simple respectful gesture because of my occupation . I'm just a hooker? Maybe. I'm guessing the person who said those mean things to me and then told me I should be less expecting of him saying HI, WELL...I bet he is just a roofer. or just an accountant. or just the president of his company. but I'm guessing that someone who can't be personable at all because I'm just a hooker who he doesn't know anyway...well...the way I see it, he is JUST A BULLY AND JUST NOT NICE ENOUGH TO OTHER PEOPLE. 

I do think we should ALL expect people to be nice to us. I think that it's NOT excessive to REQUIRE--- someone who wants me alone and be nice and greet me in a socially acceptable way. I may be "just a hooker" but I dont have to take that classism and undignified talk someone who is CLEARLY...JUST AN A**HOLE WHO HAS NO RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE.  


To the gentlemen who already practice kindness to EVERYONE: THANK YOU :) We love being regarded as people and will do whatever we can to make you feel as alive as possible during your time with us. I personally love making someone feel special and putting a bright place in their days. It makes me happy as well and makes my day more worthwhile.

If you are one of those who can't be nice to someone unless you are being watched/forced to, if you consider not hurting a  hookers feelings to be too much drama or something we should not feel good enough to need, then shame on you. That tells me you are out of touch and that I cant feel safe with you or expect anything but to be treated as worthlessly as I was just addressed by you. Sorry if it's too much to ask but not having it. Im just a hooker, after all, so don't take my lack of reception SO personally. 


If you are a provider like me, don't ever let the disparaging types tell you that you aren't worth common courtesy that other strangers in his life are entitled to. We shouldn't expect people to be be nice to us every time? I disagree 1000× over. We SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT PROCEED UNLESS THEY CAN BE SWEET AS PIE, AND EXPECTING TO BE HANDLED WITH PLEASANTRIES IS NOT ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE MORE THAN JUST A HOOKER.   If they convince you that you're lesser than some stranger they just waved to in traffic, then they won't stop there. You can't feel safe with someone who thinks they are free of social niceties if the lady is just a "hooker." They are JUST NOT choosing to be respectful, and they are doing it FROM THE START.



*To MY *ATF'S* You are all the kind of fellas who need no advice on this. Just...thank you. You're my heroes and the reason I know better than to believe that I cant insist on decent people who cant treat others like they should matter. 


I know this is a long post, but I've got to be open and clear on this since it's been nonstop meanies and their meanness. Back to work and NOT ready to let go of the old self worth just yet. Everyone who reads my post, I hope you have something to remind you every day that we are ALL THE SAME and that YOU ARE WORTH BEING TREATED WITH DIGNITY AT ANY POINT, NO MATTER WHO ARE OR WHAT YOU DO :) THE ONES WHO FEEL OTHERWISE, NOT YOU, ARE THE PROBLEMOST. Thanks for your time and perpetuation of this idea!

Holly shit, that is some fucking dick. And he irritated you. You took time to write this much ... he is not worth it. 

Personally when I try to meet a lady I do it because I want to relax not because I am excited to create tension ... the girl that responds to a simple text with an interrogational set of questions. ... she loses me as a client immediately.  I move on looking for someone relaxed 

You take care and skip clients like that from the first txt. You don't need that kind


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16 minutes ago, skinnydud said:

Holly shit, that is some fucking dick. And he irritated you. You took time to write this much ... he is not worth it. 

Personally when I try to meet a lady I do it because I want to relax not because I am excited to create tension ... the girl that responds to a simple text with an interrogational set of questions. ... she loses me as a client immediately.  I move on looking for someone relaxed 

You take care and skip clients like that from the first txt. You don't need that kind

How is replying that I would like an intro interrogation?  I didn't give him much more time than that and gave him an opportunity to make it right. If that's interrogation then shoot, I guess it's just asking too much.  If it "creates tension" to request a proper intro, then I guess im going to have to be a creator of tension and ask that poor guy to be tense.  

