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Returning calls on a blocked number

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when a client leaves a vm as part of screening I always wait a few then call back on a blocked number i figure he should know who i am unless hes called 20 other providers, am i crazy? or dose this help at all? does any one else do this?

if i could live in new zealand my life would know what true freedom is.


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do you liked to be called from blocked numbers? me neither, have the courtesy to call me back from an unblocked #.


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I NEVER answer a call from a blocked number.

It only seems right that a provider does not calls from a blocked number, why would a client want calls from a blocked number?

Maybe you should get a burner phone so you don't have to block your number LOL :P


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when a client leaves a vm as part of screening I always wait a few then call back on a blocked number i figure he should know who i am unless hes called 20 other providers, am i crazy? or dose this help at all? does any one else do this?

if i could live in new Zealand my life would know what true freedom is.

I would not answer a call from any blocked number;

I would Let it go to VM then return the call if applicable....

......................Or in this case, if approviderable....:D

Any unknown number I would Google it or use to see what hits I got....


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I agree with the others here that I am not likely to answer a call from a blocked number. If he called you to leave screening information, he already has your number. What's the purpose of blocking it at this point?


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when a client leaves a vm as part of screening I always wait a few then call back on a blocked number i figure he should know who i am unless hes called 20 other providers, am i crazy? or dose this help at all? does any one else do this?

if i could live in new zealand my life would know what true freedom is.

It's been my experience that other girls (not all, or even most) do this, also. I answer the call, if it's been less than 1/2 hour. No problem for me! :)


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... If he called you to leave screening information, he already has your number. What's the purpose of blocking it at this point?

It's a burner phone, right?


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, am i crazy?

Um, perhaps! :D The only reason to block a number is to hide your identity or at least your number. He already has your number, so ........... are you just trying to see if he has called others??

However, giving benefit of doubt and recognizing that crazy can be fun, welcome to the board pretty lady.


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I agree with the others here that I am not likely to answer a call from a blocked number. If he called you to leave screening information, he already has your number. What's the purpose of blocking it at this point?

As a provider you can't assume that someone always has a hobby phone.

Had a gent call and book an appointment, he was late so I called back the number he called me from. It was his home number and his wife answered. Not fun. Calling back from a blocked number isn't always about hiding for the sake of hiding. Lots of ladies use google phone and other services and sometimes those suck and it's easier to call from a blocked number.

And let's be honest, an untraceable paid for in cash hobby phone is pretty much the same as calling from a blocked number so what exactly is the courtesy from calling from one? Forgot to grab the quote but that was in response to FatDogs reply.

Edited by luce kytten
forgot something

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As a provider you can't assume that someone always has a hobby phone.

Had a gent call and book an appointment, he was late so I called back the number he called me from. It was his home number and his wife answered. Not fun. Calling back from a blocked number isn't always about hiding for the sake of hiding. Lots of ladies use google phone and other services and sometimes those suck and it's easier to call from a blocked number.

And let's be honest, an untraceable paid for in cash hobby phone is pretty much the same as calling from a blocked number so what exactly is the courtesy from calling from one? Forgot to grab the quote but that was in

response to FatDogs reply.

^^^^^This is the exact situation I was thinking of. While most have nothing or no one to hide from, some do and I think that if done in a timely matter that its a practice I appreciate.

Edited by Kaduk
fixed quote

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As a provider you can't assume that someone always has a hobby phone.

Had a gent call and book an appointment, he was late so I called back the number he called me from. It was his home number and his wife answered.

I'm sure the situation you described was awkward for you - that sucks. But honestly if the guy is that dumb he deserves whatever happens. You should have said "Hi, I'm the escort your husband called. You can let him know he's dumb for me to have as a client, OK?"

But it's not an argument for blocking your number, because even if you did block your number and his wife answered, that conversation would be just as awkward.

Edited by fork

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I'm sure the situation you described was awkward for you - that sucks. But honestly if the guy is that dumb he deserves whatever happens. You should have said "Hi, I'm the escort your husband called. You can let him know he's dumb for me to have as a client, OK?"

But it's not an argument for blocking your number, because even if you did block your number and his wife answered, that conversation would be just as awkward.

Absolutely it is. Had I blocked my number I could have avoided the dozens of phone calls and voice mails the very upset wife left me. The threats to call the police and accusations of harassment.


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Absolutely it is. Had I blocked my number I could have avoided the dozens of phone calls and voice mails the very upset wife left me. The threats to call the police and accusations of harassment.

OK, you have a good point there.

Still, that guy was an idiot. You're a better person than I am if you didn't just tell her "Hey lady, ask your husband if that little rash cleared up yet". That's what I would have done. :D


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OK, you have a good point there.

Still, that guy was an idiot. You're a better person than I am if you didn't just tell her "Hey lady, ask your husband if that little rash cleared up yet". That's what I would have done. :D

I pretended I was from Planned Parenthood and was following up on his recent herpes diagnosis! J/K!!

I actually felt really guilty. The guy was idiot but it is never my intention to cause any stress or problems on the marital front. I felt so bad I could hardly muster "wrong" number before I hung up the phone.


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I pretended I was from Planned Parenthood and was following up on his recent herpes diagnosis! J/K!!

^^^ I seriously *tee hee'd* over that! ^^^

...still giggling...

I know of a few Ladies who block their number and I have no issues with it since they give me a heads up via text that they are about to call me. Each Lady has their own reason's and methods of going about things. Some Ladies communicate via email ONLY and when they do talk on the phone it's their personal number so they block it.

However, if it shows up as blocked and I've been given no prior warning...I'm not answering.


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because of things in my real life, I have to have a blocked number on my phone. When I make the initial call, I always unblock it, but I tell them that when I make the second call (when I arrive or if I need extra directions) the number may come up blocked, if they don't want to answer, please call me back. If they ask, I'll explain that I have to have a blocked number for other reasons. It's caused a couple of problems, but not normally.


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Why do you need a blocked number?:confused: Please explain. i've been banging hoes for a long time and have never blocked any number.

What am I missing?:confused:


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Three reasons,

1. I'm head of a home owners assoc. and frequently have to contact residents, while they may know my address, they are not going to be knocking on my door at 9pm. However, a number of years ago, our property manager accidently gave out my old home number to a couple of residents, I did not appreciate phone calls at 9 pm, when I get up at 2 am for work.

2. My primary source of income, I'm a truck driver, 4 of my regular customers I have to call when I'm 30 minutes out so they can have space for me to get into, they all have caller id, they don't need my number

3. Privacy, my number is blocked, unlisted, unpublished, aside from random dialing errors or robo calls, I get very few junk soliciting calls.


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