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I've been doing some research cross checking reviews and ratings and just wondering why there is such a wide discrepancy between the ratings you find on TER which seem much lower than the typical ratings you see on TOB....won't get into names but just compare....I often see as much as 2.5-3 pt difference on many known gals.  I'm trying to wrap my head around it and just throwing it out there for a ponder...... Stupid, perhaps, but it is a "hobby" after all isn't it!?!?


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25 minutes ago, badboytimmay said:

I've been doing some research cross checking reviews and ratings and just wondering why there is such a wide discrepancy between the ratings you find on TER which seem much lower than the typical ratings you see on TOB....won't get into names but just compare....I often see as much as 2.5-3 pt difference on many known gals.  I'm trying to wrap my head around it and just throwing it out there for a ponder...... Stupid, perhaps, but it is a "hobby" after all isn't it!?!?

Others may have a better answer for you, and I have not paid much attention to TER for a long time so it may have changed.  That said the way their definitions were set up is the lady had to be willing to do specific things (that many are not comfortable offering) - rimmers, greek, cim - in order to get close to a 10.  Personally i always thought that was coercion and crap.  Each to their own and a lady should be able to be rated high for how she does what she is comfortable with.  Well, within reason ..... no fake reverse cow girl with glove!! 


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Gr8owl has part of the reason, which is also one of the reasons I don't participate in TER. Another reason for the high marks on TOB is the conversion from the old board. The vast majority of my old reviews were in the AVERAGE-VERY GOOD range, yet the majority of them now read 10|10, with a few 8|8 thrown in.  If I thought the preponderance of FANTASTICs tainted the review system, I now find the numericals useless clutter. 

My recent experiences with TNA & ECCIE reviews in areas not covered by TOB have been educational. Instead clients are asked a simple "Recommend? {Y|N}" question. There is much less chance of crushing someone's ego, using ratings to curry favor, or tripping a BSC switch. 


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I see the TOB ratings a lot like Bit Banger does, I think. 10|10 is essentially meaningless, because it is almost universally given, and you have to go to the narrative to learn anything. If, in the rare case, a rating is a 7 or below in either category, I will take a look at the narrative there to see if something went wrong that caused the "lower" marks. There is almost no way to separate the average from the amazing on TOB, since nearly everyone is rated a 9 or 10 in each category. What I look for is confirmation that picks are real, what services were provided, and what in the narrative catches my eye. I barely look at the numbers (unless they are low).


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Agree with BB as to why the ratings are what they are as you almost have to start fresh from Aug/Sept of last year (or whenever the board made the change) to get truer ratings.  Ratings will always be a subjective thing.  I somewhat disagree with pejo as most give higher scores are meaningless;  but any one under a 7, I too take a look as to see what 'happened' during time spent together.

I'll loosely make this analogy.  If you go to a nice steak restaurant, are your expectations that your steak will be a 5 on a scale of 1-10?  Probably not.  I think many would expect their steak to be in the 7 - 10 expectations range.  If something excites you about the steak, you'll probably keep your rating high.  If you go in expecting the steak to be a 10 and it's under/over cooked, bland etc, you'll start chipping away at your expectations and review lower.

Remember, the first hurdle is we gents make the call!  I can't EVER remember dialing a number and say, "my expectations are a 5, but I sure hope she can bring it up to a 10!'



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Yeah, that's what I see as well.  That's the one thing about eccie that I liked it was a yes or no for recommendation and you had to be very descript about how they look and how accurate the ads were, then you go in massive detail about the session. 


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2 hours ago, SpiceInCo said:

Yeah, that's what I see as well.  That's the one thing about eccie that I liked it was a yes or no for recommendation and you had to be very descript about how they look and how accurate the ads were, then you go in massive detail about the session. 

If you are not massive, do you still have to go into detail?

Which massive triggers the detail?  The beergut, the tool, the brain, the personality or all?

Edited by Riggo

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I think the 10 point scale is an improvement over the old fantastic system. Since Sept 1 of last year, 51% of the reviews are 10/10. I can't prove it but I think the "fantastic, once in a lifetime" review was more common in the prior ratings. 