I understand what you're saying, but asking some people to show a minimal amount of courtesy is something I am not in the wrong to do.  I cant seem to be able to ask much or anything without creating tension for someone or another, it just shows me that I am dealing with someone who is being incredibly inflexible and asking me to accept their rudeness with a smile.  How about this: coming at me with politeness in the first place?  It seems very unreasonable to me that when I ask ONE thing of someone and they can't even manage it, that they think I'M the one who should be blamed. But then, I'm just a hooker. I'll be sure to not shatter the fantasy by causing so much tension with my silly needs. Otherwise, I might be considered too much trouble for the ones who can't handle any effort whatsoever by making sure they aren't an ass to me.  


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Aaaaaand here is one of the biggest reasons I don't text! Seriously, my folder of texts I get are usually all raunchy like I am going to get all hot and bothered over them calling me "Sexy" or "I have a big c**k and clean, let's do it bb". My only response, because I am too tired and busy to ponder their attitude or thinking behind it is...NEXT!!!

Trystin, shake it off, see the clients that you want to see, and as Frozen sings, "Let it go!"


Samantha Sheppard


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3 hours ago, Kandi Apple said:

The OP seems to be in the wrong business.

Complaining about being called a hooker.

You are a hooker,  What's the Fuckin Problem

In this industry many are going to say what they want, it's up to you on how you take it.

The latest review on this chic is that she's batshit crazy.

By reading her posts I couldn't agree more.

If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Take your fucked up screening process and your fucked up head and go fuck yourself chic. 

Let's see how much money you can make by doing that.

Kandi, the reviewer who wrote that review left out PLENTY of bits and pieces.  The bottom line is that he attempted to rip me off.  He's punishing me for making sure he didnt. Read the rest of his reviews and note that they are sprinkled with inconsistencies.  One says no upsell and the reviews complains of her upselling. One says that he recommends and enjoyed at the top, yet complains about her in the body. Mine says I upsell, yet the fact is that he refused full service.  He also...says I got upset with him immediately but no...I waited until he tried to scam me outright after 2 days of various forms of bullshit to say a word to him about how much I did not need to be given another problem.   

If you are okay with guys straight up talking DOWN to you, that is totally your call.  I'm not.  I am also not going to just go fuck myself and I don't appreciate that some girl ( oh wait--HOOKER) that doesn't know a thing about the situation behind that review is immediately jumping up to call me batshit crazy just because of that one review.  You don't know what you're talking about and your hostility towards me is misplaced.  My screening process is "fucked up?"  You don't know my screening process. Some of yall ask for ID and to verify their employment , I don't even do that.  I require an intro that doesn't make me feel like I'm being bullied by a stranger and a traceable phone number.  Is that fucked up?  


No, you're just telling a provider that you do not agree with or know the extent of the current issue with, to go fuck herself. THAT'S FUCKED UP.  Do you think that someone who is getting to write whatever he wants, and is angry with me that he got forced to pay up when he didn't want to, Is going to write anything OTHER THAN "that girl is a train wreck?"  I am fucking tired of being blamed when I am simply trying to NOT GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF, and your coming into a discussion that is not even about THAT ISSUE to tell ME to GET OUT OF THE BUSINESS...that's just mean and meant to intimidate me and shut me up.  It's especially fucked up because it's NOT EVEN RELATED TO MY TOPIC.  You try dealing with that headache of a situation and see how cheerful YOU are when some catty HOOKER who asked you no questions and brought no real substance to the discussion at hand, tells you that the real solution is for you to QUIT!  Maybe it's time for the people who are being fucking mean to people just for the fuck of it to go fuck themselves.  How's that for FUCKED UP? Come back when you aren't just attacking me and calling me batshit crazy for actually expecting to be treated with a single shred of respect. How mean can you be to someone you know jack about?  


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3 hours ago, Kandi Apple said:

The OP seems to be in the wrong business.

Complaining about being called a hooker.

You are a hooker,  What's the Fuckin Problem

In this industry many are going to say what they want, it's up to you on how you take it.

The latest review on this chic is that she's batshit crazy.

By reading her posts I couldn't agree more.

