
It's me or it's free: marketing scheme

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First of all, the "it's me or it's free" phrase makes no sense to me. Why? Well, this is a business and if I'm not getting what I want then I'm not buying. I mean any girl can post a photo they stole from some social media website and you show up and it's not her. Now what? Would you still engage if the girl was 450lbs. and it's free? I guess to each their own. I don't always take things I don't like for free. 


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54 minutes ago, inadifferentvoice said:

First of all, the "it's me or it's free" phrase makes no sense to me. Why? Well, this is a business and if I'm not getting what I want then I'm not buying. I mean any girl can post a photo they stole from some social media website and you show up and it's not her. Now what? Would you still engage if the girl was 450lbs. and it's free? I guess to each their own. I don't always take things I don't like for free. 

Nope, even at 450lbs., you are still going to have to pay."That's me  in the picture" she will say- " from spring break 1986"


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I have walked out of a meeting if the girl has posted incorrect pictures ( not her or she is way larger than her pics)  


If you choose to stay thats your loss


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6 hours ago, inadifferentvoice said:

First of all, the "it's me or it's free" phrase makes no sense to me. Why? Well, this is a business and if I'm not getting what I want then I'm not buying. I mean any girl can post a photo they stole from some social media website and you show up and it's not her. Now what? Would you still engage if the girl was 450lbs. and it's free? I guess to each their own. I don't always take things I don't like for free. 

If this is a business for you then you'll have to accept that, as any other business, this one has it's risks and challenges. If you didn't get what you wanted, under reasonable circumstances, then you'll have to walk away and what you lost was just time and gas. Not too bad after all, comparing to other business :)

For me it's a hobby, it's about having fun and if I have o lose time and gas because she was not the girl of the pics, well... that's part of the hobby. Next time I'll do a better research. Other hobbies are far more expensive and frustrating when things don't go as expected, so no reason to get angry and take the fun out of this hobby. But, this is just my opinion ;)


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So which is worse:

  • If it isn't me its free!!
  • Push it in , pull it in I'll give you $$$$ for it
  • If I can't meet or beat a bonifide deal I'll GIVE you the car!!

Just over the top advertising - none more believable than the other. Nor any more egregious than the other.


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It's the same with cancellation fees. How does a person collect that? Seems like a waste of time. I read the 100% me crap as a hidden agenda. You have to earn reputation, not swear to it first.


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When I first began perusing BP, that kind of ad caught my eye.  It seemed like a way to be sure I get what's being advertised. I never actually visited anyone with that kind of ad, though. Most of those I saw were unreviewed and too risky for me. Has anyone here actually tried one of these advertisers? If so, did you take advantage of the "deal" if she wasn't the person pictured? I would expect this has never happened--not successfully, anyway.



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The "free" implication is when you see it's clearly not her and walk out before the session without paying. Nothing in their posts actually implies that you get to have a session without paying. I personally wouldn't care to have one of those providers start to threaten to scream that one is attacking them if you don't pay.


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14 hours ago, amcbl1 said:

The "free" implication is when you see it's clearly not her and walk out before the session

To me it definitely implies that the service would be free. Otherwise, why advertise it? I also know that nobody is going to actually offer services for free. It's just a gimmic, like organic food. Walking out is always an option with, as you mentioned, the risk that she'll turn all crazy on you.

Edited by daaacz
Adding more awesome words

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On 5/16/2016 at 0:50 PM, inadifferentvoice said:

First of all, the "it's me or it's free" phrase makes no sense to me. Why? Well, this is a business and if I'm not getting what I want then I'm not buying. I mean any girl can post a photo they stole from some social media website and you show up and it's not her. Now what? Would you still engage if the girl was 450lbs. and it's free? I guess to each their own. I don't always take things I don't like for free. 

I love BBW providers and wouldn't walk out even if she was 450+lbs. #biggirlsneedlovin'too


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On 5/17/2016 at 9:16 AM, daaacz said:

When I first began perusing BP, that kind of ad caught my eye.  It seemed like a way to be sure I get what's being advertised. I never actually visited anyone with that kind of ad, though. Most of those I saw were unreviewed and too risky for me. Has anyone here actually tried one of these advertisers? If so, did you take advantage of the "deal" if she wasn't the person pictured? I would expect this has never happened--not successfully, anyway.


Good question.  I'd like to know if anyone ever responded to one of these ads, called the lady on not being the one in the pictures, and proceeded to receive a free session.  If so, please post a review. :)


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On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 5:29 PM, amcbl1 said:

The "free" implication is when you see it's clearly not her and walk out before the session without paying. Nothing in their posts actually implies that you get to have a session without paying. I personally wouldn't care to have one of those providers start to threaten to scream that one is attacking them if you don't pay.

We are hookers. "Free" is not part of the equation. However, I would like to think we all use our own pictures. But I am not so naïve as to think we do.  On my behalf, if I had to use someone else's pics- then I am in the wrong business.


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It's been my experience the pictures are usually her just not recent. I like to see dates on the pictures as some do


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