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Guest Anton Chigurh

Do Clothes Make The Man?

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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date.

For clarification, when I say 1960s suits I'm not talking mod/hippie/leisure suits. Think JFK or Malcolm X type suits with thin lapels and ties and the occasional fedora.

That being said, I'm curious how the ladies feel about how men dress for appointments? Does it matter or is it a waste of time?

As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?


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As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

Well, I sure as hell don't wear a fedora. I usually go with clothes that do not call attention to me in any way, so that no one who may see me walk up to the ASPs door, or walk away from it, will remember seeing me.

Blend, dude, blend.


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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date.

For clarification, when I say 1960s suits I'm not talking mod/hippie/leisure suits. Think JFK or Malcolm X type suits with thin lapels and ties and the occasional fedora.

That being said, I'm curious how the ladies feel about how men dress for appointments? Does it matter or is it a waste of time?

As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

Yes, it does matter. If you are a working class guy, jeans and a T-shirt type, women are going to view you in that manner. If you are a white collar, business type, women will perceive you like that. I want to make an impression the first time, and dress accordingly. I have never run into a situation where dressing nicely turned women off or made a bad impression. The way you dress says something about you, your style, your manner, your attitude and your air of importance.

I am sorry, but I don't get the whole casual lifesyle thing. Dress to impress is my motto. Why be ordinary? Stand out, make a statement, be somebody! If you want to go under the radar, hide in a crowd, be ordinary, good for you. I choose to be different, or at least different from everybody else. Unique is good...blah is bad.


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So me wearing chaps, a spiked banana hammock and a leather vest w/ a leather cap is too obvious?

I think this would be fine if you were meeting her in South Beach.


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just show up shit, showered and shaved, with the donation... i'am sure she'll be happy. save the hipster gear for lodo on the weekends.


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I didn't start the thread to be another hygiene discussion nor to have the men of TOB critique my clothing choices. I stated what I preferred wearing as an example, in order to frame my questions.

I hope that quells any concerns about fedoras and hipsters.


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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date.

To each their own. Dressing a stylish way doesn't mean the donation fee will go any lower lol :P and first impressions are always good but i'm sure it'll only matter if you a repeat client. :D


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To each their own. Dressing a stylish way doesn't mean the donation fee will go any lower lol



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Were you planning to take her on a date or just to shag her in her incall?

Personally, I think trying to impress a hooker is a lost cause, signals to her you are new at this, not to mention you have no idea if she likes a bloke in a suit or not.


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I prefer casual for myself and for her as well. Summertime its shorts and a t-shirt. In the winter its jeans, t-shirt, and a hoddie. Dressing up doesn't mean the person is of good character or that they can do their job any better than others.


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Were you planning to take her on a date or just to shag her in her incall?

Personally, I think trying to impress a hooker is a lost cause, signals to her you are new at this, not to mention you have no idea if she likes a bloke in a suit or not.

It isn't about impressing anyone. In my OP I said I "enjoy" wearing a suit.

It's interestiing, the number of cynical responses. I ask what I think is an innocuous question and it turns into a gay, hipster, newbie, cheapskate...(I'm still waiting on the I'm LE card) thread, lol.

I wasn't calling anyone out. I asked some simple questions. Read the original post. No other agenda.:D


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I didn't start the thread to be another hygiene discussion nor to have the men of TOB critique my clothing choices. I stated what I preferred wearing as an example, in order to frame my questions.

I hope that quells any concerns about fedoras and hipsters.

If you wanna wear a suit, knock yourself out. But if you want to pat yourself on the back for going all James Bond to an appointment with a hooker, don't get your panties in a wad if a few of the guys poke a little fun.

If you show up with clean, polite, and with cash, I doubt most providers care what you're wearing.


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To each his own, Anton. If you want to dress in vintage suits, well, I'm sure you look sharp. Here is another perspective...and that is to not think about it at all. I have only seen five FS providers, but I literally did not ponder what I wore. I wore my standard uniform of jeans, hiking boots, and t-shirt/casual shirt.

All of my attention was focused on my cleanliness, not my attire. That's just me, and I don't say it's better or worse.

I remember wearing a tie on purpose once to a strip club, because I had heard you got more attention, and ladies would grab your tie (like a leash) and lead you to debauchery. I also liked the ladies unbuttoning my shirt at a strip club, so wore the requisite dress shirt. All of this proved quite true at the place I was in. I had a blast, and a bunch of ladies fawned all over me...until the money ran out.


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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and ok as long as you don't confuse with dating.

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date. again word date bothers me .... othrwise if you enjoy it, go for it!

For clarification, when I say 1960s suits I'm not talking mod/hippie/leisure suits. Think JFK or Malcolm X type suits with thin lapels and ties and the occasional fedora.

That being said, I'm curious how the ladies feel about how men dress for appointments? Does it matter or is it a waste of time? fair enough question - ladies??

As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

As others stated I prefer not to draw attention, but it is all about context. If for an evening that starts with dinner (yeah, yeah some clients like to - get over it) at a classy restaurant dressing well makes sense. If a 30 minute quickie at the motel 6, not so much.

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As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

After scrubbing my lower part , I wear fresh clean underwear. That will impress a provider more than an armani suit.


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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date.

