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About TML93

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  1. cleaning the hose before the cleaners arrive

    I have heard this before from ladies. It does not seem to be that unusual. But I usually eat something before I go grocery shopping. So I guess that's kind of the same thing?
  2. I'm surprised @TheRightStuff has not replied to this thread yet. This seems right in his wheelhouse. Welcome @pitydick
  3. One rule I have (Especially now that summer is here) if I see kids selling lemonade I always try to buy a cup. (If I have cash on me, but it would not suprise me if some of these kids have Venmo now) But inflation has reached the lemonade stand as well. This past weekend I found a stand that was selling a cup of lemonade for $3.00. (About 8 oz cups) I remeber a couple of years ago this kid in my neighborhood had a theatre size box of Mike and Ikes. (For those not familar they are like jelly beans) He asked me if I wanted to buy some. I asked how much and he said $1. I thought $1 for that size box was a good deal, so I said I would buy one. Then he opened the box and pulled out one Mike and Ike and handed it to me. I had to tell him no thanks, that it was a bit out of my price range. I don't know if this really helps them, but I feel good after doing it. And I appreciate when kids show some initiave and hustle to make an honest buck. (Or three) Now if I can just find a lemonade stand that uses Door Dash.

    Personally I never found genitalia (Male or Female) attractive. That's why my favourite euphemsim for sex is "Bumping Uglies".
  5. Not another rate thread

    How is this not a rate thread? The concept of lowering rates to increase business has already been discussed in these fourms. I always thought it was peculiar when someone would say "No offense, but (Something offensive)" "What why are you offended? I said no offense."
  6. Screening…..

    I think you mean a 180. A 360 would put you right back where you were.
  7. Screening…..

    Before this thread gets closed (please close this thread) I'm curious @TheRightStuff how did you choose your handle? Are you a fan of the 80's movie about USA space exploration? Or are you a fan of New Kids on the Block? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... The Right Stuff!
  8. Boy do I know how to find them…

    Maybe I can help you understand. @Elle Blake met a gentleman in 2016. Then that same gentleman contacted her in October 2023. This was a suprise to her because the last time she communicated with him he was rude. She later clarified that this was two years prior to the October 2023 contact, so that would mean sometime in 2021.
  9. Screening…..

    I find it strange that you know exactly how many times you saw this ASP. If it was 2-3 times I would understand, but 78 is kind of weird. It reminds me of that episode of Friends when Ross is couch shopping and Rachel is with him. The salesperson is surprised that he and Rachel dated and Ross tells him that they did it 298 times. Rachel was a little werided out that he kept track, I guess I feel a little like Rachel did. I also agree that you should not post her picture here. If she is retired and removed herself from social media and all platforms I don't think she would appreciate you posting her picture here especially if you don't have her premission. Even if you did have her blessing what would you want to accomplish by posting her picture here? So you can show her off, and we can judge her and your taste? That is a little weird to me as well. But I give you credit for contributing something new to the conversation.
  10. Have you ever dated?

    I had a girlfriend named Dawn, her dad's name is Don. He told me he wanted a boy so he could name him Don jr, but when he had a girl he still named her after himself but used the girl spelling. Then he had another daughter and no son. (I can't remember what Dawn's sisters name was) I didn't date but I had a huge crush on a girl named Andy. (With a y not an I) I also got beat up once by a boy named Sue. He really had anger issues.
  11. Incall vs. Outcall?

    I have noticed that 99.999% of your posts are the same. J/K, I appreciate that you want to offer advice to new clients. To the OP I personally feel much more comfortable with Incalls. If I do an Outcall it's when I am not at home, and I am in a hotel. But you never let us know what your issues are that have you nervous to pull the trigger. You mentioned your issues are obvious, but I guess make a pro/con list for Incall vs Outcall and go with the one that has more pros.
  12. Incall vs. Outcall?

    Some providers do not want reviews, or they would like reviews on certain sites. Usually when I am leaving I will ask the provider if she would like a review, and what site(s) she would like it on. I've joined a couple of sites just so I can submit a review. I would not put too much stock in TER reviews. I personally won't submit a review there. I have had reviews rejected because I was not explicit enough. This I believe causes some clients to exaggerate. Also I think every review should be thought of as YMMV. You can't expect her "playbook" to be the same for you as it was for someone else. I am curious, I know some providers that don't use hotels at all. They rent an apartment or townhome for incalls. What do you think of providers who do this? Do you think it's not safe? (For the provider and the client) I have also met providers because they were recommended to me by another provider that I have seen. What do you think of this? It sounds like you have found a system that works for you, and that's great. But I don't think anything is fool proof 100%, (or 99.999%) and there are nuances that don't fall into your "boxes".
  13. Alright ladies, what's with the hair extensions?

    I can't help but think of Jerry Seinfeld when I read the name of this topic. ("What's the deal with hair extensions") I'm neutrel when it comes to hair extensions. I never intentionally touch a provider's hair so if it looks good to the provider, then it's good for me.
  14. Boyfriends

    I think you misunderstood, @Audrey Astor said it was inappropriate for the provider to have a boyfriend or husband outside waiting. Then she asked why you brought it up i.e. did this happen to you?
  15. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    Please don't tell me you are alternating between vanginal and anal sex and vice versa. There are some serious health issues if you do that. (I can't imagine a provider would allow you to do that) Are you changing condoms when you are alternating?