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Found 9 results

  1. Hi guys! I’m new on here and hoping to make some valuable connections. Learning how to navigate this, kind of reminds me of another space I’ve been in! Any recommendations and help to get this thing going is greatly appreciated and exciting. If you’re bored , definitely look me up online LOL You might become entertained !!
  2. I've canceled vacations to Florida, Oregon and California this year due to the COVID-19. Instead, I've spent a lot of day trips around the Rocky Mountains here in Colorado. I've seen parts of my home area (within 50 miles) that I never knew existed. I've fallen in love with Colorado all over again. Have you canceled bigger vacations like me and rediscovered your home area?
  3. Alright. Am found new in these parts.Here's hoping one would show me the ropes, review, coordinate an eventful calendar; professionally speaking. Bless!
  4. Vacation days (or daze)

    After an extended vacation in Europe (I know this may sound spoiled but) I am really happy to be home. I missed so much while I was away! Did y'all know they don't have green chili? I was appalled. I saw some amazing sights and met some amazing people and was fortunate to make it there and back safely. All in all, it was wonderful. I was curious if anyone else has a sincere appreciation for home after long sabbaticals?
  5. quick question

    so I'm new here and Denver is my first city to ever hear of TOB in is this the place it is most useful to use it at ? or should I continue using along my travels ? are there and other specific destinations TOB is popular in such as it is here? or iis it mostly just for Colorado id appreciate any helpful hints thanks XoXo
  6. Hey Anybody been to Isla Mujeres, an island off Cancun. I will be staying on the North. old town, part of the island. If anybody has been there and has any info on any of the following topics feel free to reply or PM me. Fishing, surf or small boat in the bay. Not into catching something bigger than I am, just something for dinner. I mean my total body weight. Restaurants, seafood or native And of course hobby, probably massage. Health, not an experienced traveler. Was in Costa Rica, Caribbean Coast, last winter and it was great. Drank the water, ate salads, fruit with no after effects. Thanks!
  7. I love traveling to new places and as a provider it's part of job. Can you guys give me a few good suggestion? I'm noticing Seattle and Sacramento look neat. Let's talk about your Favorit places?
  8. Hello lovers and friends. I'll be traveling to NYC and Chicago at the end of the month. Anyone have the 411 on must sees (and avoid) in the area? I've traveled to NYC before and have a general idea but new hidden treasures to explore would be great. And this will be my first time in Chicago (downtown). Would love to hear your opinions and tips. Xx Kae Marie
  9. Summer Travel

    Any providers travelling along USHwy 160 in southern CO, contact me if you'd like a pit stop.