
On the lighter side of things

65 posts in this topic

 So a guy goes into a bar sits down and asks the bartender for two shots 

Bartender says “yeah no problem “

the guy says “yeah first blowjob today”

bartender says “ right on, ready for another shot”?

guy says “ no , if those first 2 didnt take the taste away a third one wont “

bah hahahahahahah get it ...right?



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20 minutes ago, Ryann 2n's said:

 So a guy goes into a bar sits down and asks the bartender for two shots 

Bartender says “yeah no problem “

the guy says “yeah first blowjob today”

bartender says “ right on, ready for another shot”?

guy says “ no , if those first 2 didn't take the taste away a third one wont “

bah hahahahahahah get it ...right?


Who let her in here?:cool: You MODS need to start hiring a Door Man!


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I know ya all are fearful but relax ill be nice..

They usually close the thread before I get to it anyway


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😂😂🤣🤣 much needed and more please


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A guy is hanging out in his favorite bar when he spots a fabulous babe walking in on the arm of some ugly man. He asks the bartender about her and is surprised to discover that she's a prostitute. He watches her the rest of the night, amazed that someone so attractive could be available to him. The next night he goes back to the bar, and sure enough she shows up again, only this time alone. The guy gets up his nerve and approaches her. "Is it true you're a prostitute?" "Why, sure, big boy. What can I do for you?" "Well, I dunno. What do you charge?" "I get $100 just for a handjob. We can negotiate from there." "$100!! For a handjob? Are you nuts?" "You see that Ferrari out there?" The guy looks out the front door, and sure enough there's a shiny new Ferrari parked outside. "I paid cash for that Ferrari with the money I made on handjobs. "Trust me, it's worth it." The guy mulls it over for a while, and decides what the hell. He leaves with her, and gets the most unbelievable experience he's ever had. This handjob was better than any complete sexual experience in his miserable life. The next night he's back at the bar, waiting eagerly for her to show up. When she does, he immediately approaches her. "Last night was incredible!" "Of course it was. Just wait till you try one of my blowjobs." "How much is that?" "$500" "$500!?! C'mon, that's ridiculous!" "You see that apartment building across the street?" The guy looks out front at a 12 story apartment building. "I paid cash for that building with the money I made on blowjobs. Trust me, it's worth it." Based on the night before, the guy decides to go for it. He leaves with her, and once again is not disappointed. He nearly faints - twice. The next night he can hardly contain himself until she shows up. I'm hooked, you're the best! Tell me, what'll it cost me for some pussy?" She motions for him to follow her outside. She points down the street, where between the buildings he can see Manhattan. "You see that island?" "Aw, c'mon! You can't mean that!" She nods her head. "You bet. If I had a pussy, I'd own Manhattan!" 


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Billy is going to grow up and be a great man!😂😂


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55 minutes ago, fishndude57 said:



🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed that


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Humor is the best spice for creating a happy life


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27 minutes ago, fishndude57 said:


Old joke, but I love it 😂😂


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Life is like a pecker........when its hard you get fucked and when its soft you can't beat it.

So many of the previously posted jokes made me laugh out loud.  I need more of that.


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What's the difference between love, true love and showing off??

spitting, swallowing and gargling   


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A man won 2 million in the state lottery. One year later he is flat broke. His friends asked him what he did with the money. He said " I spent half of it on blow and escorts" His friends ask him what did he do with the other half, he said "oh, I wasted it.



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A wealthy couple had planned to go out for the evening. The woman of the house
decided to give their butler, Jeeves, the rest of the night off. She said they would be home
very late, and that he should just enjoy his evening.
As it turned out, the wife wasn't having a good time at the party, so she came home early,
alone. Her husband had to stay at the party, as several of his important clients were there.

As the woman walked into her house, she saw Jeeves sitting by himself in the dining
room. She called for him to follow her and led him into the master bedroom.
She looked at him and smiled. "Jeeves" she said. "Take off my dress."
He did this carefully.
"Jeeves" she continued. "Take off my stockings and garter."
He silently obeyed her.
"Jeeves" she then said. "Remove my bra and panties."
As he did this, the tension continued to mount.
She then said, "Jeeves, if I ever catch you wearing my clothes again, you're fired!"


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3 hours ago, vipblonde said:


I think i peed a little lol at this

bahhhh hahahaha  oops hee hee👍


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Omg this is a great thread

thank you ryann

Edited by misconduct10

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😂😂😂 This thread is why I login!  My happy group.  



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