But the proof is still in the narrative. You have to read the massive details. :cool: Cuz if you don't you might miss a line like this from a recent review (can't make this stuff up)

"I'm young, fit and viral so I was able to use just about the whole two hours for fucking."



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48 minutes ago, Raoul said:

"I'm young, fit and viral so I was able to use just about the whole two hours for fucking."


Thank you for bringing that up. I was quite amused!



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I think there should be a fix of the ratings here, all these 9s and 10s just left me with a lesser experience recently despite reading the reviews. That said, I think the TER system is pretty bad (then again I'm also biased  because after a large number of reviews there they still haven't let me into their premium club lol) and really does use a system skewed towards things that don't really constitute a 10 experience for all of us. 

It would be nice if there were a way to set people to most of their current 9s/10s to about 5s, but I'm sure most of us would have trouble setting a nice gal to that "low" even if it means average. I have refrained from reviewing providers honestly that didn't give a great service because I didn't want to rate them that low because they didn't really give BAD service - it just wasn't for me.


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Or, we could change nothing at all about the current system and guys could stop padding ratings so much.  It's a very simple problem with a very simple solution.


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18 minutes ago, brownegg said:

Or, we could change nothing at all about the current system and guys could stop padding ratings so much.  It's a very simple problem with a very simple solution.

That's not likely to happen.  Too many guys figure that if a YL 1/2 their age takes any interest in them, then she must be a 10. 

Besides, the blowback from ASPs when they find out that they only provide AVERAGE service is significant, not understanding the parameters of a Bell Curve.  My 10s aren't one-in-a-lifetime, but I can still count them on one hand. (Regardless of what the board conversion did to my ratings.)


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I have no problem finding wonderful (or at least pleasing) experiences, using the existing, (and the old) review system. The TER system encourages fake reviews (and I've seen many there). Personally a thumbs up, or thumbs down is all I need for a "rating". The  activities, ads, and written description, are far more useful to me. However, I do plan that my mileage may vary. :)


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I think the problem is that some people associate a 10 with being a nymphomanic version of Bo Derek (am I dating myself by identifying the poster on my wall when I was a fantasizing teen?).  I think most of us see a 10 as being someone who looks sorta like the photos, was pretty nice, smelled pretty good, was willing to have vigorous sex with a pretty average looking older guy, was willing to engage in a variety of interesting activities, pretended to come and was fairly convincing when she pretended to enjoy the visit.  When I look at ratings, first I look at how many ratings there are: I am mainly worried about LEO, so I like to see several reviews from a few of the "old hands."  Second, I look to see if there are any no-shows.  Finally, I read the actual reviews to get a fairly holistic perception of how the group of average-looking older guys perceived the experience.  If it's thumbs up all around, I don't pay a lot of attention to whether it was straight 10s or a handful of 7s.

The key here, as in most of life, is to go in with low expectations so that you can spend most of your life being pleasantly surprised.


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1 hour ago, Badboy said:

I think the problem is that some people associate a 10 with being a nymphomanic version of Bo Derek (am I dating myself by identifying the poster on my wall when I was a fantasizing teen?).  I think most of us see a 10 as being someone who looks sorta like the photos, was pretty nice, smelled pretty good, was willing to have vigorous sex with a pretty average looking older guy, was willing to engage in a variety of interesting activities, pretended to come and was fairly convincing when she pretended to enjoy the visit.  When I look at ratings, first I look at how many ratings there are: I am mainly worried about LEO, so I like to see several reviews from a few of the "old hands."  Second, I look to see if there are any no-shows.  Finally, I read the actual reviews to get a fairly holistic perception of how the group of average-looking older guys perceived the experience.  If it's thumbs up all around, I don't pay a lot of attention to whether it was straight 10s or a handful of 7s.

The key here, as in most of life, is to go in with low expectations so that you can spend most of your life being pleasantly surprised.

I'm mostly with you. It at least prevents me from being badly burned, but has made me a bit disappointed when even 10+ reviews don't get some of the details you might like to know and are the real difference between a 6 and a 10. I will definitely ignore a low review number or even a bad review number if it's scattered in all the good ones, I'm with you that I'm looking for a pattern of no shows or upsells. 