For clarification, when I say 1960s suits I'm not talking mod/hippie/leisure suits. Think JFK or Malcolm X type suits with thin lapels and ties and the occasional fedora.

That being said, I'm curious how the ladies feel about how men dress for appointments? Does it matter or is it a waste of time?

As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

Very interesting thread mister. It's all about who's under-suit that matters. With that in mind I think your on to something. I love how everyones like blah blah shave your balls blahahah. Just keep on dressing snazzy like a boss.( I hope I said that right) It can only help your cause. And just makes the world a better place.


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........When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and...

.....It isn't about impressing anyone. In my OP I said I "enjoy" wearing a suit.......

As I get older I become easily confused....

I don't think you are the first guy who seem to take offence to innocuous responses his OP generated, but if you like to look like the hooker's father in your 50 year old suit when you are going to see her, by all means go for it.


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It's funny how all the guys chimed in, and none of the ladies have. LOL

I had never really thought about it until I read this thread. What you say makes sense. I won't show you a better time than I would the guy that stopped by on his way to the gym. That is just me though, and I grew up in a blue collar family.

However, we do get treated different according to how we are perceived, whether we want to admit it or not. If I go to Nordstrom in my tattered jeans, as opposed to my classy outfit and designer shoes, it more than likely will take longer to be waited on. The same way as if, I post a crappy ad, with lots of spelling and grammatical errors, and work out of Motel 6, I will be treated as lower class by the guys. It is what it is... I can appreciate your effort, and it does enhance an appointment when we feel like some effort and class was put into it. So thanks!


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Other than blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts and hoodies, all my clothes are from the 60s. I used to deal in 60s clothing. It's what I like. And one more thing about fedoras, it wasn't that long ago that the vast majority of men in this country had a Stetson, Dobbs, Borsalino etc..parked on their head.

I know most men don't give a damn about clothes, I just didn't know they were so angry about it;). Wear what you like, that's what I do. All I asked of the men was "do you have a preferred way to dress for an appointment?"

I've requested ladies to wear particular garments. Is it extraordinary to ask what they like?

Thanks for your opinion, Holly. I thought the ladies might be shy about commenting.


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Dress to impress is my motto. Why be ordinary? Stand out, make a statement, be somebody! If you want to go under the radar, hide in a crowd, be ordinary, good for you. I choose to be different, or at least different from everybody else. Unique is good...blah is bad.

You're unique, just like everybody else!

I prefer casual for myself and for her as well. Summertime its shorts and a t-shirt. In the winter its jeans, t-shirt, and a hoddie. Dressing up doesn't mean the person is of good character or that they can do their job any better than others.

I agree completely!


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I get that you find pleasure in playing "dress up". I also find personal pleasure in trying to look sharp. But unless you're doing a night on the town, it doesn't seem appropriate for most dates. Think of the threads regarding gals showing up at a guys doorstep or walking through their hotel lobby decked out like a hooker. As for impressing the ladies, it will make you more memorable and describing yourself when asking for a reference easier.


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I know most men don't give a damn about clothes, I just didn't know they were so angry about it;).

If you think any of that has been anger, you haven't spent much time here.

And if you get all butt-hurt over a little bit of harmless fun, you're probably in the wrong place.

Yes, "all you asked" is what we like to wear to appointments. Most of what you've heard is, "it doesn't matter to us, only to you."


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After scrubbing my lower part , I wear fresh clean underwear. That will impress a provider more than an armani suit.

You forgot steam cleaning your anus. I mean shit stains on white linens are a big no-no. :)

Your post had me laughing.

I steam cleaning using organic water ....wait a minute, there is no organic water....OK I steam cleaning using Perrier water .

Seriously , I am actually fanatic about hygiene whether I am going to see a provider or to sleep alone in my bed.


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When doing something illegal, standing out is not a good thing. If clothes make the man then the man must be much to start with.


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When doing something illegal, standing out is not a good thing. If clothes make the man then the man must be much to start with.

Good point



will lead to this



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If you think any of that has been anger, you haven't spent much time here.

And if you get all butt-hurt over a little bit of harmless fun, you're probably in the wrong place.

Yes, "all you asked" is what we like to wear to appointments. Most of what you've heard is, "it doesn't matter to us, only to you."

Couldn't have said it better myself.


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When I schedule an appointment with a provider for the first time I usually wear a suit and tie because:

1) I want to make a good first impression and

2) I've collected vintage 1960s men's suits, shirts, ties and accessories for many years and I enjoy getting dressed up for the date.

For clarification, when I say 1960s suits I'm not talking mod/hippie/leisure suits. Think JFK or Malcolm X type suits with thin lapels and ties and the occasional fedora.

That being said, I'm curious how the ladies feel about how men dress for appointments? Does it matter or is it a waste of time?

As for the men, do you have a preferred way to dress when going to an appointment?

I don't know why this makes me laugh but it does. Maybe because the Cormac McCarthy fan wears fedoras. Maybe because I can picture you wearing your 60s suits reading Albert Camus and smoking gross cigarettes.

Does it make a difference being dressed up on a real date yes, in the escort world not so much. I love a well dressed man but in my professional world it doesn't make that big of a difference. As a professional it would be very unprofessional to judge on something as trivial as what you wore to a session.

Now if you showed up at my door looking like Jean Paul Belmondo in Breathless, totally different story.



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