If you can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Take your fucked up screening process and your fucked up head and go fuck yourself chic. 

Let's see how much money you can make by doing that.

One more point:  If I can't take the heat...

Kandi, how about this: If you can't see how blatant rudeness is not something we should have to "take." Then maybe you should try not being one of the ones who accepts that we are just going to have to let some entitled guy say WHATEVER HE WANTS to us when he expects to be allowed to f***.  Dropping your own expectations is a disservice to those who don't wanna be talked to like shit from the get go.  Then I GET TOLD TO GO FUCK MYSELF?  There is definitely a lot wrong with that mindset.  I have girls who have no spine (yet lots of SHIT to talk)to thank for feeding that monster of a guy and validating his UNACCEPTABLE manners. Way to go! 


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Tristan I clearly didn't care what your thoughts were on this, you explained all of those in your original posting. You're a hooker, yes bitch a hooker! Get over yourself.  You do not have a pussy pot of gold that men are going to worship all the time. Oh excuse me your feelings get involved and you got your feelings hurt. Whatever this thread is about as bad as the other thread that you posted about your screening process. You got my opinion. You posted everything on here for everyone to read deal with it.

Can't wait to see your next thread probably going to claim Kandi hurt my feelings.

Edited by Kandi Apple

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I have noticed over the years, that many people come on this board to post a thread or reply in a thread that are looking for some type of validation regarding their feelings or the way they are being treated. They seem to need the people on this board to be on "their side". 

There isn't a provider out there that hasn't received the same type of text, sometimes much worse than the OP's text.

Guys will be ass wipes sometimes, comes with the job. I guess it is a cost of doing business. 

Instead of coming on TOB to talk about it, next time - ignore that kind of text and move on instead of typing paragraph, after paragraph about the jerk. Frankly, to the OP, you are wasting your own time at this point.



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Do you not see me dealing with it? Just because the pussy ain't gold, doesn't mean that it is asking too much to not be approached with rude assed pig bullshit.  Have I once said that no one should say their opinion in response to a topic I've posted? Im happy to deal with it, but how is you coming on here and bringing up ONE review that I'm actually calling out as not valid, as a point to say im CRAZY and should LEAVE THIS is that not mean? I understand what you're saying Kandi, but I do not agree that it should just be okay to be told that im just a hooker and therefore can't be expected to be gifted a simple thing like courtesy ANY stranger should be able to come by when encountering another stranger. I can take some heat, but will never just lay down and say "I guess since it's too much trouble to ask for it any other way, these guys can talk to me however they want ."  It may cost me a few individual calls, but that is the day I will consider myself to have given up on my own happiness. Can't have it that way, and I must be able to say " I don't have to provide my services to folks who have shit for manners."  Do I expect to get through to every single guy who doesn't come at me nicely? Not at all? but if I get through to just a couple then this topic is not a waste of energy or time.  There will always be those who think taking a second to bring up something makes me crazy or harsh or whatever, but they're taking the time to come here and tell me I need to stand down and that time is definitely wasted more than mine.  I think the assholes who want service from such underlings are crazy for expecting to get away with their abusive language and condescending tones.


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23 minutes ago, Kandi Apple said:

Tristan I clearly didn't care what your thoughts were on this, you explained all of those in your original posting. You're a hooker, yes bitch a hooker! Get over yourself.  You do not have a pussy pot of gold that men are going to worship all the time. Oh excuse me your feelings get involved and you got your feelings hurt. Whatever this thread is about as bad as the other thread that you posted about your screening process. You got my opinion. You posted everything on here for everyone to read deal with it.

Can't wait to see your next thread probably going to claim Kandi hurt my feelings.


11 minutes ago, Wendy Whitney said:

I have noticed over the years, that many people come on this board to post a thread or reply in a thread that are looking for some type of validation regarding their feelings or the way they are being treated. They seem to need the people on this board to be on "their side". 

There isn't a provider out there that hasn't received the same type of text, sometimes much worse than the OP's text.

Guys will be ass wipes sometimes, comes with the job. I guess it is a cost of doing business. 

