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Nobody Messes With My Girl Nigella

19 posts in this topic

Motherfucker better keep your hands off my favorite English hottie, Nigella. Guy is lucky I wasn't there, or his head would be boppin' on the river Thames like a cork.

FYI, this woman is 53 years old.



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Since he did that sh!t out in public, just makes you wonder what goes on BCD!?!?! I won't go off on a tangent, but no man should lay a hand on a woman...PERIOD!


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Motherfucker ...lame ass threat which would never be carried out.



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Since he did that sh!t out in public, just makes you wonder what goes on BCD!?!?! I won't go off on a tangent, but no man should lay a hand on a woman...PERIOD!

Guys who hit women are like the lowest scum on earth, just a notch above pedophiles.


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I was going to say that I would have beat that guy to within an inch of his life, but then I decided that I wouldn't leave him that inch.


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2Big, you are SO right.

Charles Saatchi has always been a psychopathic piece of syphilitic shit, even before he helped that devil's spawn of a bitch Thatcher get into power. He has fucked over more people in his Satanic career in advertising than just about anyone short of Herman Goering. I'm not surprised that that pissant son of a bitch would raise his hand against one of the world's loveliest women. He's pissed in all our soups, at least a few gallons. Usually, those sacks of stale cum cover up their sins with fancy suits and fake manners. The fucked up beast within his crap-assed tiny dicked soul is finally revealed it all its grotesqueness. Prison rape is really too good for him.

There's a special place in hell for the worms who beat women.

I hope that motherfucker drowns in his own vomit.


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2Big, you are SO right.

Charles Saatchi has always been a psychopathic piece of syphilitic shit, even before he helped that devil's spawn of a bitch Thatcher get into power. He has fucked over more people in his Satanic career in advertising than just about anyone short of Herman Goering. I'm not surprised that that pissant son of a bitch would raise his hand against one of the world's loveliest women. He's pissed in all our soups, at least a few gallons. Usually, those sacks of stale cum cover up their sins with fancy suits and fake manners. The fucked up beast within his crap-assed tiny dicked soul is finally revealed it all its grotesqueness. Prison rape is really too good for him.

There's a special place in hell for the worms who beat women.

I hope that motherfucker drowns in his own vomit.

Great post.


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interesting postscript: dude's now filing for divorce so she'll be available soon, 2b:

True dat.:cool:


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I love her so much. She is my ultimate girl crush ;) love this thread :)


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well, if she has a drug problem and her handlers have been robbing her blind, then it must be ok to strangle her in public.:cool:


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I don't care. She still has three holes that need to be stuffed.:cool:


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Apparently dinner and a show for some:

"Nobody intervened although the incident looked brutal."



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