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Best of 2012

44 posts in this topic

Yes I know, dam not another best of thread. I think this is slightly different. What in your opionon was the best for 2012, pertaining to the hobby. Whatever or whoever. Kind of curious on what categories will come up. :D

I will start with one -Best sense of humor on TOB-Meagan Rae


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Hands down, I agree with Meagan Rae for the best sense of humor. She always makes me laugh.

Most consistently intelligent and thought provoking posts: Luce Kitten.

Most sexually outrageous posts: Destiny. (seriously girl...where do you GET this shit?)

The gent with the quickest tip-o-the-hat and howdy ma'am to the new ladies has to be Geecue2. I think he hovers over his keyboard waiting for fresh meat to appear.:D


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Best finish was from a certain Asian middle aged woman in a Fort Collins AMP. She did not shed a stitch of clothing, said almost nothing, but good lord could she push the buttons.


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best fued: 2big vs destiny

If we're taking bets, I'm laying down $100 on Destiny right now. 2big's tough....but he ain't THAT tough! :D


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Best example of an on line lynch mob...Everyone vs gandalfblk. Dude people took after that fucker!!!! Was fun to watch.....


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Best example of an on line lynch mob...Everyone vs gandalfblk. Dude people took after that fucker!!!! Was fun to watch.....

Best comeback provider-Hands down Sophia Rose, 2012 was definitely not her year. She always got right back up on her feet. thumbup.gif


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Provider sorely missed from the board Tina Davis. Miss that chick


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Best for me was getting to do something completely new and different with my AATF of 5 yrs. That was amazing. Also experiencing my first SugarBaby experience which was wonderful and lasted just over 6 months. Also, presently having a sweet little newbie of 21 move in with me 2 months ago. All in all, it's been a pretty good year for me I guess. Lookin forward to 2013!


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I'd have to add Alexandra Hill and Ava Parker to the newbie list!


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Provider sorely missed from the board Tina Davis. Miss that chick

+1. I also miss Beverly Fisher a lot.


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Didn't always agree with her positions/opinions but they were always well stated and interesting and I for one certainly miss Dakota Harrington.


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The best of TOB in 2012 was when Gina saved the board. Without her, this place would probably suck really bad right now. Thank you Gina!:)


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Was wondering when someone would bring this up, I do think TOB would have went under if this would not have happened. Only one mod could not keep up with all the crap going on.


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My picks, in no particular order or category:

Funniest post: Uncircumcised Penis Funk Thread by Destiny, quote:

soooo is that how pfunk got his nickname?

Best Reviewer: Mr. Carlos Slim ;)

Best sh!t-stirrer: Male: 2Big , Female: Destiny :rolleyes:

Runner up: Demure Morman.

Best of the Worst: Gandalf Black, 2Big Jr. :eek:

Best original post: By Caveman, BP Ads:

I know, I know – I’ve seen all the bickering about spelling. It’s just that some of the ads I’ve seen on BP are just too good to let them pass without comment:

Stunning ~ Petite ~ Bikini ~ Model!! Aimable ~ And ~ Awesome!!!!

Aimable? Where? I shot a bikini model in the air…

$80/hr or $60 for military, seniors, and college students

Will I need to show my AARP card?

Overbore special to hang out.


I gaurantee i can exceed your expectations...nothing like your ordinery girl

Hey, she got exceed right!

i am a collage student here in ft. collins

An English major, right? No, no - an art student!

I'm a collage student… Available at your convince.

They must be roommates.

Mature and serious audiences only

Is this going to end like a Shakespearean tragedy?

Exotic Look / Very Sexy Thin Build; 5'6; 0 waist

Yup, that's thin all right.

Hello Poster's age: 28 Location: Ft Collins, Your Place OUTCALL ONLY

That's the entire ad! No pic. No phone. A minimalist extraordinaire!

Want me to listen or just want to have a notty good ;-)

I'll try the notty good, whatever that is.

Im the sexy thats here at your becking call.

I know what a duck call is, an elk call, a turkey call, a …

Really Good at being!

Aren't we all?

A small car fee will be applied

Whew! Glad I bought a mid-size!

Come relax for a minute or stay all night

How much for a minute?

If your looking for an memoriable than look no further

I'd like mine to say He died with a shit-eating grin on his face

No Thugs Will Not Be Accepted

A double negative that can get you into a heap a-trouble, sweetie!

You want to relive some stress you've come to the right person

Holy shit! My ex has become an ASP!

I have all the patience in the world and isn’t afraid to use it. I don't mind also if you don't give me much pleasure cause what matters to me is that you get yours. Seriously. I am to be practical, humorous, and reserved. However, I also am fun if your patient enough to wait.

Not only is she a saint, but when you’re finally done, she’ll tell you what color your ceiling should be.


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best fued: 2big vs destiny

thats " feud "....and I agree :)

best newcomer...wendyluvfun ....a class act

biggest bummer...the disappearnce of Bev

best return...Izabella Oz

best wtf moment...Ava Allure

worst wtf was he thinking award...Mr. Marcus

most fun wtf moment...Candio

best wtf in a public place....Velvet Valentine

strangest email/private message....too many

best news....more work :)


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For me the best one is stupid comments like are you a _ _ _ ???? LOL:eek:;);):confused:


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+1 always like Dakota H's posts and responses - miss those. I enjoy Many of the other ladies responses and posts.


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For me the best one is stupid comments like are you a _ _ _ ???? LOL:eek:;);):confused:




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You mean like this?;)

Holy Gawd that photo scarred me for life!


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You mean like this?;)

Mercy! Des- I should have known not to look/ But I did, and it scared me!


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