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Screening......yeah, not my favorite

18 posts in this topic

Throwing this out for general discussion. About three weeks ago two well known ASP's were offering a special as a duo and I was very interested in booking them for an hour of their time that day. I gave them two very well known references and my real name (highly unusual and I google quite well due to profession) and my TOB handle since they are active here. I was told to wait until my very well known references would have to respond prior to them booking with me. I waited an hour and texted, my references had not responded. I texted another hour later and was told the same thing. I let it go and never heard back from them.

My question is if a client provides his real name, which can be verified through the phone I use for hobbying and two references isn't that really enough? I understand that booking that day might not be possible but they never got back to me. I think that's the bigger issue to me. If I am going to take a risk and put my real information in the hands of an ASP they should at least finish the screening process for a later date and contact me and let me know that they have screened me via either a phone call or text.

What are your thoughts, ladies, I would be interested in hearing your side of this. Guys, am I unique in this situation? If screening takes more than a day I am perfectly fine with that. I guess where I am stuck is no return message saying I was screened for future potential as a client.


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Throwing this out for general discussion.

I gave them two very well known references and my real name (highly unusual and I google quite well due to profession) and my TOB handle since they are active here.

My question is if a client provides his real name, which can be verified through the phone I use for hobbying and two references isn't that really enough? I understand that booking that day might not be possible but they never got back to me. I think that's the bigger issue to me. If I am going to take a risk and put my real information in the hands of an ASP they should at least finish the screening process for a later date and contact me and let me know that they have screened me via either a phone call or text.

It is always going to be an uphill battle to get verified...

In this case it wouldn't hurt to just call them up telling them you are still interested & was wondering if contact with your references was ever made...

My thought is you need to be proactive, if you don't more often then not you will be left wondering...


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Throwing this out for general discussion. About three weeks ago two well known ASP's were offering a special as a duo and I was very interested in booking them for an hour of their time that day. I gave them two very well known references and my real name (highly unusual and I google quite well due to profession) and my TOB handle since they are active here. I was told to wait until my very well known references would have to respond prior to them booking with me. I waited an hour and texted, my references had not responded. I texted another hour later and was told the same thing. I let it go and never heard back from them.

My question is if a client provides his real name, which can be verified through the phone I use for hobbying and two references isn't that really enough? I understand that booking that day might not be possible but they never got back to me. I think that's the bigger issue to me. If I am going to take a risk and put my real information in the hands of an ASP they should at least finish the screening process for a later date and contact me and let me know that they have screened me via either a phone call or text.

What are your thoughts, ladies, I would be interested in hearing your side of this. Guys, am I unique in this situation? If screening takes more than a day I am perfectly fine with that. I guess where I am stuck is no return message saying I was screened for future potential as a client.

This is an issue that falls all over the table. I was in the hobby for quite a while and got a very nice and solid reputation, then was outed, and stayed away for a while and now coming back feel it is more difficult than ever to get screened without giving away enough to get hung.


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I would find that highly unlikely.

If thats not the case, then maybe it's possible you checked out ok but it was much later in the day or even the next day, and for discretion purposes the lady didnt want to cause you a possible problem by calling or texting you at a time when you werent expecting it. Or maybe she got busy and you sort of fell through the cracks. Either way, it may be worth contacting the lady again to see if she got you screened. Maybe the ladies never got back to her and you need to provide different references. If it's the ladies im thinking you meant to visit, it will totally be worth the extra effort on your part.


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I run into this problem frequently. It is difficult to get screened in one day. There are some ladies that just refuse to call/text/e-mail back. Not sure why as some of them call for references?

I would plan ahead. Like another advised, be sure to advise the lady(ies) when it is ok to contact you, and which method to use. The other option is a P411 account. It makes screening so much easier.

Also different ladies use various screening methods. What you mentioned regarding your real name and info being listed on a site is the not the same as Sexy Susie telling me, yes I saw Mr. XYZ last week, and he is an ok guy.

Hope this helps a little.


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I try my best to respond to ladies reference requests...however if I am at work or whatever the case may be, it will be later in the day or evening. I'm thinking that lewd has the right idea. Sometimes references cannot respond within the hour (I have my phone turned off for work or silenced, and don't check emails every hour)


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Its almost 2013... and references are stone age. Ive only seen it used to spread gossip and start cat fights.