Instead of coming on TOB to talk about it, next time - ignore that kind of text and move on instead of typing paragraph, after paragraph about the jerk. Frankly, to the OP, you are wasting your own time at this point.


To The OP,

If you're looking for sympathy it can be found in any dictionary between the words "shit" and "syphilis".


Kandi Apple and Wendy Whitney 


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This has turned ugly and hope it gets closed.  The "hobby" has changed and if anyone would know it would be this Mercenary Ho:(  

Trystin, just don't allow anyone else to dictate your mood or happiness. If someone reaches out to you in a way that isn't comfortable simply delete and move forward. 

Sadly the men that are acting this way do not read these threads, they don't even even read the entire ads. 



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 Guess not Sabrina Lynn some people just have the fighting blood in them. Get angry people in person and the behavior becomes different. Even the guy who say's wow you have "Super tits" in text. Will often become very shy in person. Still doesn't sound right for the opening liner from someone. Yet, it always is great when you are alone with that guy and you whisper in their ear...You know something? You got REALLY Awesome manner's in person. ;)Yes I have said that before too. Yes my Breastesses appreciate your tactfulness! 


Edited by Kali Sensual Reiki
Auto correct incorrect

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1 hour ago, Wendy Whitney said:

I have noticed over the years, that many people come on this board to post a thread or reply in a thread that are looking for some type of validation regarding their feelings or the way they are being treated. They seem to need the people on this board to be on "their side". 

There isn't a provider out there that hasn't received the same type of text, sometimes much worse than the OP's text.

Guys will be ass wipes sometimes, comes with the job. I guess it is a cost of doing business. 

Instead of coming on TOB to talk about it, next time - ignore that kind of text and move on instead of typing paragraph, after paragraph about the jerk. Frankly, to the OP, you are wasting your own time at this point.


Sometimes we write on here so that other providers know that they are not alone in this business. You are right in that some clients will be jerks, but coming on here and being mean about it isn't making the situation better. 

Ladies like Kandi and Wendy are reasons why other providers are hesitant to get together and make this business be successful. If us ladies could see that we all just want to do our job and in the best manner possible, we could really turn the opinion around for this profession. Alas that isn't this case, cause some have to go "full on bitch" and think some other gal thinks this is all about them. Grow up and realize that we all have our good and bad days, and to vent sometimes makes it tolerable instead of picking up a bottle, or worse. You want to be mean, fine, but don't expect us to have sympathy when it is your turn for a shoulder to cry on. 

I will do my best to be there for any provider that needs to vent or cry, or just need some advice. It can be a tough gig, and I understand and empathize. Not all of us providers are heartless.


Samantha Sheppard


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A provider only section would be wonderful.

It would allow us all to be able to vent, share and support each other. *HINT-HINT*


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1 minute ago, Laci French-2940 said:

A provider only section would be wonderful.

It would allow us all to be able to vent, share and support each other. *HINT-HINT*

Maybe we should " whisper" it to the Board God that we need one. ;-)


Samantha Sheppard


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We should...all join hands and make a circle to contact the TOB God.

Should we sing kumbaya??



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3 minutes ago, SultryKitten said:

Maybe we should " whisper" it to the Board God that we need one. ;-)


Samantha Sheppard

Think there used be a ladies section at one time. Would really love a woman's website for all of us. With no affiliation if possible with TOB or the other websites. Nothing personal. Just a way to learn from each other. Sending reiki! 


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If the OP had made her initial post, gotten it off her chest, and walked away, this thread would be maybe 1 page long. 

As my wife used to say, "Have your pitty party for 20min, then pick yourself up & get on with life. "


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38 minutes ago, Laci French-2940 said:

A provider only section would be wonderful.

It would allow us all to be able to vent, share and support each other. *HINT-HINT

33 minutes ago, Laci French-2940 said:

We should...all join hands and make a circle to contact the TOB God.

Should we sing kumbaya??