Though it is still annoying when it's a pretty subpar experience and she has all 9s and 10s because the guys have SO low of expectations!


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6 minutes ago, ajot said:

I'm mostly with you. It at least prevents me from being badly burned, but has made me a bit disappointed when even 10+ reviews don't get some of the details you might like to know and are the real difference between a 6 and a 10. I will definitely ignore a low review number or even a bad review number if it's scattered in all the good ones, I'm with you that I'm looking for a pattern of no shows or upsells. 

Though it is still annoying when it's a pretty subpar experience and she has all 9s and 10s because the guys have SO low of expectations!

You're assuming that they experienced the same thing you did. I highly doubt that's the case.

Poor scheduling on her part, bad experience with the previous guy, stress from bills, family, or illness. Maybe a bad commute! Could be anything, that caused her to deliver a less-than-stellar appointment.

Your not-so-great experience may be a complete outlier, and probably is. 

It's not fun when it happens, I know from personal experience. I don't blame the other reviewers, though. They probably did have better experiences. I was just unlucky. :)


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We are open to an alternative to the numbered ratings. However, whether you choose numbers 1-10 or the old rating system which was essentially 1-5 it is still all subjective. Also note, that there were a disproportionate amount of Fantastics with the old system. If we switched to a thumbs-up/down even less information would be provided. Brownegg stated it best

On March 11, 2016 at 10:27 AM, brownegg said:

Or, we could change nothing at all about the current system and guys could stop padding ratings so much.  It's a very simple problem with a very simple solution.



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With all (or most) 10s, how do we distinguish between that naked pile with bodies cumming all around you or that hour when you passed out with a grin on your face from the 45min hour where you barely got your nut?

With thumbs up/down we are forced to rely on the descriptive portion of the review and we're likely to be more forthcoming in our narratives. While I'm not a great fan of systems that grant access for reviews, at least on ECCIE you don't get credit unless the mods think you have included enough detail. 

As for looks, 'Pictures accurate (Y|N)?' should be sufficient, despite the problems of selective poses & representative (though 'borrowed') images. 


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19 hours ago, Badboy said:

I think most of us see a 10 as being someone who looks sorta like the photos, was pretty nice, smelled pretty good, was willing to have vigorous sex with a pretty average looking older guy, was willing to engage in a variety of interesting activities, pretended to come and was fairly convincing when she pretended to enjoy the visit. 

Can't describe the problem much better than that.


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21 hours ago, pfunk said:

You're assuming that they experienced the same thing you did. I highly doubt that's the case.

Poor scheduling on her part, bad experience with the previous guy, stress from bills, family, or illness. Maybe a bad commute! Could be anything, that caused her to deliver a less-than-stellar appointment.

Your not-so-great experience may be a complete outlier, and probably is. 

It's not fun when it happens, I know from personal experience. I don't blame the other reviewers, though. They probably did have better experiences. I was just unlucky. :)

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The most recent not great experience I had was because I read all of her reviews at 9s and 10s, but I misread some things, didn't check the time everyone else put down, and no one else had a big enough problem with some of the ways she acted to note it. (More people seem to not care about the whole time once they get off and think its time to walk away even if it's 30 min early).

While you're right, sometimes they have a COMPLETELY different experience, but my tendency has been to re-read the reviews and see that maybe they were far more enthusiastic than I think they should have been. Maybe I'm explaining it wrong, makes sense to me haha.

20 hours ago, TheWhisperer said:

We are open to an alternative to the numbered ratings. However, whether you choose numbers 1-10 or the old rating system which was essentially 1-5 it is still all subjective. Also note, that there were a disproportionate amount of Fantastics with the old system. If we switched to a thumbs-up/down even less information would be provided. Brownegg stated it best


Ya, I don't see much difference in 1-5 or 1-10, it's all the same (especially if you go 4.5 etc). I dislike the up or down system more though. 

Maybe someone can come up with a better way to write out a suggestion that will get guys to fill the form out better for numbering (without the coercion TER has that says she MUST do 3 things to get over a 7).


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