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Looking to Date a Hobby Girl!

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I find it sooo sexy to date a hot girl - I have plenty of my own funding, so not interested in that part of it ... I just want to hear the stories and have my turn as well ;) haha! its sexy to have a "hot wife / girlfriend"

Providers - hit me up if you want to chat a bit more - nice sane normal white dude - software stuff work wise - successful :)



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I think Velvet Valentine wants to date you as much as she wants to push needles into her eyeballs.


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I'm actually interested to see the responses. LOL

While I think every single provider wishes for guys to accept her, I don't think this is the place to find the match or ask for it...but who knows...


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I commend you for your marketing efforts. But the bottom line reads: I'm trying to get free sex from a hot hooker.



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I find it sooo sexy to date a hot girl - I have plenty of my own funding, so not interested in that part of it ... I just want to hear the stories and have my turn as well ;) haha! its sexy to have a "hot wife / girlfriend"

Providers - hit me up if you want to chat a bit more - nice sane normal white dude - software stuff work wise - successful :)


If funding is not an issue then just setup regular appointments or a sugar baby. The longer you do that the closer you will get and you will eventually find out if you are compatible. Realize that every lady has to deal with being pressured for freebies on a regular basis, so it is unlikely that you would get close enough to anyone without spending some money.


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I like the responses :)

I never said I wasn't into paying until I got to know a girl! I'm really not interested in freebies -

I'm not sure about a sugar baby as there isn't any sort of relationship more than a business one...

Like I said, I am not afraid, nor dumb enough to think it wouldn't be pay to play initially - then see where it goes from there...

Make sense?


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I really meant I am looking to be involved with her money - nor am I looking for freebies...


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I find it sooo sexy to date a hot girl - I have plenty of my own funding, so not interested in that part of it ... I just want to hear the stories and have my turn as well ;) haha! its sexy to have a "hot wife / girlfriend"

Providers - hit me up if you want to chat a bit more - nice sane normal white dude - software stuff work wise - successful :)


So, let's see if we understand this. A completely unknown first-time poster wants hot hookers to beat his door down for free sex.

Good luck with that. :P

If you have plenty of funding, hire a hooker. If you have PLENTY of funding, find a sugar baby. You are barking up a very tall tree here.


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Quit jerking off guys. This guy is serious and don't tell me you haven't entertained the notion of getting to know the lady's side of the stories, either. Well, I did that, had a great time, but found out just how boring most of us are.

My advice is to start visiting with the ladies until you find some that really click with you then take it from there. I did it (and it wasn't about the "free" sex) and had fun with a great woman. Keep in mind, though, that the right woman isn't looking for a white knight, but a really buddy. The stories you seek get real boring real fast, so you had better make sure that you have something else interesting in your relationship.

Of course, I wasn't looking for her when I found her, but the search was still fun. ;)


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I really meant I am looking to be involved with her money - nor am I looking for freebies...

I mean NOT looking to be involved ...

and thanks FuriousInch :)


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I really meant I am looking to be involved with her money - nor am I looking for freebies...

"I really meant I am looking to be involved with her money " Did I really just read that? Plus one Velvet and Megan.

Every man wants to date a hot lady. Even the guys who are not so hot , want to date a hot lady. Combine hot lady, and being a hooker- have sex, and the fact that some of you obviously seem to think we are rolling in green bills all the time.......... trust me when I say this- get in line. I don't see the op getting his wish fulfilled. There isn't any easy street, anywhere, where you will find a willing hot lady who will fuck you, suck your dick, kiss your ass, and let you help her spend her money. Dream on to the OP.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


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Gee.....seems like somebody else started a thread about control issues.

How prescient.


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I don't think this is the place to find the match or ask for it...but who knows...

I totally disagree 100%. This is a perfect place to advertise your seeking boyfriend or girlfriend. :D


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I totally disagree 100%. This is a perfect place to advertise your seeking to rent a boyfriend or girlfriend. :D

Fixed it.


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i say stick to yer guns there, funCo and don't succumb to the mind-numbing group-think that sometimes masquerades as a discussion board here.

just because you're new doesn't mean a damn thing. we were all once first-timers, so to speak, with our own fantasies, desires and aspirations. a lucky few are actually able to realize some of them, but yer sniffin up the wrong fish if you think that all it takes is benjamins to get you there.

from the dept. of redundancy dept.:

"Why don't we just pretend that we're both human beings?"

-- Ty Webb in "Caddyshack"


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I agree with most posts - what is also attractive is I travel for work and its much more fun to have somebody travel with you ...

I am talking like London for 3 months - 4 star hotel, food, drink, flight etc all paid by my customers - Berlin - Amsterdam - Rio de Janeiro -

I don't do bad professionally and I know money does not buy happiness, hence my desire to have an actual relationship with a woman at some point after getting to know one another ...

Make sense?


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I find it sooo sexy to date a hot girl - I have plenty of my own funding, so not interested in that part of it ... I just want to hear the stories and have my turn as well ;) haha! its sexy to have a "hot wife / girlfriend"

Providers - hit me up if you want to chat a bit more - nice sane normal white dude - software stuff work wise - successful :)


Is that you JLC ? Anyways anything is possible my friend. You just need to get out there in the field and start showing these girls your values. Here is a pro-tip: If you want a provider to fall in love with you. You have to beat up her pimp. You seem like a smart guy if you want to hear stories cant you read a book or something? Like it's very respectable that you won't get jealous when johnny knock your socks off will be banging your old lady. But reading a book is a lot less of a hassle. And another thing don't listen to these naysayers the seem extremely shallow and less open-minded.


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OP - You sound like a Dick. If one of my contractors spent my money on a ho, I'd fire their ass and make an example out of them.


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The Freudian Slip theory still holds. Scientific proof right here.

"I really meant I am looking to be involved with her money "

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Well, whatever route you go, hope you and all involved have fun. You never know.... Stranger things have happened!:)


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That was more tired than freudian slip ;) I do well enough and really not looking for freebies or financial benefits - i don't bill quite as much per hour - but there are 3 figures in my hourly rate and i bill out for at least 40 per week... anyhow :)

How about them broncos??!!


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If one of my contractors spent my money on a ho, I'd fire their ass and make an example out of them.

Hypocritical much?


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Hypocritical much?

Nope, I spend my own money and don't brag about entertaining on someone else's dime. Go back and read his post.


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OP - You sound like a Dick. If one of my contractors spent my money on a ho, I'd fire their ass and make an example out of them.



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Nope, I spend my own money and don't brag about entertaining on someone else's dime. Go back and read his post.

Ah.. I see what you were saying. I retract my statement and offer my apology.

I am used to my own clients who, most of the time, invite me to include my SO on trips they pay for. I have really great clients! =)

I erroneously injected that into my reading of the posts.

At any rate I seriously doubt this guy is for real anyway based on several grammatical and context clues.


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Guys with fast cars don't need to scream around town to prove it, they stroll and everybody knows it's fast. If you need to advertise your cash it might not be as represented.

That being said, don't look for a personal relationship with these girls. Do your normal scheduling and the relationship will find you. The only way you will know it's real is when they approach you and DON'T want your money.

Careful what you wish for.


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