Ive NEVER used them in 6 years. Clients are verified within 30 seconds and at my door within 45 seconds... on my knees by the 58th second.

( unless they have decapitated dogs, then I wont see them. Decapitated cats? And i roll out the red carpet.)

Oh well.. their loss of income. If you are set on a chick.. tell her to hit me up for some Screening School.


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I have never had too much of a problem with screening, I believe there was only one provider that ever blew me off, (not the way I want) and from other threads I have learned I was not the only one she rejects, but anyway, I was a hold out on P411 for a couple years, and I kick myself for that now. Since I joined I have never had a problem booking a visit with anyone. You won't have to worry about being "googled" anymore. I am looking forward to using 411 when and if I ever start traveling again, I am expecting that it will be priceless then.


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My question is if a client provides his real name, which can be verified through the phone I use for hobbying and two references isn't that really enough?

Guys, am I unique in this situation? .

You're not unique. Before the internet, reviews, sites like date-check, and P411, I could call 25 girls and get ONE call back.

Now that I'm a known quantity as a client, thanks to P411 and TOB, I rarely have screening issues.

I think gaining a reputation as a decent guy, who treats girls like the human beings they are, goes far with many escorts.

Now if I can get rich, switch faces and bodies with Richard Gere, and learn how to be good at sex, I'd be set! :)


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Throwing this out for general discussion. About three weeks ago two well known ASP's were offering a special as a duo and I was very interested in booking them for an hour of their time that day. I gave them two very well known references and my real name (highly unusual and I google quite well due to profession) and my TOB handle since they are active here. I was told to wait until my very well known references would have to respond prior to them booking with me. I waited an hour and texted, my references had not responded. I texted another hour later and was told the same thing. I let it go and never heard back from them.

My question is if a client provides his real name, which can be verified through the phone I use for hobbying and two references isn't that really enough? I understand that booking that day might not be possible but they never got back to me. I think that's the bigger issue to me. If I am going to take a risk and put my real information in the hands of an ASP they should at least finish the screening process for a later date and contact me and let me know that they have screened me via either a phone call or text.

What are your thoughts, ladies, I would be interested in hearing your side of this. Guys, am I unique in this situation? If screening takes more than a day I am perfectly fine with that. I guess where I am stuck is no return message saying I was screened for future potential as a client.

Don't know what value it is to second-guess it. Move on, plenty of others out there willing to take your money.

As to the use of your real name and phone # usage, apparently you like gambling and risk.


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Back towards the end of the 90's I was working at a company that went through several acquisitions in a years time. I had noticed a providing would be visting my then home town, Chicago, who I very much wanted to see. I gave her my work number so, she knew I worked for XYZ company. She then told me upon arrival I would need to furnish an insurance card bearing the same name. I explained the company history and my inurance card had a different name, my company ID had a third name and received paychecks from a holding of still a 4th name.

She declined the appointment. I found out later she got busted during her stay. I can only guess the officier had all his credentials in order.


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Just speaking from the substance of your post, it sounds like you were attempting a same day appointment and that you 'timed-out' on the screening process. Two-girl appointments are usually more difficult to schedule than with just one of them. They can be a lot more hit and miss, especially for a same day or impromptu appointments with well known providers.

I doubt there was any huge problem with your screening, but rather they couldn't get a hold of your references right away and probably had other appointments lined up, prompting them to take a pass on your attempt to get together with them. This has happened to me more than once through the years, not on the screening side (411 here and loving it), but just on the attempt to set something up with two providers who have their own schedules and lives going on and if they're good enough, their dance card fills up quickly. If you're adamant about seeing them together, keep inquiring about the next time they might be doing a double together and get the screening out of the way beforehand. It's always worked for me.

Before P411, I used to use my reviewing handle for screening, when asked, and it usually worked very well. I'd just say call any of the providers I'd reviewed. Another plus for reviewing, for those non-members or for members calling providers not in 411.


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I will never, ever, provide my real name. Just asking for trouble if you do...

then that works best for you however, i know all of my clients real names and occupations and they know mine.


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I found out from one of my references that the girls never made contact with her and she's been in the Denver scene for a long time and is very well known here on the board. Yes, I did contact them for a same day appointment, however, to my defense, they posted a special rate related to that day only. So, who knows......just kind of odd in my opinion. In their defense they could have booked a bunch of regulars for that day. It's a hobby, I don't take this too personally. I am sure who ever the lucky customers were they had a great day!


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