Lol! Love it! Kali...we need some good vibe ju-jus. Laci can sing "Kumbaya". Me, I will just dance like a crazy lady! ;-)


Samantha Sheppard


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2 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

If the OP had made her initial post, gotten it off her chest, and walked away, this thread would be maybe 1 page long. 

As my wife used to say, "Have your pitty party for 20min, then pick yourself up & get on with life. "

Its definitely not a pity party, BB. The reason it is now at 3 pages is a combination of camaraderie, supportive people who believe that some norms are anything except normal, and a couple attempts to derail the topic and make it a discussion about what I'M doing wrong and why I'M not being thick skinned enough.  This is a thread on a forum which takes up no physical real estate and harms no one...yet a number of replies have been about how I shouldn't say anything or that I'm being a twat for trying to promote a concept of insisting that the rudeness should be the part that is shut down. I happen to have enough time on my hands to reply to it all and do NOT think that ignoring shitty cut downs when we could collectively make it plain NOT WELCOME is a good way to handle it.  There is nothing wrong with being pissed off at all the unnecessary ugliness and saying "no f***ing more!."


Well behaved women seldom make history, and usually spend their whole lives not truly happy because they spent too much energy on trying to be easy to deal with for...respect? Their dreams to become reality? Their bodies to be their own and not subject to unwanted intrusions? Or is it...none of the above?  There is simply no point in being easy to deal with for people who don't give a flying fuck if they are easy to share a planet with, who get what they want with abusive language and selfish decisions.


There are plenty of men and women here and offline who know ME and know I'm a strong, friendly,  and empathetic person.  The ones saying I'm a whiner, a crazy bitch, or a train wreck either do not know me at all, or met me once and thought it'd be okay to disregard my well being in some way.  I'm sure it isn't fun being however they want to be and having to deal with anyone pushing back. 


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@TrystinTrimble we got what you wanted from your 1st post, this is what you don't understand, but it feels like you think everyone is stupid so you had to repeat the same thing over and over again. And your posts are way too long, boo! We know you have a rich vocabulary, but belive you me, even I got bored with your letters. 

I don't know how long you've been in the business,  and this place is used with newbies asking/wining about the same things again and again. 

Hey,that happened , you delt with it, then came here and let people know what bothered you , cool!  Now let it go!

The ladies lost their temper because you kept going on and on about standards, respect,etc and you come off condescending.  Every one of the ladies I've met has standards, baby , higher standards than what you're trying to accomplish ...and a good education, and more balls ( no pun intended) than 90% of the civilian population.  So in your world,  you might be the most  ( insert positive adjectives here) and the best  ( repeat action here,if you feel the need)... but here you're one of many.  You can't come here to beg for standards when the standards  already  existing are higher , and you sure as hell can't ask for respect ,you gotta earn it... hopefully you get this: you complaining about being called a hooker on a hooker board, is ok once. smh we get it, we've all been there. You thinking we have no standards,  because we choose to deal with it differently, and have no respect for ourselves  ( obviously, since you ask for it  repeatedly and not getting it,we must not know what respect is) is what the girls have a problem with... 

There's a cross to carry 24/7 in this industry, ( and after) and we do that with grace. There's also a thing called reputation  ( you don't have one yet, and I would take advantage of it, if I were you).And there's this elusive thing called respect,  that,  until now,  you haven't earned. Quick FREE tip: reviews are important. People don't care how cute ,smart, skinny you are.  They care about getting sucked and fucked,  and how great you are at it. Actions speak lauder than words.... Don't talk about it, be about it.... something around these lines is what makes you reputable. 

If the girls  ( me included) have hurt your feelings, then you have some thinking to do, because you're not as strong as you'd like to believe, and this life will either make you stronger than you ever thought you could be,  or it will fuck you up, and I would hate to hear how yet another girl is addicted to some type of poison, because she couldn't take it. 😐


Good luck to you!

PS: make sure you don't have the time to get on the board every week . This doesn't get you paid.  If you're not busy, then you need to figure out how to get busy. And have a retirement plan and a savings account, and pay your taxes 😉

People say hooking is easy money,  but don't confuse "easy" with "quick ".



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