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Having not lived there nor frequented often the majestic city of Lakewood, I notice there is a lot of comments about staying out of Lakewood on the boards. Why is this? LE, bad providers, cheap clients...? Any other areas have reputations?


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It's my understanding that Lakewood LE has decided to waste taxpayer dollars more avidly than other cities. Fort Collins has wasted a lot of money/manpower recently by arresting clueless guys who knock on hotel doors. I feel so much safer now that these pathetic lonely guys have been publicly shamed. 

Edited by pitbull

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Who you callin' a pathetic lonely guy?


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I'm sure I'm not the  only one that  caters Lakewood to the verified and 411 gents.. A new guy calling from that area is a loss to me and I'm sure many others :( 


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If the girl/guy is legit, any city is safe. New/unknown every city is a risk. 


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I herd consequences are harsher in LW.. & they sting out of house/apartments/& hotels out there.I hate even driving through LW. 


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Lakewood has a reputation for aggressiveness in their enforcement.  Also, see this.  However, it doesn't deter me from seeing reputable providers in the area.


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On January 8, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Kandi Apple said:

Lakewood is notorious for busts. 

Yep always has been. I got busted there in the mid 80's. Pre-Internet Ad in the Rocky Mountain Oyster if anyone remembers that.



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